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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Scientists see signs of lasting immunity to COVID-19, even after mild infections:

UCSF research team engineers one of the most powerful antivirals yet discovered against the coronavirus:

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Atleast the number of new cases in the US are declining.

curl-6 said:

Scientists see signs of lasting immunity to COVID-19, even after mild infections:

UCSF research team engineers one of the most powerful antivirals yet discovered against the coronavirus:

If that stays true, it will be a HUGE relief, God I hope it's true, this is one thing that has really worried me, getting repeat infections cumulatively damaging lungs over time   

Barozi said:

5,853 positive cases (+26.2%) with 672k tests (+17.1%).

On average there were 836 positive cases a day (or 976 if you discard Sunday).

224 in ICU (-6.3%)

Cases are still rising, thankfully part of it is offset by a whopping 100k increase in testing capacity. Positivity rate stays at 1%.

7,711 positive cases (+31.7%) with 876k tests (+30.3%).

On average there were 1101 positive cases a day (or 1285 if you discard Sunday).

228 in ICU (+1.8%)

Massive increase in tests and therefore positive cases as well. Not much has changed in terms of positivity rate. 2 weeks ago the rate was 0.97%, last week was 0.99% and this week was 0.96%

The amount of Germans that got infected while being on vacation is also rising dramatically in some of the countries.
Within the past 4 weeks, 1.755 got infected in Kosovo; 1.134 in Turkey; and 786 in Croatia.
There's also no separate listing for Kosovo in the Worldometer chart, so I guess they are being added towards Serbia. In any case it seems to be heavily undertracked.
Other major travel destinations aren't that severe. Spain is #6, Austria on #12, while Italy and France aren't even in the top 12.

curl-6 said:

Here in Aus we just had our lowest daily case count in over a month, and for my state (which has been the epicenter for the current outbreak) the 4th day running in the 200s range, down from the 700s at the second wave's peak. Safe to say at this point we're over the summit, the second wave is winding down.

Now we just gotta make sure we don't get complacent again; after the first wave people were too quick to go back to normal as if we weren't still in a pandemic.

Thankfully in S.A. we are a little better off. Only a single active case on the odd day or two and usually over East in the capital city.

In saying that... Not all cases are being represented in statistics, I am aware of multiple cases in my region as I liaise with SA Health and SA Ambulance but that isn't represented in any statistics for some reason.

I am wondering what kind of an effect COVID Marshalls will have on keeping the public in line...

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Today's case count is our lowest since the 9th of July.
Still 179 new cases, but that's a damn sight better than the 700+ days we were getting a few weeks back.
We're beating it; slowly, but surely.

Corona got me today, in a roundabout way :(

I went out cycling, 83.5 km route, about 3.5 hours. I made it 66.5 km, 2 hours 45 minutes in back on an all too familiar home stretch with a good tail wind going a bit over 30 kph. I zoned out going back and forth in my head whether to send the kids back to school or not, the survey must be returned by Sunday. Sunk in my thoughts about current cases, school measures or lack of, risks, more and more people pulling out, the pm doesn't even feel its safe to send his kids back etc.

I remember seeing the advance stop sign, no recollection of seeing the actual stop sign nor slowing down at all. Suddenly I was on top of the intersection, red pickup truck coming from my left slamming on the brakes. It's too late for me to start braking, I stand up trying to speed up and outrun the car. I cleared the car but my back wheel did not. The pickup truck hits the back of my wheel, my bike gets thrown to the right I fly off, still going over 30 kph, land on my right side roll / slide over my back and end on my left side.

Impossible to miss a big red truck coming from the left here, but I did.

There was stuff growing in the field but not high enough to obscure a pickup truck. And although I don't always come to a complete stop there I always slow down to a near stop since the right side view is obstructed by trees. No clue how I did not see that truck coming or why I kept going full speed.

I stay down for a bit, notice a lot of blood on my right arm, left hand covered as well, but at least nothing feels broken and never lost consciousness nor got the wind knocked out of me. I get up to look at my bike, back wheel all bent, inoperable. The guy yells at me I blew through the stop sign, I said sorry while standing there bleeding. He asks if I need the police, I think I'm fine. Then he looks at his bumper, finds a scratch and decides to call them anyway. Meanwhile, heat, exhaustion, dehydration plus adrenaline kick in, so I drag my bike off the road and lay down in the grass face down to cool down.

Another car pulls up, turns out to be two nurses (lab techs) from McMaster (hospital in Hamilton) what are the odds on a normally abandoned road in the middle of nowhere... They check me out, while someone from the house at the corner provides a towel to apply pressure to my elbow which is still bleeding. The nurse calls my wife for me to let her know I'm all right but not coming home in time... They get some water as well to wash some of the blood off to see where it's coming from, just a cut on my elbow, doesn't seem too serious. I'm a bit light headed but otherwise fine, just the heat and rush wearing off. I'm not allowed to move anymore in case of neck injury.

