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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS needs to showcase XSX as well as UE5 showcased PS5

kirby007 said:
dont worry M$ is here to stay

Them staying has never been the problem, opposed to whether they can make their own high quality new IP .

Last edited by S.T.A.G.E. - on 04 June 2020

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The bar has gotten pretty low. Now MS needs a tech demo to compete?

I think this is more reflective of people being bored and wanting content that seemingly utilizes 9th gen specs now.

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goopy20 said:
shikamaru317 said:

You're assuming that MS is planning to use scaling for these cross-gen games. If the rumors are true, that is not the case, at least not for all of them. Supposedly for their 2 big launch titles, Halo Infinite and Forza Motorsport 8, separate current gen and next-gen builds of the games are being made, so that the Xbox One won't be holding back the Series X. We saw this done with some Microsoft exclusives on Xbox One that were also on 360:

All 3 of the above games had their 360 versions developed separately from the Xbox One version by porting studios. If the rumors are true, MS is doing the same thing with some of their cross-gen games this time around, but are doing the XB1 versions internally instead of relying on porting studios to do them. Supposedly the Halo Infinite trailers were already saw were running the Xbox One X build of the game, so if the rumors are true, the Xbox Series X build of Halo Infinite we see in July will look quite alot better, as the new Slipstream engine was built specifically for next-gen Halo development, not current gen.  

It is likely that some of their 2021 cross-gen games (like Hellblade 2) will have separate XB1 and XSX builds as well, though some of them may use scaling instead (mostly the smaller A and AA projects I would guess will be the ones to rely on scaling, since graphics don't matter as much on those). Then starting in early 2022, XB1 support will be dropped most likely, as Matt Booty only said games would be cross-gen for the next 2 years (meaning 2020 and 2021).

I haven't heard any rumor about Halo Infinite being developed separately for Series X, do you have a source for that? In any case, we'll see soon enough.

Why, so you can chop that up and twist it for your agenda like you did the other 343 interview that you harp back on repeatedly? lol

S.T.A.G.E. said:
kirby007 said:
dont worry M$ is here to stay

Them staying has never been the problem, but rather the question being able make their own high quality new IP .

There are numerous IPs that became fully realized thanks to MS bankrolling them. Those are risks many would have unlikely taken on. Its hard to imagine Halo being what it is without MS. Bungie was an obscure studio before that.

There are also several notable IPs made and owned by MS.

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@bolded That remains to be seen. We know Series X will be a bit stronger without a doubt. However, devs keep talking about how crazy this SSD is for PS5. I want to see if devs will fully utilize the power of Series X, or will they go for the supposed easier development route for PS5. I said "supposed" because many devs have come out to say how easy the PS5 is to develop for. I don't know for sure, I'm just going by what was reported. None of us will know until the games come out. 

I do agree with everything else you said though.

Well, PS5 will have faster load time that for certain, but in reality both consoles will have the benefit of a dedicated SSD drive. SSD doesn't help bridge the gap between other components meaning the third party games should run better on Xbox. Sony will benefit from having a weaker console in the long run since it gives its dedicated fan more reason to pick up a PS5 Pro in 3 years or for people to pay higher prices for the PS5 Pro that waited on upgrading from PS4. 

Even though Microsoft is potentially going to lead next-gen with graphics that can't be the focus they need to take. Going toe to toe with Sony on graphics won't matter since Sony's exclusive at the moment are far superior to Microsoft's offering. So, Microsoft needs to keep taking a different approach that really sets them apart from Sony. 

Microsoft All-access all-inclusive approach vs Sony's Next-Gen exclusive approach is really setting them in a different path to attract gamers, that might pay real dividends for Microsoft to recapture the ground they lost to Sony. 

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Kyuu said:
There isn't much MS can do at this point. They chose the CrossGen route which gives them the advantage of having a much larger player base to sell their games to, as well as those "pro-consumer" points their fanbase know and love. This comes at the expense of visually and maybe mechanically inferior early games to PS5's true exclusives, which may snowball into them lagging behind on the graphics front throughout the entire generation. The UE5 tech demo was the tip of the iceberg, not that I expect early Sony AAA games to match the level of what was shown in the demo, but I feel they won't be too far behind either.

MS can still put together a short playable true XSX tech demo, but the gap in quality between it and the actual XSX launch games would be pretty damn massive that casuals will call it fake.

If you want to compare you need to look at Apple to apple and this will be third-party games.  So in reality, in terms of graphics XSX will be ahead of PS5 running on both platforms. Until, the inevitable mid-gen refresh.

I like your last statement you made about MS, because who's really going to be held up to the quality of the UE5 demo? 
The reality is that Sony with the UE5 has set the bar for PS5, every game now needs to look like UE5 demo from day 1 and anything less will be a letdown. They promise true next-gen leap at the cost of pro-consumer offering to match Microsoft. Therefore, it's really Sony that needs to deliver on graphics since Microsoft can be forgiven because we are getting all the other amazing services.

