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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

SpokenTruth said:

4/24 Charts:

Very bad - US (record cases), Spain (highest case count in 3 weeks), Russia (2nd worst case - record deaths), Brazil (new cases and deaths still very high), Ireland (record deaths by a factor of 3x),

Bad - Canada (new cases and deaths are still rising), India (record deaths), Portugal (still high deaths), Peru (record deaths), Portugal (still high death count), Mexico (record new cases)

Ecuador - Massive testing increase. Double total cases in 1 day.

Good news - Multiple small nations have moved into a status of No Active Cases. This will also be a new chart that will appear above the others.

Correction for NY I guess, +8864 cases while they were down to 6K per day. That still leaves another 4.5K raise from other states.
It is Thursday, usually the peak in reporting before it goes down again for the weekend, yet today is extreme.

Spain 2K extra, Canada still going up, less cases than yesterday but reached a new 3 day avg high.

Ecuador's increased testing is partly responsible for setting a new world record, 105,616 new cases, last peak was April 3rd with 101,566 cases. Last time there was a jump like this in the world data was on April 1st. Current 5 day growth factor sprung up to 1.10x

The USA has been outpacing Europe for the last couple days and is starting to catch back up.

The USA came as close as 8.13 days behind Europe on April 2nd, then started losing ground as Russia entered the field. Together with the Easter dip the USA fell as far back as 11.13 days behind Europe in total case count and it looked like their peak would stay under that of Europe. Currently the reported cases are growing faster in the USA and the USA is now 10.41 days behind Europe.

Despite all the extra reported cases, the reported deaths went down worldwide and in the USA, steady in Europe. Russia still has a lot of growth left in reported deaths but most others are on a decline.

Not a good day, but most of the jumps are from increased testing, so it's not all bad.

Around the Network
EricHiggin said:

As per the clip, I don't see anywhere where he said that. Looks as though what he said was taken out of context.

It really hasn't.

"I see that disinfectant knocks it out in a minute, in 1 minute, is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and does a number on the lungs".

That is the EXACT god damn quote. It is not taken out of context... It can't be taken out of context.

EricHiggin said:

Trump mentions the disinfectant and asks if there's something that can be done with that with injections as well. He says it would be interesting to check that and that medical doctors would have to be used (because obviously he's not a doctor and doesn't know for sure if that can be done).

Correct. Suggesting that you can inject disinfectant into the body is stupid, uneducated and downright dangerous.

If he isn't a doctor, he shouldn't be suggesting this to start with, he is not educated, he isn't trained.
And it wouldn't be interesting to check, we already know the outcome... It's called using common sense which he seems to lack in this instance.

The fact of the matter is, he is supposed to be providing a SITREP or "Situational Update" on the Corona virus and laying out plans of what approach the American government is taking, what approaches they have taken and how the situation is changing/evolving rather than suggest some far-off rubbish that has no real-world application and constantly pat himself on the back with self praise and promotion.

At the moment the entire world is laughing at the USA, laughing at Trump. I'm not kidding.

EricHiggin said:

Now how many people know for certain this can't be done in anyway? I for one, based on what I know, would assume it's not possible, but who's to say it's not possible in some specific manner? If it wasn't possible, then I don't know what was so bad about what Trump said. He's being more open to possibilities at this time since it's about saving lives, so if it's not possible, so what? If he had said it worked and demanded it be implemented asap, then that would certainly be a problem. Questioning possibilities shouldn't be a bad thing. I'd hate for the scientific community and their backers to start thinking that way.

It's not saving lives.

People in general are stupid. - Remember when Trump suggested that hydroxychloroquine might be a viable treatment for Corona?

Well. Some idiot went out and tried it. And killed themselves... Because they couldn't work the differences out between fish tank cleaner and what Trump was promoting, they saw the word on the bottle and gave it a try. - Trump is the head of state, he wouldn't lie or leed anyone astray or get anything wrong, would he?

EricHiggin said:

Why is it that in general, when Trump acts as if he knows everything, some people go after him because they say that's not true, yet when Trump says something like this, being fairly clear that he doesn't know everything while looking for answers, those same people go after him because supposedly he should know everything?

So who's right and who's wrong? Is anybody right?

I wonder what people would have said back in the day, if the President questioned blasting peoples bodies with radiation to cure cancer?

Because on one hand Trump says "He's not an expert" but then on the other hand in the same sentence he will say "He is smart".
The two don't go together.

Trump is also the head of state, he represents the entire nation, people follow him, take onboard and even "try" his ideas.

If Trump says something stupid, which in this instance he did... Then he deserves ridicule and condemnation.

Also comparing radiation therapy to injecting disinfectant isn't even remotely the same, back then we didn't have the understanding of chemistry or radiation that we did today, disinfectant and it's effects on the human body have been studied intimately at this point by the scientific method.

Can't believe any of this had to be elaborated upon.

JWeinCom said:

He actually has experts he could talk to and can confirms whether or not injecting disinfectant is a good idea before he throws it out as a possibility.  

He was looking towards such an expert when he made those crazy statements.