Police arrive first then, fire and rescue and ambulance. I don't think it's all necessary but the ball has started rolling, procedure ensues. Back board, neck brace, vitals check, into the ambulance. I'm all calm on the way to the hospital, vitals are fine, pulse actually dropped to 57 but strong. (Just setting off alarms below 60) I get an IV needle inserted just in case. Unfortunately the ambulance from the county I just came from showed up first so I'm getting ferried back to Woodstock lol. Better anyway since no covid-19 cases there. They ask me for covid-19 exposure in the ambulance (they were all wearing full protective gear), told them we've been isolating since my wife is immunocompromised. They give me a mask for in the ER to protect my wife.

I spend a couple hours in the ER in a separate room, mostly waiting for the doctor to come check me over. Mostly ok except a badly strained / bruised muscle in my right thigh (he was sure it couldn't be broken since I moved my bike after), bad road rash all around and a cut in my arm. No stitches needed, bandaged, 3 tylenol and a toradol injection for my leg and a tetanus shot to be sure. Prescription for naproxen to keep the inflammation/swelling in my right leg down and I was clear to go. The bed was a bit bloodied from me laying on it yuck. Bleeding clears wounds out :) (They said it all looked pretty clean, didn't need irrigation or anything, just clean at home)

All they needed from me btw was my name and date of birth. I didn't have any ID on me or anything, all in the system. Universal healthcare is very efficient. I probably will get a bill send home for the ambulance ride, which is just CAD 45 co-pay. Could be more, but at max a few hundred. Meanwhile the police had already delivered my damaged bike and dented helmet home. The hospital called my wife to come pick me up (She wasn't allowed to come sooner to see me, covid rules, no visitors allowed) I walked outside with my mask on, skipping the ER waiting room (plenty people waiting there all with masks) safer outside. Walked slowly that is, my right leg is frigging sore.

Dunno if I'll get a ticket for running the stop sign, doesn't matter, I deserve one. Stupid. Lesson learned, stop mulling things over, pay attention to the road in front of you. I've been noticing more often lately that some parts are a complete blank, like how did I get here already. Too much stress dealing with all this crap. My bike needs a new back wheel at least, hopefully the frame isn't bend. I'll be feeling it tomorrow and for a while to come. Cleaning out all the road rash in the shower was the highlight of my day lol.

Eff this year.

Back to the numbers

Ontario’s Health Minister Christine Elliott stated on Thursday that the province is confirming 76 cases of the novel coronavirus but says that number is missing information due to an issue with their Integrated Public Health Information System.

Bleh, well those that did get recorded have the same positivity rate as yesterday so still averaging a bit above 100 a day. Couple more cases confirmed in Brant County, so good thing I ended up in Woodstock.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 21 August 2020

Hi SvennoJ, I'm a cyclist as well, I know how vulnerable we are to any mistake we or others make particularly with a car/truck, I am very happy your ok and also that you have universal healthcare available ;)

I recently came off my bike breaking a rib, but I'm fine, so I feel a little of your pain ;)

Amazing detail you put into your post of what happened on the day, felt like I was there with you, those moments when you are distracted on your bike can be the most dangerous, I have learnt the hard way as well

Take care mate, hope you get back in the saddle soon

The back and forth keeps going, to school or not to school. The kids don't want to do the online stuff, 300 minutes a day between various (crappy) programs while logged in somehow with a teacher and other (random) class mates.

Then this was published today about back to school in Canada:

School bus, high risk. Only changes are masks and assigned seats for easier contact tracing. Windows don't open much in the bus.
Sitting at desk in class room, medium risk, but long time each day.
Eating in class room, high risk, masks off, still in the same space...

The schoolboard is leaving it up to the schools to improve ventilation and maybe install hvac (only 10 days left). However the windows in the elementary school that can open are very small and only open a crack, for safety.... Putting fans in the room won't do anything, just help circulate it faster...

Meanwhile cases are on the rise in parts of the country, flat in Ontario (avg 100 a day), couple new ones locally. No progress. Two days to decide...

SvennoJ said:

Corona got me today, in a roundabout way :(

I went out cycling, 83.5 km route, about 3.5 hours. I made it 66.5 km, 2 hours 45 minutes in back on an all too familiar home stretch with a good tail wind going a bit over 30 kph. I zoned out going back and forth in my head whether to send the kids back to school or not, the survey must be returned by Sunday. Sunk in my thoughts about current cases, school measures or lack of, risks, more and more people pulling out, the pm doesn't even feel its safe to send his kids back etc.

I remember seeing the advance stop sign, no recollection of seeing the actual stop sign nor slowing down at all. Suddenly I was on top of the intersection, red pickup truck coming from my left slamming on the brakes. It's too late for me to start braking, I stand up trying to speed up and outrun the car. I cleared the car but my back wheel did not. The pickup truck hits the back of my wheel, my bike gets thrown to the right I fly off, still going over 30 kph, land on my right side roll / slide over my back and end on my left side.

Impossible to miss a big red truck coming from the left here, but I did.

