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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Are you circumsized ?


Are you?

Yes 45 37.82%
No 72 60.50%
undecided 2 1.68%
Jumpin said:

wCutting off a bit of your penis to show your devotion to God is really fucking weird if you think about it.
If you want me to worship a god, this is NOT my idea of a fun party!

Whoever came up with this is a sick freak! I’m looking at you pre-dynastic ancient Egypt priests!

Also, it’s incredibly unhealthy, as it can lead to impotence and lack of sensation during sex. If you ever listen to Jewish comedy, you get the picture: “I went from being too quick to lasting way too long” George Costanza.

Basically, without foreskin, men:
A) 90% of the pleasure sensation during sex is cut off with the nerve endings.
B) Lack control over cumming.
C) Women don’t like it as it doesn’t feel right, and can more easily damage them.

Honestly, I would recommend anyone who had this done to them as a baby to charge their parents with abuse. This is a disgusting and barbaric practice, and any parent that has this done to their own child needs mental therapy. They literally cut the a piece of their manhood away without consent.

It should not be associated with nazism to ban non-consensual genital mutilation, that is a fucking terrible argument. Additionally, this ISN’T akin to banning religious clothing, as religious clothing isn’t irreversible assault with lifelong sexual-health and psychological consequences.

Yes! I have strong feelings on this issue! My brothers across the world had their strong feelings cut off!

it is simply more sanitary. That is why it was originally done, the faiths adopted it as a practice (like not eating pork) for sanitary reasons. Until modern times when we understood how to cook pork it was quite deadly, same goes for the foreskin. The foreskin will capture more bacteria and removing it is prevents this.

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shikamaru317 said:
zygote said:
Don't circumsized have less chance of contracting STDs? You'd think it was the other way around.

Yes, multiple studies show that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting STD's, namely HIV, HPV, syphilis, chancroid, and genital herpes (though it doesn't seem to reduce the chance of contracting gonorrhea or chlamydia). it's why circumcision became commonplace in Africa, in order to try and curb the rampant spread of AID's and other STD's. While logic would seem to dictate that the foreskin would protect against STD's since it acts as a shield, what it actually does is trap female vaginal lubricant between the foreskin and the head of the penis if you don't clean yourself thoroughly after sex, whereas on a circumcised guy that doesn't clean himself after sex, the female vaginal lubricant would rapidly air dry. Also, the inside of the foreskin is prone to micro-tears, and since the foreskin pulls back while erect, the inside of the foreskin comes into direct contact with the vaginal walls, allowing STD's to enter the man's bloodstream through those micro-tears. Likewise, circumcision decreases the risk of a man passing an STD to a woman. Studies also show that both uncircumcised men and the female partners of uncircumcised men have a higher chance of getting Urinary Tract Infections. 

Thanks for the thorough explanation. Might also be useful to others. I kinda suspected the first but didn't know the second at all. 

Yes, circumsized, and quite surprised that the majority on here is not. I'm American, and it's standard practice for the most part. And if I'm being honest, I'm quite proud of that fact and do feel a little superior to those that were not circumcised. But since we're in a NSFW thread, I might as well add that there is a good chance that my penis is the largest in this thread, statistically speaking (top 2%).

VAMatt said:
I am circumcised. I am fine with my parents' decision in this regard. But, I just had a son, and we decided not to circumcise him. I did quite a bit of research, and found that there are some definite, small benefits to circumcision, some definite, small risks, and some possible small negatives in terms of sexual sensation. All are so small as to not have factored into our decision. At the end of the day, it's largely a cosmetic procedure. The wife and I see no justification to have cosmetic surgery performed on someone without their consent. So, we didn't do it.

As far as I'm concerned, once he's reached his teenage years, if he wants to have it done for cosmetic reasons, I'll support that decision. After all, it is the norm here in the US. It just needs to be his decision, rather than mine.


