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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Konami" trends on Twitter with fans asking Sony to adquire their IPs in response to Micro's Beth acquisition

Lmao! These fans think Microsoft and Sony are on the same level

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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Drakrami said:
Bandorr said:
Is Konami a good example? If we are talking eye for an eye that would be Platinum, Square or Bandai imo.

Is Metal Gear not a big enough name for you? Kojima can either still work on new titles, while Metal Gear handed to a Sony studio, and that's 2 AAA games right there. How about Silent Hill that makes a lot of noise from the PT demo. Still nothing as big as Bethesda buy, but that's a 7.5billion price tag. 

Metal Gear is nowhere as big as Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. Or Tekken or Pac-Man. Its hype was a lot bigger than the actual series was, thanks to Kojima being a diva. Resident Evil is a bigger name than Metal Gear.

Immersiveunreality said:
Free Suikoden !
But to be real,taking over their ip's is not like taking over good studios that can make those ip's.

Suikoden with Sony will be just as used as Arc the Lad and Wild Arms. In fact it would be worse than that, you would get gotcha mobile game. 


Jranation said:
Lmao! These fans think Microsoft and Sony are on the same level

mark cap no way, indeed.

Microsoft have a cheat code for infinity money

Sony, seven years ago, was selling building e burning assets. Nintendo has almost the same value as Sony corp. 

Jranation said:
Lmao! These fans think Microsoft and Sony are on the same level

Lmao! This fan thinks Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, and Contra are worth $7.5 billion

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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Two youtubers joking around in Twitter asking for Sony to rescue 2 IPS that Konami have ---> oh mAh gahd, such pathetic Sony ponies, that só lame, damage control!!!! @sonydead @sonyfanboysmad @salt @papaphilismymom

I wish it was just two youtubers on twitter:

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BraLoD said:
Jranation said:
Lmao! These fans think Microsoft and Sony are on the same level


MS has almost infinite money and several times more than Sony, yet they lose to Sony every generation.

MS and Sony really are not on the same level in the slighest.

Exactly. Sony relies on making smaller exclusive deals. While MS have the Big chunk of $$$$ to have control over gaming franchises. A few years back people thought Microsoft isn't doing enough in their Xbox Division. Few years later we see them spending billions on it. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Agente42 said:
Jranation said:
Lmao! These fans think Microsoft and Sony are on the same level

mark cap no way, indeed.

Microsoft have a cheat code for infinity money

Sony, seven years ago, was selling building e burning assets. Nintendo has almost the same value as Sony corp. 

Exactly! Playstation > Xbox. No one can deny that. Microsoft > Sony. Also no one can deny that. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Bringing Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania and Suikoden under competent development and management would be pretty good, but I really can't see it happening.


Carl said:
Bringing Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania and Suikoden under competent development and management would be pretty good, but I really can't see it happening.

Unfortunately Konami will let the IP's rot. They make bank just from arcades now.

I would love to see new Castlevania.. Lord of Shadows was pretty great. And if Sony had rights to it and gave it to Santa Monica Studios.... Yeah lol. Pipe dream though.