At the end of the day... The best cure for Corona isn't to "try" these various chemicals... It is self isolation and waiting on a vaccine... Aka. A Prevention. - Which is a proven method to combat viruses.

EricHiggin said:

For example, some here said he was an idiot for bringing up injecting disinfectants. He was asking if it could be done and saying the professionals would need to figure that out. Maybe they already know it's not possible, who knows?

Scientists already know. Trump shouldn't be making suggestions on something he is clueless about, it's downright dangerous.

EricHiggin said:

Could some citizens misinterpret what Trump meant? Obviously so. Anybody could at any time. Just look how what some here have said and on social media and the MSM. If they can't get it straight, obviously others may not either. So it's Trumps problem that we're all imperfect?

Trumps ability to form coherent sentences is garbage at the best of times, the problem lays with him.
He needs to some training.

EricHiggin said:

Point is he's being bashed for 'idiotically' spreading misinformation when that's not what he said or meant. He just asked a question.

He made a suggestion framed as a question.

There is going to be some bogan somewhere who thinks they are "Protected by Jesus's Blood" that thinks it will work for them and go ahead and try it.

And Trump needs to be held accountable for that as he is in a position of influence.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

JRPGfan said:
John2290 said:

They could do it while intubating as they gotta get that apparatus in anyway and I doubt putting a small pill into the lungs would be an option, How much of it resides in the digestive track though? Hmm. It's probably not going to happen cause this is very different than TB which it was used in the 50's to treat alas, at least Trump is only half an idiot and I wouldn't be surprised he began testing it on the military. 

Not a pill that lights up with UV..... but like a normal pill, with medicin inside it, that works against the virus.

As good as trying everything might be, even UV light down a persons lunges.
Its not really something that sounds practical. Which was my point John.

Normal medicin solution would be much much better.
UV light would be better used as a form of prevention, in stores + near door handles on buildings, that sort of thing, to prevent spread.

UV light also damages human cells, which is why you shouldn't sunbathe too long or you get sunburn. And the human skin is the organ that is equipped to deal with a certain amount of UV light, the lungs aren't.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Next time Trump should ask if it's possible to download a COVID-19 destroyer app to your smartphone and use it to clean the virus from your lungs.

A wonderful, beautiful app. A gift from God.

Last edited by KiigelHeart - on 25 April 2020

Nighthawk117 said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Alcohol is a disinfectant. It can be 'injected' orally.

I inject Vodka orally on a daily basis, and I'm still Covid free as of this post. Fuck yeah.

Are you by any chance from Belarus?
Or just happy to comply with their presidents advice?

(relax people, drink some vodka, go to the saunas,... dont blow things out of proportions, go ride your tracktors)

Around the Network
jason1637 said:
38k in the US today. What happened?

More testing, finding more cases (best explaination, hitting almost 39k confirmed cases).
While spread is slowing in NY ect, its starting to pick up other places in the US.

Others, have you guys seen this?

If infection goes bad (your hospitalised, and moved to ICU), ~97% get Acute Respiratory Distress syndrom (cant breathe).
~23% get damaged kidneys (acute renal failure), and ~9% have heart damage (Acute Cardiac injury).

Even if you survive outta the ICU, life afterwards is gonna be grim.
(bad lunges, bad heart, bad kidneys)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 25 April 2020

LurkerJ said:
Mnementh said:

COVID-19 might just kill enough more Trump-voters (based on demographics) to cost Trump the the election:

Oh I remember when the Latino vote was supposed to hand Hillary the presidency, so she sat on her fat ass and sent Bernie to campaign on her behalf. The dem establishment love to win votes on demographics, identity politics and anything that doesn't involve real work or progressive policies. Not to mention, if this virus killed young people and spared the old, an article like this one would be insensitive and deserving of an outrage. 

I think nobody should sit on their hands and to expect an election to fall to them on their own. I shared this article, because I think it is interesting, not because I think we should spread SARS-2 to get Trump out of office.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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SpokenTruth said:

So this whole stupid cure angle comes from a guy named Mark Grenon.  Mr. Grenon wrote to President Trump just a few days ago and said, "chlorine dioxide can rid the body of Covid-19."   The advised Trump that it's, “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”.

But who is Mark Grenon and why would Trump even read his letter? To quote directly from The Guardian, "Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism."

But what makes this all worse is that on April 17, the Deportment of Justice sent the Grenon family a cease and desist letter to immediately stop selling their product and that a formal fraud investigation has been opened.

MMS? COVID-19 really brings all the loonies to the yard.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

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SpokenTruth said:

So this whole stupid cure angle comes from a guy named Mark Grenon.  Mr. Grenon wrote to President Trump just a few days ago and said, "chlorine dioxide can rid the body of Covid-19."   The advised Trump that it's, “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”.

But who is Mark Grenon and why would Trump even read his letter?

This letter should have never made its way into Trump's hands.  Why aren't the White House staff vetting these letters?  We truly have reached a new low.

The US had the biggest jump so far yet with new cases...39.000 people in 1 day.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints