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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gabe Newell favors Xbox

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DonFerrari said:
Azzanation said:

Nothing wrong with your answer, i am just saying, you need to see it in his own eyes, this wasn't a gaming event, he just made an appearance on a random show due to him being stuck in NZ for months, and if the question wasn't asked, he would have never of said anything. He used a smart answer to avoid anything coming back to bite him in the arse in case he said something out of line or false by mistake etc. So he just kept it simple. That's how i see it anyway. He also admitted he has no stake with either company. His a pure PC Elitist and most likely doesn't care what anyone thinks of him or his answer.

He is a public figure, relevant to console gaming, during a new gen, short after reveal of the consoles with everyone asking about the new consoles... let's not pretend when he accepted the invitation to be "interviewed" he didn't expect it to be questioned, nor that if he didn't want to talk about it he couldn't cut it on the first question, or on the second, he chose the replies he wanted deliberately.

What did you want him to do without getting into full details? Ignore the answer? That would look terrible.

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Remember when he favored the xbox 360 and talked shit of the ps3. Then years later portal 2 became lead on ps3 and then ported to xbox360.

hinch said:
Soundwave said:
A 12 teraflop system is better than a 10 teraflop system ... wow I'm shocked.

Because teraflops is always an indicator of a 'better' console.

Also me - brb throwing my Switch in the dumpster.

Being a portable console helps a lot. 

"why?" and he responded "Because it is. I don’t have a stake in that race,"

Sony's partnership with Epic?
You used to work at MS (right?)?
Your PC master race guy, and MS is PC?
Xbox games have been showing up on steam alot recently...?

Common gabe, no one believes you when you say "I don’t have a stake in that race".
Even then, a answear thats just "because, It is", isn't really a valid reason.

AsGryffynn said:
hinch said:

Because teraflops is always an indicator of a 'better' console.

Also me - brb throwing my Switch in the dumpster.

Being a portable console helps a lot. 

Its easier to carry there (to the dumpster)?

You kinda skipped the point, he's saying that how many tflops a console has doesnt make it a better one.
His proof, is he likes his switch.

You shouldn't need to excuse that logic or reasoning, with "its a portable", esp when it plays badly into the "throw into dumpster" part :p

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JRPGfan said:

"why?" and he responded "Because it is. I don’t have a stake in that race,"

Sony's partnership with Epic?
You used to work at MS (right?)?
Your PC master race guy, and MS is PC?
Xbox games have been showing up on steam alot recently...?

Common gabe, no one believes you when you say "I don’t have a stake in that race".
Even then, a answear thats just "because, It is", isn't really a valid reason.

I tend to lean towards this being the case however as mention he doesn't have stakes, maybe friendly competition? In an add where they showcased all the companies making games for the Series X, Valves name wasn't their so i think that's enough proof he doesn't care for the consoles themselves.

JRPGfan said:

"why?" and he responded "Because it is. I don’t have a stake in that race,"

Sony's partnership with Epic?
You used to work at MS (right?)?
Your PC master race guy, and MS is PC?
Xbox games have been showing up on steam alot recently...?

Common gabe, no one believes you when you say "I don’t have a stake in that race".
Even then, a answear thats just "because, It is", isn't really a valid reason.

We could also argue that it is in his interest that many people buy "Xbox Game Studios" games on Steam instead on Xbox (or on Windows Store for the "play anywhere" feature.

So he would probably earn more money if less Xbox consoles are sold.

Azzanation said:
DonFerrari said:

He is a public figure, relevant to console gaming, during a new gen, short after reveal of the consoles with everyone asking about the new consoles... let's not pretend when he accepted the invitation to be "interviewed" he didn't expect it to be questioned, nor that if he didn't want to talk about it he couldn't cut it on the first question, or on the second, he chose the replies he wanted deliberately.

What did you want him to do without getting into full details? Ignore the answer? That would look terrible.

He could refuse to do interview if he wants to keep vacation, he could reply to "which is better" with either I don`t have a favorite or I won`t answer, he could reply to the "why" with I won`t go in details or list the features or points he value... a lot of alternatives to "because it is".

You haven`t accepted the praises to PS5 SSD that gave a lot of details but are really fast to embrace a "because it is" answer when in favor of Xbox right?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Azzanation said:

I tend to lean towards this being the case however as mention he doesn't have stakes, maybe friendly competition? In an add where they showcased all the companies making games for the Series X, Valves name wasn't their so i think that's enough proof he doesn't care for the consoles themselves.

I don't even know why he could even come to such a conclusion, as Gabe hasn't geared Source engine specifically towards any given console like Tim has been doing with UE, as well as not porting any of his games to current systems in recent years, and let's not forget that MS hasn't been buying shares of Valve either like Sony has with Epic.

The notion that Epic has more to gain holds more ground that the silly notion that "because it is" comment means Gabe has more to gain than Epic.

I find the idea in general funny, because it's clearly a mirrored backlash comment, when Epic was fawning over just the PS5, but we already know what Tim is like, so there really wasn't much to see other than his usual commentary. Gabe utters a few small words while staying in a quarantined country, and that's somehow exactly the same as Epic?, absolutely ridiculous. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

DonFerrari said:

He could refuse to do interview if he wants to keep vacation, he could reply to "which is better" with either I don`t have a favorite or I won`t answer, he could reply to the "why" with I won`t go in details or list the features or points he value... a lot of alternatives to "because it is".

You haven`t accepted the praises to PS5 SSD that gave a lot of details but are really fast to embrace a "because it is" answer when in favor of Xbox right?

So you are saying that Gabe should never go on shows or attend any random interviews and announce his opinion? Remember its his opinion not yours. Everyone on this website continues to post all the positive feedback the PS5 has been getting from devs and the moment a major figure says something positive about the Xbox, people demand answers.. that says a lot doesn't it. I don't need the details from Gabe nore any devs for their appraisals, if they like something than good on them. 

I haven't used the SSDs in either the Series X or PS5 so why would i praise something that isn't even out yet? Odd thing to add to this conversation don't you think? 

Chazore said:

I don't even know why he could even come to such a conclusion, as Gabe hasn't geared Source engine specifically towards any given console like Tim has been doing with UE, as well as not porting any of his games to current systems in recent years, and let's not forget that MS hasn't been buying shares of Valve either like Sony has with Epic.

The notion that Epic has more to gain holds more ground that the silly notion that "because it is" comment means Gabe has more to gain than Epic.

I find the idea in general funny, because it's clearly a mirrored backlash comment, when Epic was fawning over just the PS5, but we already know what Tim is like, so there really wasn't much to see other than his usual commentary. Gabe utters a few small words while staying in a quarantined country, and that's somehow exactly the same as Epic?, absolutely ridiculous. 

I think its rather funny too. Its interesting that people believe Gabe is being a sell out when i looked a few times and could not see Valves name in the Studios making games for Series X. Sure Xbox has been supporting Steam a lot more lately however Sony have games on Steam too, maybe not as many, but they still do it. Weather Gabe's answer was to counter Epic's Tim's comments or he just likes Series X like he did the WiiU due to his personal taste is unknown and shouldn't be considered a huge deal. If Miyamoto came out and said he likes Google Stadia and didn't give an answer to why, i wouldn't take it to heart.