SpokenTruth said: 4/24 Charts: Very bad - US (record cases), Spain (highest case count in 3 weeks), Russia (2nd worst case - record deaths), Brazil (new cases and deaths still very high), Ireland (record deaths by a factor of 3x), Bad - Canada (new cases and deaths are still rising), India (record deaths), Portugal (still high deaths), Peru (record deaths), Portugal (still high death count), Mexico (record new cases) Ecuador - Massive testing increase. Double total cases in 1 day. Good news - Multiple small nations have moved into a status of No Active Cases. This will also be a new chart that will appear above the others. |
Correction for NY I guess, +8864 cases while they were down to 6K per day. That still leaves another 4.5K raise from other states.
It is Thursday, usually the peak in reporting before it goes down again for the weekend, yet today is extreme.
Spain 2K extra, Canada still going up, less cases than yesterday but reached a new 3 day avg high.
Ecuador's increased testing is partly responsible for setting a new world record, 105,616 new cases, last peak was April 3rd with 101,566 cases. Last time there was a jump like this in the world data was on April 1st. Current 5 day growth factor sprung up to 1.10x
The USA has been outpacing Europe for the last couple days and is starting to catch back up.
The USA came as close as 8.13 days behind Europe on April 2nd, then started losing ground as Russia entered the field. Together with the Easter dip the USA fell as far back as 11.13 days behind Europe in total case count and it looked like their peak would stay under that of Europe. Currently the reported cases are growing faster in the USA and the USA is now 10.41 days behind Europe.
Despite all the extra reported cases, the reported deaths went down worldwide and in the USA, steady in Europe. Russia still has a lot of growth left in reported deaths but most others are on a decline.
Not a good day, but most of the jumps are from increased testing, so it's not all bad.