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Forums - Politics Discussion - Official 2020 US Election: Democratic Party Discussion

NightlyPoe said:
SpokenTruth said:

One thing to keep in mind for tomorrow that favors Sanders.


There are reports that some states already had cast more than half their votes prior to the South Carolina primary.  So even if polls are showing an increase to Biden in a given ST state now, it may not be as reflective of the actual vote totals simply because so many already voted.

Why this matters?  In all of the predictive models I have seen, none of them take into consideration early voting.  Not even 538.  I checked.

Early voting is one of the dumber concepts we've embraced in our elections.  It's literally closing off the possibility of a voter changing their mind sometimes a month before an election.

Early voting has it's problems, but it is a way to ease access to voting and that is a big concern. If everyone has easy access to vote on election day and you have high turnout, than you can probably drop early voting. But as long as people have to go long ways, find each election a new location as it changes, have problems with registration, wait in lines for hours, have to work on election day, ... as long as these problems exists, early voting can be an alternative, despite it's downsides.

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Mnementh said:
haxxiy said:
I'm sure Warren is super thrilled about the prospect of endorsing Sanders after his bros calling her a snake and threatening to primary her.

She doesn't owe Sanders shit. He doesn't own the progressive movement.

I get back to my original assumption: Warren and Sanders probably have an alliance and plan to pool their delegates. At this point this might result in screwing Biden out of the nomination.

..... Are we really still humoring this? Warren is actively trying to claim she's in the progressive lane and stiffing Bernie so that she siphons votes from him helping Biden. She's blatantly been saying this, read between the lines.

@haxxiy I'm sorry but who threw the first god damn punch? It wasn't Sanders nor his supporters, it was Warren. She came out an attacked Bernie, so many times over the past year and then had the most disgusting and wicked smear this season when she claimed he said a woman couldn't win. She burned that bridge. And even before that she kept taking shots at Bernie and the man himself stayed quiet. Do you know the first time he mentioned her by name was when he was asked directly by cooper about her comments and he didn't attack her. He just disagreed respectfully. Warren has been the one lying and throwing mud and I'm 100% saying she would never endorse Bernie. I didn't like that she was running in the first place because I knew she'd split the progressive vote cause progressives for reason liked her. As time went on and it became clear I called her out for being a snake way before she revealed herself as one. It was clear what her intentions were from the start. She threw the first punch, she threw the 2nd punch, she even threw the third punch before Nina had had enough and went for her. And she didn't go after her by name, unlike Warren who kept lying about Bernie and his policies until she killed her own campaign.

This is the reality of it, you may not like it but this is the case. The Progressive movement is being screwed by Warren. Also Hax, did we claim that Bernie owned the movement? I feel like you ignore his slogan is Not me, Us very often. If she was for the movement she'd endorse sanders and drop out, but she's said it before and I really hoped that people woke up to it when she did but we still have people clinging to this false hope that she'll be some savior. She's got a deal with Obama and Joe, Obama has been saying keep your eyes on her for a god damn reason and he comes out and pulls all these strings for Biden in the last few hours and you think him signaling to Warren isn't part of that? Warren is a snake. She's used the progressive movement and then back stabbed it to be a player in the game. I warned people about her, I kept saying she's not a friend. I pointed out that she's a pathological liar numerous times but here we are. Today is the day we're probably going to be doomed to 4 more years of Trump. But yes, go off. The Movement will go on with Bernie, that's why its about us and I can assure you. if Bernie doesn't win the nomination then 4 more years of Trump will be the best case scenario after you've finished pissing off millions and millions of Americans who are at their breaking points.

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Why are these "millions and millions of Americans at their breaking points" (questionable, since there are more Republican-leaning than Democratic-leaning non-voters in the country) more important than the millions and millions of women and moderates in suburbs who aren't going to vote for Sanders, then? Or is it just the moderate lane that is morally obligated to vote for the Democratic candidate against Trump?

Sanders hasn't made any friends in Congress or Senate, even though he has been there for some 30 years. He never has been a part of the Democratic party except when it befits his interests. He rants against the estabilishment like Trump, except that he forgets that also include the very politicians who'll approve or reject his plans if he becomes president, and also the vast majority of registered democrats voting in these primaries (specially the closed primaries after Super Tuesday). No wonder, then, he can't get any of them to endorse him and has to content himself with giving speaking time to anti-vaxxer Mariane Williamson at his rallies.

Of course, that shouldn't be a problem, right? If things are that bad, surely Sanders can get a majority of Democratic voters to choose him in the primaries?






haxxiy said:

Why are these "millions and millions of Americans at their breaking points" (questionable, since there are more Republican-leaning than Democratic-leaning non-voters in the country) more important than the millions and millions of women and moderates in suburbs who aren't going to vote for Sanders, then? Or is it just the moderate lane that is morally obligated to vote for the Democratic candidate against Trump?