Moore's law on computer power doesn't apply anymore and we shouldn't expect huge graphical leaps anymore compare to past generations. Besides, the best game of the last generation in my opinion is Breath of the Wild, the focus on graphics and power is not where you win mind share. Also, with the introduction of streaming service and where the gaming industry is going, most gamers won't experience the highest fidelity. XSX and PS5 should far out surpass what will be the norm in terms of expected graphics. Everyone is set to take part of streaming services including Sony. Until the technology improve every one will be streaming at 1080P. 

shikamaru317 said:

I mean, if you want to get technical, they already did. The Hellblade 2 reveal was in-engine running on Series X. Not quite the same as gameplay, but neither was the Unreal 5 demo for PS5; it is a tech demo, not an actual game. And Hellblade 2 overall looked better than the Unreal demo in my opinion, Senua in particular blew away the character model in the UE5 demo, but the environments in the Hellblade 2 trailer were pretty darn impressive too.

I think the key differences here are that Hellblade 2 was both a cinematic trailer and never confirmed as running in realtime on actual Series X hardware, so it's less convincing in terms of "this is how actual games will look".

shikamaru317 said:
Rafie said:

@bolded That remains to be seen. We know Series X will be a bit stronger without a doubt. However, devs keep talking about how crazy this SSD is for PS5. I want to see if devs will fully utilize the power of Series X, or will they go for the supposed easier development route for PS5. I said "supposed" because many devs have come out to say how easy the PS5 is to develop for. I don't know for sure, I'm just going by what was reported. None of us will know until the games come out. 

I do agree with everything else you said though.

I personally don't see how one would be significantly easier to develop for than the other. They are like 80% the same. Both are using AMD APU's comprised of Zen 2 CPU cores and RDNA 2 GPU cores. Both are using GDDR6, though MS opted to use different GDDR6 speeds for GPU tasks and CPU/OS tasks. Both have NVMe SSD's, though PS5's is faster. The 20% difference is mainly from things like Xbox's Velocity Architecture and DirectX 12 Ultimate features like Variable Rate Shading, and PS5's 3D audio Tempest Engine. 

I feel the same. They both seem pretty equal to me. Just like this current gen. Both machines are practically the same...give or take a few things here and there. Next gen won't be any different. I was just saying what I've seen in some recent articles and vids. I checked to see if there was some Sony bias, but a lot of them develop for all platforms. I won't believe anything until we see some actual factual gameplay and when the next gen is out of it's infancy. Give developers time to get acclimated with the new machines and pull all available power and resources they can when they familiarize themselves more.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

yvanjean said:

@bolded That remains to be seen. We know Series X will be a bit stronger without a doubt. However, devs keep talking about how crazy this SSD is for PS5. I want to see if devs will fully utilize the power of Series X, or will they go for the supposed easier development route for PS5. I said "supposed" because many devs have come out to say how easy the PS5 is to develop for. I don't know for sure, I'm just going by what was reported. None of us will know until the games come out. 

I do agree with everything else you said though.

Well, PS5 will have faster load time that for certain, but in reality both consoles will have the benefit of a dedicated SSD drive. SSD doesn't help bridge the gap between other components meaning the third party games should run better on Xbox. Sony will benefit from having a weaker console in the long run since it gives its dedicated fan more reason to pick up a PS5 Pro in 3 years or for people to pay higher prices for the PS5 Pro that waited on upgrading from PS4. 

Even though Microsoft is potentially going to lead next-gen with graphics that can't be the focus they need to take. Going toe to toe with Sony on graphics won't matter since Sony's exclusive at the moment are far superior to Microsoft's offering. So, Microsoft needs to keep taking a different approach that really sets them apart from Sony. 

Microsoft All-access all-inclusive approach vs Sony's Next-Gen exclusive approach is really setting them in a different path to attract gamers, that might pay real dividends for Microsoft to recapture the ground they lost to Sony. 

Well one thing is for certain. Microsoft is making headway with Series X and what they're offering is what gamers want. It looks to be the most attractive thus far. MS won't be making the same hiccups they made this gen. The fight will be closer in US and UK. I still think Sony will beat them worldwide though. I'm getting both anyway. Don't want to miss ANYTHING!!!

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

Full game sizes with the assets in the UE5 tech demo would be massive. I believe someone at Epic said recently that a thirty hour game would be hundreds of GB in size. It was designed to show off tech, not represent an actual game. Idk why anyone would want a company to showcase something that doesn't represent reality. I think people have forgotten that Epic showcases engines on Sony hardware like every gen (or at least the last three) and always talks about how the console has surpassed the PC and how utterly amazing the hardware is and yet the graphics haven't really caught up to those tech demos in most cases.

It was a tech demo. We already saw people questioning Hellblade II and more recently Scorn for not being in game on actual XSX hardware, the gaming world would be ok with MS making literal bullshots so long as they look good? lol