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Forums - Politics Discussion - Catalonia declares independence. Puigdemont free to roam Belgium.


Who do you support?

Spain 139 59.40%
Catalonia 95 40.60%

Barcelona, this morning. This is for those who believe that 101% of the people in Catalonia are independentists.

Like Joaquín Sabina said in TomaTito's post, this isn't about Spain vs Catalonia, this is about Catalonians versus Catalonians. And it's a tragedy.

Last edited by Player2 - on 29 October 2017

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Barcelona today

Because all catalonia wants to leave.... right?

MarkkyStorm said:
Although I disagree with socialism (and I know that Catalonia will be a socialist country), I always support any kind of independency or decentralization of power, so congratulations Catalonia. Hope it last.

Amen. Every people deserves the right to self-determination.

How dared India to become independent? United India didn't even exist before the almighty British Empire unified it under its enlightened rule... And don't even get me started about those thug-ridden rebel colonies in America!

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Player2 said:
Nem said:

Yet they had a majority vote on their parlament. It makes me doubt what you are saying.

Also, EU does not equal Germany. The many states are free to leave just like the UK did. This is the difference between beeing in a union from free will aka the will of the people and not because you are in it due to intimidation and what a king or queen unilaterally decided.

Our electoral system sucks butt. You can see the number of seats in the same link: Junts pel Sí + CUP = 73. The rest = 62.

Germany puts the money so it gets to dictate how things are done in the EU. Those who don't like it are free to leave, like you said.

Stop spreading this BS. Germany has one vote in important decision, just like Spain or Greece damnit.

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Ka-pi96 said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

BLASPHEMY!!! I agree on wishing Catalonians good luck and freedom, but a true gamer should wish it happen Braveheart style, just imagine all the great games they could make on it, after!   

How many great games have actually been made based on independence wars though? I can't think of a single one

Assassin's Creed 3

So when finally Spain was winning in the poll the Op decides to change it ... uhmmmm

Goodnightmoon said:

So when finally Spain was winning in the poll the Op decides to change it ... uhmmmm

Not on purpose tbh. 

However, i have question for you. Would you be in favour of a second referendum which is not legally binding? It would pretty much be a giant poll.

Goodnightmoon said:

So when finally Spain was winning in the poll the Op decides to change it ... uhmmmm

Fuck... What a sham... Not unlike the separatists who for all their talk of "the Catalans" can't seem to seriously address 
basic things like actual levels of popular support (or not) for their project... Why not use their own polling as a starting point?
Although all the more strange is uninvolved people taking the same stance, equally carefree as to actual democratic support.
Like who the fuck cares, invoke mythical "people", get girl to say "I am Catalonia" on video, voila! Who can argue with that?
The 90% numbers are just at face value absolutely ridiculous, yet they just wrap themself in flag and ignore anything to contrary.

I'm glad you've posted here, as Valencian, your perspective being highly the norm for other Valencians I've known (in Mexico).
(not to say that the plenty of Catalans also don't offer similar perspective, but Valencians in general just don't back separatism)
Ultimately it just seems like the separatists can't even deliver on own ideals, they talk about "self determination of people"
yet exclude the very same people (in Valencia) when that wouldn't be convenient for attempting at least simulation of majority.
(Funny the same people aren't volunteering that Barcelona or any sub-region of Catalonia would similarly have distinct "choice")
Just as they erase all the Catalonians who disagree with them, and just frame it as "the Catalonians" vs evil Castillians whatever.
(newsflash: other linguistic regions have opposed Catalan government $ demands, not just cartoon evil "Castillian Centralism")

(Never mind the Portuguese here who insists they stand for freedom & self determinism, yet for some reason finds themself
ranting on about medieval borders & disputes between Spain/Portugal border... Without ever once mentioning the democratic
opinion of the residents of the disputed land itself. Yet at the same time, seems to care less about the opinion of Valencians
who were of the same medieval Kingdom as Catalonia before unification with Spain, their opinion just doesn't matter. WTF?)

Then you have the confused pseudo-left- who claim to not back the nationalism aspect, but simply want republic etc.
Yet why is breaking the constitution for nationalist project more viable than pan-Spanish movement? The far-left separatists
even invent this farce that they back separatism now but will reform federal Spain later... Like what planet do they live on?
They try to sustain that this is somehow "leftist" etc, while at same time touting the break-up of Yugoslavia as example. WTF?
Oh, but EU will come to their rescue (not), so the great leftist project has hope? What is this fantasism? Utter irresponsibility.

They constantly project attitude of superiority to the rest of Spain, or Castillian in particular, despite not being particularly better
themself. It is Spanish Constitution (approved and co-drafted by Catalonia, in fact Catalonia had highest approval of all regions!)
 that allows their language freedoms now, 
yet what do they do with it? They enforce language conformity which no other minority
feels need for (Basque, Galician, etc), not even allowing bilingual education for those who want it, and similar re: public media.
So how can they present issue as deriving from "oppression of Spanish" when SAME rules applies to all, who don't see big problem?
Just on Youtube you can see horrible shaming and exclusion of Spanish-speakers from public funded media that should be for all,
including Spanish speakers in Catalonia. This is the grossness of nationalism at work. If they simply cared about "Catalan culture"
these methods aren't necessary, in fact separatism is at odds with a multi-cultural Spain at large, for example language facilities 
for Catalan speakers in rest of Spain, like schools when families move for a job to other area... Catalan language in fact having wider
legacy in Spain than just current "Paisos Catalan", including important Catalan personalities thruout history of all of Spain... 
In other words, not constrained to areas of "sovereign nationalist independence", which is sole framework separatists pursue.
Yet the nationalists so build up identity in a negative way, as NOT Spanish, they are blinded by hate, arrogance and lust for power.

In all honesty, even if they got what they wanted, independence within EU, it seems very plausible to believe that EU laws would
require MORE public support for Spanish language as minority language than they are getting away with now within Spain, although
it's quite clear why non-Catalan + pro-Union Catalans are apprehensive about the nationalists having MORE power than they do now.
Never mind the aspirations of "left" when what negotiation leverage would they have as small country dependent on 100% approval
by existing EU countries to join (including Spain), with an EU de facto managed according to major corporate & financial interests.

Anyways, I believe the latest polls show opinion turning MORE towards pro-Union sentiment, which will then leave separatists
with "popular opinion" against them, and choosing to reject democratic votes if they do not recognize the outcome not in their favor.
Although exact form of that is open question, IMHO it's very plausible the more right-wing/business wing of nationalists would
join w/ Unionist parties to form next government, hough depending on separatist abstentino a majority could work w/o them,
or possibly depend on some support of podemos coalition although they seem to be strongly divided re: separatism as well.
(honestly, I don't get the position here, which is going back on their previous stance against illegal pseudo-referendum,
but there seems to be emotional-romanticist sentiment here which rejects to oppose the separatism irregardless facts)

Last edited by mutantsushi - on 29 October 2017

fory77 said:
Goodnightmoon said:

So when finally Spain was winning in the poll the Op decides to change it ... uhmmmm

Not on purpose tbh. 

However, i have question for you. Would you be in favour of a second referendum which is not legally binding? It would pretty much be a giant poll.

But what is the purpose of that? People doesn't vote exactly the same when they know is not legally binding and thus not the real thing. I would be in favour of a legal referendum with and extense campaign that explain the populations both sides of independence.