Sanders hasn't made any friends in Congress or Senate, even though he has been there for some 30 years. He never has been a part of the Democratic party except when it befits his interests. He rants against the estabilishment like Trump, except that he forgets that also include the very politicians who'll approve or reject his plans if he becomes president, and also the vast majority of registered democrats voting in these primaries (specially the closed primaries after Super Tuesday). No wonder, then, he can't get any of them to endorse him and has to content himself with giving speaking time to anti-vaxxer Mariane Williamson at his rallies.

Of course, that shouldn't be a problem, right? If things are that bad, surely Sanders can get a majority of Democratic voters to choose him in the primaries?

Do I need to point out how many americans are living paycheck to paycheck. You need to come out of partisan dreamland real quick and take a look at this country. Take a look at the mental health and exhaustion that's happening. Bernie has given lots of people hope, and he looks to be the one politician whose fighting for everyday people. If you go out of your way to cheat him then people will retaliate in a number of ways. The best case scenario is that they just become a political giving the republican party full control. The worst case scenario is that they lash out and start to burn things down, and let me tell you, that one aint far off cause people are pissed.

And on Bernie not making friends in Congress. Do you not see the man working with colleagues in both parties and all of them straight up respecting him and calling him a friend or simply put the most honest member of congress? You literally discredit everything Bernie has done and the establishment doesn't want Bernie to win because he's going to hurt their pockets by redistributing wealth to the people who need it. Of course they wont come to him and of course they'll fight him. We know this, and that's why we're seeing an anti-establishment wave. Why do you think Trump won again? Why do you think Bernie is doing as well as he is? We're in a populist era and we're telling the establishment to kindly move and they're telling us to f* off.

And Again, do you know how many Berniecrats are running in this election? We have a ton of grassroots people running, its a movement! Shahid is going for Pelosi, with have Sema in Texas (though aoc f* her over) and so many more who are running. Its not just Bernie, that's why its a movement that you keep discrediting. Bernie also has the most volunteers and is the reason why voter turn out is up. He's going to people who have never voted and getting them into politics and if they see blatant cheating they will never come back again. You seem very fine with the republican party ruling everything it seems.

Marianne Williamson is a + not a minus. She again brought in new people and ran as a progressive uniting behind the one progressive that can win. In fact let me just go with all the outsider candidates. Did you know there was an alliance out of respect between the outsider's supporters until certain people came along and started to push certain things? Yang gang, Tulsicrats, Orb gang and Berniecrats were aligned for the longest. Yang seems to have sold out, and Tulsi is fighting the good fight in a different way. Orb gang has joined us. that's all.

And would I be fine with all this if the election was fair? of course I would but its not. Polling locations being moved a day before is totally natural in a democracy, oh wait no that's voter suppression. Not telling california residents who want to vote in the dem primary who a NPP voters about having to request cross over ballots? Voter suppression. Sending people their mails back saying that their sig is different from on their DMV because its totally always gonna be the same? Voter suppression.

In a free and fair election where everyone could vote, in a real democracy there would be no closed Primaries. Everyone would come out and vote for who they want and the person with the most votes would win, but that's not here. I have no confidence in the system, we have literal incorrect results being verified by the Iowa dem Party that we know is wrong but they don't care. We have polling places being closed in Minority neighbourhoods for no reason. I mean come on now. If the system was fair our voter turn out would be higher, but its not because people know the system is trash.

Reminds me of back in St.kitts where we literally have voted for like the last 30 or so years on some terrible boundaries that favour the Pam Party, yet Labour managed to be in power for 20 years and even when they lost 5 years ago they still had the popular vote. That's not fair or the right way for things to go but here you are using this terrible system as your defense. I'm sorry but if shit was fair, You could say that but you know and I know there is blatant voter suppression, and voter fraud. You know our voting machines are easily hack-able and when Tulsi had a bill for us to have paper trails nobody came to co-sponser. So I don't want to hear anything about "don't you believe Bernie can win the majority" nonsense. If it was fair hell yes, but its not.

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Fell on this video about predictions for Super Tuesday. What do you think about his choices? Will he be correct?

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SpokenTruth said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Fell on this video about predictions for Super Tuesday. What do you think about his choices? Will he be correct?

Not a bad prediction.  Not sure I'd change much myself...maybe a 3rd place finish or two might shuffle.

I have my doubts for Oklahoma though. Both Biden and Bloomberg were much stronger in the last poll, and even the one before (and first one since July last year) had Bloomberg beating Bernie, though Biden was lagging behind.

But the other ones, I could see happen, too.

Dear Gods of the Primary....

Please let the candidate with the most votes become the nominee.

NBC News Exit Poll in 12 of 14 states (Alabama, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia):

44% preferred returning to Obama policies
38% want more liberal policies than Obama
11% want more conservative policies than Obama






CNN called North Carolina as well for Biden with 0% in.