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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Are you circumsized ?


Are you?

Yes 45 37.82%
No 72 60.50%
undecided 2 1.68%

Yes and I don't really care. I'm not gonna cry and complain about it. I can still orgasm so it doesn't really matter to me lol.

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I am.

Moved to NSFW DIscussion

Dante9 said:
deltazero said:
I am and since I've had it from birth its what I am used to and happy with it. Would I circumcise my child? Maybe.
Reason being much like an appendix, its not nessesary and sometimes (0.01%) can cause compilcations which require it to be removed. I have two friends, both needed circumcision later in life.

First one had when 18 and the pain and soreness weeks afterwards was unbearable. Thankfully fine now. Other needs it but puts up with it since the pain and not wanting to mess with down there is perfectly understandable.

But as kinda stated before, 2 people out of the 1000s I know, doubt it would happen to my kid so *shrug*

I'm sure that religious folk have come up with a thousand non-religious excuses for having it done, but those are an afterthought to fight off modern criticism and protect the old custom.

I might grant you that the foreskin isn't absolutely necessary, but it's not really comparable to other truly unnecessary organs like the appendix, either. If the foreskin was a real disadvantage, evolution would have done away with it already, because it is involved in the reproduction of our species, a most critical function. Any needless surgery is pointless, and if it wasn't part of certain religious practices, there would'n even be discussion about it.

Well, it's not like this thing is going to go away any time soon, so each to their own I guess.

I didn't even have my kid christened,(let alone make surgical alterations to him) because I believe it's not ethical to force any kind of belief systems on an unwitting baby. When he is old enough to gauge the world and make his own decisions, he can do as he pleases.

Those weren't religious reasons by the way. And the appendix and tailbone still exist, despite being useless and only there to sometimes cause extreme pain.
Not saying by any means that circumision should be done, just explaining my non religious reasons, since personally I wouldn't do anything to my child for religious reason either

Dante9 said:
deltazero said:
I am and since I've had it from birth its what I am used to and happy with it. Would I circumcise my child? Maybe.
Reason being much like an appendix, its not nessesary and sometimes (0.01%) can cause compilcations which require it to be removed. I have two friends, both needed circumcision later in life.

First one had when 18 and the pain and soreness weeks afterwards was unbearable. Thankfully fine now. Other needs it but puts up with it since the pain and not wanting to mess with down there is perfectly understandable.

But as kinda stated before, 2 people out of the 1000s I know, doubt it would happen to my kid so *shrug*

I'm sure that religious folk have come up with a thousand non-religious excuses for having it done, but those are an afterthought to fight off modern criticism and protect the old custom.

I might grant you that the foreskin isn't absolutely necessary, but it's not really comparable to other truly unnecessary organs like the appendix, either. If the foreskin was a real disadvantage, evolution would have done away with it already, because it is involved in the reproduction of our species, a most critical function. Any needless surgery is pointless, and if it wasn't part of certain religious practices, there would'n even be discussion about it.

Well, it's not like this thing is going to go away any time soon, so each to their own I guess.

I didn't even have my kid christened,(let alone make surgical alterations to him) because I believe it's not ethical to force any kind of belief systems on an unwitting baby. When he is old enough to gauge the world and make his own decisions, he can do as he pleases.

Most religious customs derive from real world behavior that benefited the people at that time. Maybe jews in ancient Israel circumcised their children because they got less diseases and infections?

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Circumcised dicks just aren't as appealing as uncircumcised ones. HAving foreskin means the head remains moist and tender, sensitive and yes, even a bit musky, Some girls LOVE that, I know I do; it's not dirty, it's just aromatic. Even freshly cleaned uncut penises maintain the slightest hint of natural scent much longer than a circumcised one, which has no flavour and no aroma unless it's recently been inside someone or he's just peed/ejaculated.

Honestly, I'm about as anti-circumcision as you can get, at least at childbirth. If you grow up and decide 'yes, I want to be circumcised', that's your choice and one that will affect you the rest of your life, but at least you made the decision for yourself based on your personal tastes.

Having a parent take that from you based on THEIR experiences is rather silly.

I, for example, have a clit ring! I happen to quite love it and my sex life (read: masturbation for the most part) has been SO much better since going that route. HOWEVER, I wouldn't feel the need to push that decision on someone else no matter how much it worked for me. Likewise, it's silly for a parent to say "Well I like cut cocks/mine is functional therefore my son must also be cut."

That's foolish. and the 'it's cleaner' argument is so flimsy since cleaning it is a breeze.

I can't be circumcized due to, you know, not having foreskin (and I'm not in Africa so FGM ain't a thing where I live). However, I try to avoid circumcised cocks because they look strange to me, aren't as fun to play with, and I can't shake the feeling that a young boy was mutilated at a young age out of my head. Gross.

I looked at my asshole in the mirror today......IT BLEW MY FUCKIN' MIND!

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Yes I am, does not bother me.

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It's not common here so that chances are I'm not. I can also confirm that to be the case.