I remember your topic like it was yesterday.  Haha...cuz it almost was!


dx11332sega said:

I'm not circumsized and I like the protection on my tip . I also am not found of a baby if i make one getting surgery in few days after birth for him . it makes me tear up alot . So , back to the question are you circumsized?

This has a lot of valuable information in it.



If you are a man of God and believe that he created us in his image, then from that perspective why would it make sense to disrupt that? Do you think as a human you have better intellect in the say-so of what is best for your body than a being that has been around for eternity?

If you are not religious and simply believe in evolution, then wouldn’t it make sense that if we had a part on our bodies that was no longer needed, then our bodies would no longer produce it?

I hear some people talk about the “making fun of factor” and how they don’t want their boys who are natural (some places the minority) to be made fun of the boys that are circumcised (in those same places, the majority).  This is a very weird argument, because I don’t know who thinks that boys even are in a situation where they are looking at each other’s penises in their youth.  Kid orgy?  No.  School showers?  Not even a thing anymore.  Come on, let’s be real.  Your son’s penis will likely not be seen by anyone until he has a girlfriend and has sex with her for the first time.  I will reiterate. No one will make fun, because no one will see. Also, no one will make fun, because there is honestly nothing to make fun of in the first place.

The problem is Hollywood and the truth is that Hollywood does have a lot of Jewish writers and when you hear of a natural man’s penis, it is referred to as uncircumcised. Why? If something is natural, then what is modified needs a new name, thus: circumcised. There’s no need to retroactively create a new name for said natural product. It is in Jewish practice from a religious standpoint, to circumcise their boys and they do like to create this mentality in the world which is done through a large platform in movies and TV, to make it seem like guys who are natural, are in someway gross or is it a turn off to women. 

It is completely unnecessary, blatantly obvious, and is something that is unfortunately still around yet is fortunately, slowly fading away. 

In a woman’s vagina/butthole, there is no difference of feeling for her, whether a man is natural or circumcised.  In a woman’s mouth, there is more to do and as a result, the man has more options of pleasure to experience.

If you are cut, you go through life exposed to more friction and don’t feel as much when the time comes for it to really matter. Think of yourself as wearing socks wherever you go. When you take your socks off, your feet are nice and smooth, able to be tickled. If you were barefoot everywhere you went, then you would develop calluses that would prevent your feet from being ticklish. Tickling is better. And in this case, more sensation you could feel on your penis is better.

There’s also the fact that a lot of guys go through life, with a lot of resentment to their parents after finding out just what they are missing. To those that never look into it, they oftentimes don’t care that they were circumcised and that’s typically the majority of men. But to those that look into it, it leaves a great moral strain and a great sense of “what if” they weren’t cut.

You don’t just lose the foreskin, but the vein that is attached. You lose natural lubrication.  From a hygiene standpoint, maybe 2000 years ago they didn’t have soap, showers, and bathtubs that we all have in our homes, but just by cleaning, swimming in the pool, the ocean, etc., there is never ever a case where you get dirty.  The head of your penis remains sealed by its foreskin anyways, until you are actively having sex, unless you were extra vigorous while masturbating, presumably before you had sex for the first time.  The point in bringing that up is that you don’t need to even worry about a five-year-old kid pulling his foreskin back to clean behind it, because it’s something that is sealed away. The body tends to do what is best for it.  

There’s also the fact that you are putting your child through unnecessary pain and that just boggles my mind why anyone would do that to their precious child that they were carrying in them for nine months. It’s a sick practice that needs to go away. It has a lot of misconceptions about why it’s done and it’s completely foolish to do.


I have a friend that at the age of 25, became very depressed because when he went in deep into what circumcision is and what he no longer has/could have, he expressed a lot of resentment towards his parents for taking that away from him.

There is a good sized community of men that actively try to regain their foreskin. My friend explained to me the device that he uses. It’s kind of a suction cup that goes over your head and you pull the existing skin that you have on your shaft up and it clamps with in this device and you basically wear it all day long.