There was stuff growing in the field but not high enough to obscure a pickup truck. And although I don't always come to a complete stop there I always slow down to a near stop since the right side view is obstructed by trees. No clue how I did not see that truck coming or why I kept going full speed.

I stay down for a bit, notice a lot of blood on my right arm, left hand covered as well, but at least nothing feels broken and never lost consciousness nor got the wind knocked out of me. I get up to look at my bike, back wheel all bent, inoperable. The guy yells at me I blew through the stop sign, I said sorry while standing there bleeding. He asks if I need the police, I think I'm fine. Then he looks at his bumper, finds a scratch and decides to call them anyway. Meanwhile, heat, exhaustion, dehydration plus adrenaline kick in, so I drag my bike off the road and lay down in the grass face down to cool down.

Another car pulls up, turns out to be two nurses (lab techs) from McMaster (hospital in Hamilton) what are the odds on a normally abandoned road in the middle of nowhere... They check me out, while someone from the house at the corner provides a towel to apply pressure to my elbow which is still bleeding. The nurse calls my wife for me to let her know I'm all right but not coming home in time... They get some water as well to wash some of the blood off to see where it's coming from, just a cut on my elbow, doesn't seem too serious. I'm a bit light headed but otherwise fine, just the heat and rush wearing off. I'm not allowed to move anymore in case of neck injury.

Police arrive first then, fire and rescue and ambulance. I don't think it's all necessary but the ball has started rolling, procedure ensues. Back board, neck brace, vitals check, into the ambulance. I'm all calm on the way to the hospital, vitals are fine, pulse actually dropped to 57 but strong. (Just setting off alarms below 60) I get an IV needle inserted just in case. Unfortunately the ambulance from the county I just came from showed up first so I'm getting ferried back to Woodstock lol. Better anyway since no covid-19 cases there. They ask me for covid-19 exposure in the ambulance (they were all wearing full protective gear), told them we've been isolating since my wife is immunocompromised. They give me a mask for in the ER to protect my wife.

I spend a couple hours in the ER in a separate room, mostly waiting for the doctor to come check me over. Mostly ok except a badly strained / bruised muscle in my right thigh (he was sure it couldn't be broken since I moved my bike after), bad road rash all around and a cut in my arm. No stitches needed, bandaged, 3 tylenol and a toradol injection for my leg and a tetanus shot to be sure. Prescription for naproxen to keep the inflammation/swelling in my right leg down and I was clear to go. The bed was a bit bloodied from me laying on it yuck. Bleeding clears wounds out :) (They said it all looked pretty clean, didn't need irrigation or anything, just clean at home)

All they needed from me btw was my name and date of birth. I didn't have any ID on me or anything, all in the system. Universal healthcare is very efficient. I probably will get a bill send home for the ambulance ride, which is just CAD 45 co-pay. Could be more, but at max a few hundred. Meanwhile the police had already delivered my damaged bike and dented helmet home. The hospital called my wife to come pick me up (She wasn't allowed to come sooner to see me, covid rules, no visitors allowed) I walked outside with my mask on, skipping the ER waiting room (plenty people waiting there all with masks) safer outside. Walked slowly that is, my right leg is frigging sore.

Dunno if I'll get a ticket for running the stop sign, doesn't matter, I deserve one. Stupid. Lesson learned, stop mulling things over, pay attention to the road in front of you. I've been noticing more often lately that some parts are a complete blank, like how did I get here already. Too much stress dealing with all this crap. My bike needs a new back wheel at least, hopefully the frame isn't bend. I'll be feeling it tomorrow and for a while to come. Cleaning out all the road rash in the shower was the highlight of my day lol.

Eff this year.

Back to the numbers

Ontario’s Health Minister Christine Elliott stated on Thursday that the province is confirming 76 cases of the novel coronavirus but says that number is missing information due to an issue with their Integrated Public Health Information System.

Bleh, well those that did get recorded have the same positivity rate as yesterday so still averaging a bit above 100 a day. Couple more cases confirmed in Brant County, so good thing I ended up in Woodstock.

The locals around here bring up cyclists quite often. There's plenty of trails on and off road in this area, and there are way more cyclists than just a decade ago, but because of the nature and lack of vehicular traffic, it's detrimental to the cyclists because they get lackadaisical. Same with drivers in general, especially the one's who see it as an opportunity to speed or race because police are beyond rare here. I've had more than a few close calls over the years while driving and it's made me pay much more attention myself when driving and cycling. The cities may be congested, but at least it keeps the cyclists more aware.

Unfortunate you took a spill but it sounds as if you avoided tragedy that could've been much much worse. Thankfully not. All while pondering safety, though not your own. Has got to make you think. For all the thought we put into safety, no matter what, we're always going to be in danger if we expose ourselves in any way. Just can't escape illness and/or injury. It comes for everyone eventually, in one way or another. You either run and hide forever or face the consequences when they happen and can't be entirely avoided. Just gotta be thankful and reflect if you're one of the lucky one's.

I'd suggest taking up aviation perhaps, though that has it's own dangers if you leave the ground.