SvennoJ said:
This is what I mean by doing my own 'research' Not anecdotes, or twitter or you tube or face book crap...
All I meant with sleep as a cure, is it's the opposite of stress making things worse.
Cannabis helped me through a bad back injury, too much pain to sleep for months, less negative effects and less damaging to the liver as apposed to subscription and over the counter pain medication. It's not a "cure", it facilitates the healing process by reducing inflammation and stress levels. It was more effective than toradol (ketorolac) which you can't even use for more than 5 or 6 days.
I am not denying that there is no therapeutic effects to Cannabis, on the contrary, I support the science on this.
But I am not under an illusion that it's a miracle drug capable of curing every disease known to man-kind like some proponents, especially those with an addiction or financial interest would like me to believe.
I also believe it should be legalized for medical reasons, but kept illegal for recreational purposes.
SvennoJ said:
But very true, smoking is no good in general. And you shouldn't be driving with pain killers either. Smoking is no way to dose either, oil extracts with known concentration is the way to go.
Correct. Often people like to argue with me on this point... At the end of the day, I am the one responding to these vehicle accidents and seeing the devastation that drugs have on society first hand.
..And it's my personal number one concern if it became legalized recreationally as it will affect me directly.
Oil can also be dangerous. I.E. The diabetes example I provided earlier.
The need for a doctor is what is required here, which is why it needs to be legal for medical purposes world-wide so that we can get the appropriate medical support, treatment and statistics on it's effect and use...
Because when we have some random pro-cannabis hack that tells a friend of mine that Cannabis oil will cure their diabetes... And instead when consumed actually spiked her insulin level requiring hospitalization... Then we have a problem.
It's backyard medicine, it's dangerous.
SvennoJ said:
As for chemo, I know people that have simply said enough is enough. Stick it out with pain management and make peace with the inevitable. I'm not saying that's what your friend did, maybe he was truly misled which really sucks. My wife has been burned so many times with 'alternative' cures, last one being the chiropractor promising to help her chronic headaches. 100 treatments later, no improvement.
Perhaps Euthanasia being legal might be a better alternative for them.
SvennoJ said:
I'll keep using disinfectants to treat wounds and cannabis for getting at least 6 hours of sleep at night instead of 3 or 4 and being exhausted all day. Driving while tired is even more dangerous, I've had mornings where I really should not have been on the road. I've actually fallen asleep while cycling a couple times, down an embankment or clipping a pole while fighting to keep my eyes open :/
You shouldn't be using disinfectant. You should be using antiseptic.
Sounds like you might have a dependency on Cannabis? I would be looking into the direct cause of what is preventing your ability to sleep and tackling the issue there... Sometimes just covering a problem up with a drug isn't the best alternative.
Sometimes all that is needed is extra exercise, stretching, correct room temperature and illumination so your body can have the appropriate hormone response to initiate sleep, I am not privy to you direct situation and my medical training and experience is only basic paramedic level.
SvennoJ said:
Anyway sorry if I hit a nerve. By the history of articles I link you should know I don't get my 'research' from you tube. (hate that medium with a passion when it comes to information sharing)
You didn't hit a nerve, I don't actually get "emotional" over text/forums, but I will happily debate until the cows come home in order to try and better guide people to better sources of information and education... Because information is key... Reliable information is extremely important... Especially when everyone is stuck at home and willing to try "home therapies" during the COVID era.