It’s supposed to stretch the skin so that you now have some type of cover, but of course, it’s nothing like the real thing that not only provides extra stimulation/sensation and the vein/self lubrication, but to this community of men that have fallen into this depressed state, it is the best they have until their hope that stem cell research will actually be able to give them back everything in proper form.

There are plenty of men that live normal lives that don’t know what they are missing and are OK as a result. There are also men that know what they are missing and don’t care.  But by seeing what my friend went through and the community that he became a part of, I know that there are also men that are deeply, negatively affected and do everything they can to get it back. 

 Let me give you a good example of how the whole “some women don’t like a natural penis” thing is pretty dumb.  

I had a friend who was half Mexican, half Colombian. He was of brown skin and had three younger sisters. The middle sister was very dark, with my friend and the other two sisters being a lighter brown.  Because at the time (a good 20 years ago), the perception of darker skinned people was dirty or animalistic (racist anyway you look at it), in the particular group of friends that she was a part of, she hated the way she looked after a while.

Do you think as a little girl, she thought her dad was gross because of his dark skin? No. Do you think as a little girl, she thought her skin color was gross? No. It’s because when she became a teenager and was around impressionable friends, she thought what other people thought and her views all of a sudden changed. Her mom would find her in the bathtub for hours, scrubbing away with soap and a loofah at her skin, to try to lighten herself up. 

How does this relate to anything? A girl growing up this very instance that has never seen a penis before, natural or circumcised, has no idea what one looks like and has no bias towards liking one more than the other or a disliking of one over the other.  Where did this “supposed” disliking of natural penises comes from, like I said in my first post, is from a negative impression that used to be more prominent in Hollywood, from Jewish writers, incorporating jokes into television and movies, about how a natural penis is gross.

Now you have a small portion of teenage boys that become self-aware that they are still natural and all of a sudden, begin to not like themselves. Likewise, you have a small portion of hopefully late teenage girls and women that due to Hollywood’s injection, now think they don’t like natural penises. 

Only a small portion of teenage boys/men end up falling for the negativity and body shame which is completely stupid and only a similarly small portioned category of teenage girls/women, suddenly don’t like natural penises.  There are plenty of women that like both, don’t care either way, or like a natural penis more as a matter of fact, because there is more to play with, orally.

And on the flipside, it’s a majority of men who remain natural their entire lives, that are happy with what they have, because they do enjoy the look, the extra feeling, and the extra satisfaction of what a woman can do with her tongue/lips to him plus the realization that him as a natural man, will get more out of oral sex than any circumcised men will get.

The tides are turning. The Hollywood scene and the writing is slowly fading. Countries are slowly performing less and less circumcisions. It definitely makes more sense to be a modern boy today that grows up to be a man of tomorrow, with a more advanced/forward way of thinking and having all that he was born with, completely in tact and enjoy sex the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

Ask yourself this. Does any animal…dog, cat, elephant, mouse, etc. circumcise their own male offspring? No. It doesn’t make sense for us to either. 


(Above is text pasted from what I originally typed in the aforementioned thread.)


My penis has not been mutilated for no good reason.


Around the Network
KungKras said:

My penis has not been mutilated for no good reason.

When you pee do you have to pull the skin out of the way?

RaptorChrist said:
KungKras said:

My penis has not been mutilated for no good reason.

When you pee do you have to pull the skin out of the way?

Don't have to but it helps. Helps with aiming, helps with cleanliness. But at the same time, urine is mostly sterile (it is until it leaves the body), so urinating while not pulling back the skin can actually help to flush out undesirable bits of mess that may have accumulated (Say, if you ejaculate and don't clean up. I mean, you should clean up, but if you don't then this helps.) 

It's almost like the penis has evolved over time to more or less take care of itself. 

Just like vaginas. did you know that using douches and other 'vaginal cleansers' is actually bad for the bacteria inside it? a woman's body is self cleaning, internally. And while yes, it can be good to flush it out every now and then with warm water, it's not necessary to be clean. 

