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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

TallSilhouette said:
Pemalite said:
Went and did some training over east and listened to someone have a whinge before getting on a plane that it's "not natural" to wear a mask, our bodies never evolved for such "devices" to be used.

This definitely seems to be the latest talking point the deluded love to use. Just unfriended someone today that was spreading it around social media.

I expect more from fully grown Adults.

I don't get why it's such a hard task for them to do it. It saves lives.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Pemalite said:
TallSilhouette said:

This definitely seems to be the latest talking point the deluded love to use. Just unfriended someone today that was spreading it around social media.

I expect more from fully grown Adults.

I don't get why it's such a hard task for them to do it. It saves lives.

Yesterday I saw a raft go down the river (guided tour) fully loaded and they were all wearing masks! It just takes a while but eventually people get used to the new normal. Of course all the unguided ones don't wear mask and still sit on top of each other. At least it's outdoors.

Teachers are threatening to walk out here before school starts, not satisfied with the small measures taken. No room to space kids out further than 1 meter apart, no proper ventilation options (windows only open a crack for safety) and have to eat lunch at the desk (without mask of course) in the same room. 6 hours a day, up to 30 people in a room with limited (to outside) ventilation options while central air circulates the air between all class rooms...

Conina said:
Pemalite said:
Went and did some training over east and listened to someone have a whinge before getting on a plane that it's "not natural" to wear a mask, our bodies never evolved for such "devices" to be used.

First thought that came to my mind was... Why the fuck are you wearing shoes? Sadly couldn't speak my mind, uniform, government and all that.

Or clothes at all. Or *gasp* glasses to see better. That's cheating evolution!

To be fair, most people wearing glasses are exactly due to not being exposed to enough (natural!) sunlight when they are young.

It's the same thing with bracers and propensity to tooth decay. There are minor genetic factors involved but it's mostly due to the modern industrial lifestyle.






haxxiy said:
Conina said:

Or clothes at all. Or *gasp* glasses to see better. That's cheating evolution!

To be fair, most people wearing glasses are exactly due to not being exposed to enough (natural!) sunlight when they are young.

It's the same thing with bracers and propensity to tooth decay. There are minor genetic factors involved but it's mostly due to the modern industrial lifestyle.

I would say the main reason of the increase of people wearing glasses over the decades is that good eyesight for reading is much much more important than 50 or 100 or 150 or 200 years ago.

People that couldn't read or didn't have to read in their job rarely got tested or their bad eyesight was ignored.

haxxiy said:
Conina said:

Or clothes at all. Or *gasp* glasses to see better. That's cheating evolution!

To be fair, most people wearing glasses are exactly due to not being exposed to enough (natural!) sunlight when they are young.

It's the same thing with bracers and propensity to tooth decay. There are minor genetic factors involved but it's mostly due to the modern industrial lifestyle.

Where the heck do you get that from?

I agree with Conina, I can function perfectly fine without glasses (and spend most of my youth outdoors btw, pre console, only 2 tv channels generation). Yet for road safety I need to wear glasses (Although I drove for years without them) and do need them more and more now while getting older.

Same for bracers and tooth decay. Teeth simply rotted and got pulled in the old days, now it's all about having straight white teeth.

We made the decision today sort of. This was the big survey

Confidence in the quality of online learning further down to 20% after seeing the professionalism of that piece of work up there.

Still no clue what online learning is going to look like only that the school option will suck. Plus cases are on the rise again in Ontario including the positivity rate, fewer tests done and more new cases locally. Teachers are already petitioning for better safety measures and/or opting out themselves. School bus drivers are also not sure about going back to work. There is no confidence left.

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Second wave in the US is much less lethal than the first one (mostly happened in NYC). We are in the final burnout stage and this will be over by October. I wonder if the whole topic will disappear from the media before the election to avoid giving Trump a boost?

numberwang said:

Second wave in the US is much less lethal than the first one (mostly happened in NYC). We are in the final burnout stage and this will be over by October. I wonder if the whole topic will disappear from the media before the election to avoid giving Trump a boost?

Still like 71 days to go.
Still over 1000+ a day dieing to it.

Come election day, there could be ~250,000 deaths in the US to it.
Its still alot of people, that didn't need to go that did.

"The Covid Tracking Project, a respected and widely used resource, identified “major problems” with the new Department of Health and Human Services system in late July, and reported this week that “the federal data continue to be unreliable.”

The concern grows out of an order, issued last month by Mr. Azar, for hospitals to send daily reports about virus cases to a private vendor that transmits them to a central database in Washington instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had previously housed the data.

The order raised alarm that the data could be politicized or withheld from the public.

In comparing state hospitalization data with the new federal data this week, the Covid Tracking Project noticed major discrepancies."

The data from HHS is likely manipulated.
Its hard to say... however I doubt a "boost" to trump numbers happends because of covid19 handleing.

Biden should buy some ad time and run these:

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 24 August 2020

SvennoJ said:
haxxiy said:

To be fair, most people wearing glasses are exactly due to not being exposed to enough (natural!) sunlight when they are young.

It's the same thing with bracers and propensity to tooth decay. There are minor genetic factors involved but it's mostly due to the modern industrial lifestyle.

Where the heck do you get that from?

There has been quite a few studies done that show a connection to sunlight exposure in the young and eyesight quality outside of genetic variation

In many Asian countries this has been a long time issue of worsening eyesight due to increased in-door activities resulting in less sunlight exposure to eyes 

Some other issues of reduced sunlight exposure are bone health, immune system health and mental health 

CaptainExplosion said:

Acceptable? These right wing, parasitic, fascism enabling cockroaches think the deaths of thousands, most of which could've been prevented if they hadn't have bent over for their right orange cult leader, are acceptable?

Fuck the GOP, and fuck everyone who shares their views, fuck them all to fucking hell.

Gonna have a wild guess that people who find the numbers acceptable have actually no idea what the numbers are. And why would they have to know them when they have a president who constantly assures everyone that their numbers are some of the best in the world.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

JRPGfan said:

Biden should buy some ad time and run these:

Those are brilliant.