The back and forth keeps going, to school or not to school. The kids don't want to do the online stuff, 300 minutes a day between various (crappy) programs while logged in somehow with a teacher and other (random) class mates.
Then this was published today about back to school in Canada:
School bus, high risk. Only changes are masks and assigned seats for easier contact tracing. Windows don't open much in the bus.
Sitting at desk in class room, medium risk, but long time each day.
Eating in class room, high risk, masks off, still in the same space...
The schoolboard is leaving it up to the schools to improve ventilation and maybe install hvac (only 10 days left). However the windows in the elementary school that can open are very small and only open a crack, for safety.... Putting fans in the room won't do anything, just help circulate it faster...
Meanwhile cases are on the rise in parts of the country, flat in Ontario (avg 100 a day), couple new ones locally. No progress. Two days to decide...