Crazy, right? Millions of years of evolution probably shouldn't be tampered with by religion or lazy parents. 

no... no i'm not...

but i'm vasectomized though...

Alara317 said:
RaptorChrist said:

When you pee do you have to pull the skin out of the way?

Don't have to but it helps. Helps with aiming, helps with cleanliness. But at the same time, urine is mostly sterile (it is until it leaves the body), so urinating while not pulling back the skin can actually help to flush out undesirable bits of mess that may have accumulated (Say, if you ejaculate and don't clean up. I mean, you should clean up, but if you don't then this helps.) 

It's almost like the penis has evolved over time to more or less take care of itself. 

Just like vaginas. did you know that using douches and other 'vaginal cleansers' is actually bad for the bacteria inside it? a woman's body is self cleaning, internally. And while yes, it can be good to flush it out every now and then with warm water, it's not necessary to be clean. 

Crazy, right? Millions of years of evolution probably shouldn't be tampered with by religion or lazy parents. 

You seem to have very strong opinions against this. I'm curious if you were circumcised if you would feel the same way. The only reasons people are giving against circumcision is based on religious or ethical reasons.

When I was a kid, I remember overhearing a kid getting made fun of because he said he wasn't circumcised. I was younger and didn't know exactly what it was, so I wasn't sure if I was even circumcised or not. I was relieved when I found out later that day that I was, and I think many kids would be self-concious of their penis if they weren't circumcised.

RaptorChrist said:
Alara317 said:

Don't have to but it helps. Helps with aiming, helps with cleanliness. But at the same time, urine is mostly sterile (it is until it leaves the body), so urinating while not pulling back the skin can actually help to flush out undesirable bits of mess that may have accumulated (Say, if you ejaculate and don't clean up. I mean, you should clean up, but if you don't then this helps.) 

It's almost like the penis has evolved over time to more or less take care of itself. 

Just like vaginas. did you know that using douches and other 'vaginal cleansers' is actually bad for the bacteria inside it? a woman's body is self cleaning, internally. And while yes, it can be good to flush it out every now and then with warm water, it's not necessary to be clean. 

Crazy, right? Millions of years of evolution probably shouldn't be tampered with by religion or lazy parents. 

You seem to have very strong opinions against this. I'm curious if you were circumcised if you would feel the same way. The only reasons people are giving against circumcision is based on religious or ethical reasons.

When I was a kid, I remember overhearing a kid getting made fun of because he said he wasn't circumcised. I was younger and didn't know exactly what it was, so I wasn't sure if I was even circumcised or not. I was relieved when I found out later that day that I was, and I think many kids would be self-concious of their penis if they weren't circumcised.

a few things to clear things up:

1 - Not a man, so can't be circumcised regardless. (And female circumcision is NEVER practiced here in Canada)

2 - My opinions on circumcision are based solely within logic and therefore are not rooted in religion at all. You should never mutilate someone based on religion because there's no logic in that, and the arguments about cleanliness are completely unfounded. It doesn't take much effort at all to clean yourself if you're not disgusting (which you should want to do regardless); the only arguments PRO circumcision tend to be religious or culturally based. IT's a sort of chain of causality stance; I don't hate circumcision because it's oftentimes a religious thing, I hate religion because they push irrational, foolish behaviour like this that has no ground in reality and are only later justified with claims of cleanliness so they don't sound like complete psychos by pushing infant genital mutilation for God. 

3 - Kids will literally tease kids for anything. Weight, class, glasses, color of skin, size, gender, it doesn't matter. Saying 'kids will tease me because my peepee is different' is an even less logical argument than one coming from religion. First of all, as I said, kids tease for everything and I'm reasonably certain penis-formation is pretty low on the list, and second of all, why the fuck would you insist kids share dick pics or whip it out to show? It's a nonissue.