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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gamrConnect Presents: Their 1077 Greatest Games - 2017 Edition

Machina said:
Amazing work Leadified.

Shame the results themselves weren't more interesting. 6 of the top 50 are Pokemon games (like, seriously? I love me some Pokemon but is there really any justification for having anything besides Red/Blue and any one of the modern entries in the top 50?), 5 are Final Fantasy, 8 are Zelda, and 7 are Mario platformers. zzzzz

Um Yes, yes there is. Red and blue aren't the best pokemon games, quite frankly I'm happy to see so many pokemon games in the top 50. I'd rather a mystery dungeon game (time/darkness/sky) be there instead of platinum and gen 4, but the others definitely deserve it. Especially GSC, easily the best Pokemon games, easily.

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Poor Amnesia didn't do too hot. But on the other hand Terranigma seems to have performed a bit better than last years so that's nice.

Dang it, TTYD was so close to having a spot in the top 50!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Mnementh said:
RolStoppable said:
I hope my list got counted.

Also, it looks like non-Nintendo fans threw in the towel in 2017. The top 20 is virtually all Nintendo.

Well, Nintendo is only one company. If Nintendo-fans vote for Nintendo games it accumulates more points than if non-Nintendo-fans distribute their votes between many companies and games.

StarDoor did a thread before asking though, and with the GOTY votes, it's apparent that this site has Nintendo fans as a plurality. Not that it's a bad thing or anything, so I don't think it should be denied.

Amazing work, Blue. What a wonderful list of games.

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The Nintendo-community strikes again! Sliced bread is meaningless compared to Mario and Zelda.

"The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

- Single-player Game

Awesome work, thanks for putting all the time in, it's always interesting to take a look at the list


NNID: b00moscone

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Leadified said:

Surprisingly, no.


VGPolyglot said:
Mnementh said:

Well, Nintendo is only one company. If Nintendo-fans vote for Nintendo games it accumulates more points than if non-Nintendo-fans distribute their votes between many companies and games.

StarDoor did a thread before asking though, and with the GOTY votes, it's apparent that this site has Nintendo fans as a plurality. Not that it's a bad thing or anything, so I don't think it should be denied.

Hmm, you might be right. I only wanted to say even if Nintendo-fans were in the minority (although a big one), Nintendo-titles would still be in the lead.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Machina said:
uran10 said:

Um Yes, yes there is. Red and blue aren't the best pokemon games, quite frankly I'm happy to see so many pokemon games in the top 50. I'd rather a mystery dungeon game (time/darkness/sky) be there instead of platinum and gen 4, but the others definitely deserve it. Especially GSC, easily the best Pokemon games, easily.

Hence why I said Red/Blue and one of the modern ones. Red/Blue because they were the first, the innovators, and the basis for all of the subsequent entries, and therefore I'd argue the best for their time. And one of the modern entries - whichever is generally considered 'the best' at the time of voting.

If you think 12% of the absolute best games of all time are Pokemon games then at least you're guaranteed a new top 50 game every other year or so, so there's that.

This is why I try to keep my list down to one entry per franchise, except in extreme cases. IMO Handheld Zelda, N64/GC Zelda, and Switch Zelda are too different to lump into a single franchise for listing purposes.