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Forums - Politics Discussion - Catalonia declares independence. Puigdemont free to roam Belgium.


Who do you support?

Spain 139 59.40%
Catalonia 95 40.60%
CrazyGamer2017 said:
Nem said:

Completely and utterly incorrect and why that constitution is imperialist. 

The rest of Spain has NO say in the matter. You don't get to force people to do as you want. They are free people, not your slaves.

And i would support each and every region that would wish to seceed if that is the will of their people. I defend freedom and democracy.

There is a point where that isn't beneficial, to adress your into the ridiculous example, but if it's what they wish, there are no gripes. Maybe you don't think about it, but the opposite is also possible. If A wants to join B for mutual benefit and both are ok with it, they should unite.

Problem is that that never happened in Spain. Was just full scale submission through kings and queens. Not the will of the people. It needs to start there.

Dude come back when you learn a little more about the situation and know what you're talking about.

The referendum was ILLEGAL and that is a fact. You can say it's not correct but it is a FACT. Learn that word. The rest of Spain HAS a say when something happens in THEIR country, that's democracy: A system where EVERYONE has a say, learn that word too. Unless you want a system where only an elite, or a group of interests is the only one with a say. Such systems exist but they are NOT democratic in essence.

As for your argument of submission through kings and queens, here is something you definitely need to learn: Pretty much EVERY country out there has a bloody history of submission and invasions and all that stuff IN THE PAST. If you want to call into question countries today because of how they were made a long time ago, there's pretty much NO country out there that should exist then. Your solution is to go back to a million small and independent kingdoms and that makes NO SENSE in this modern world. The result will be wars all the time and everywhere because that's exactly how it was 500 years ago, 1000 years ago etc.

Someone once said: "He who does not learn history is doomed to repeat it."  and truer words were never spoken.

Then let them have a referendum. You can't put the blame of them on them. They weren't allowed to have one. How do you have a referendum when it's illegal to make one? Nice logic bud. Great democracy there.

I know far more about history than you ever will. And no they wouldn't. You can't get past your ridicule exemple because you don't respect what is the will of the people and think everyone wants to be separated from everyone else. You don't get to decide what is best for other people. There are cultural and linguist reasons.

You don't know better. You are just a trying to bully the states on spain that want to be free. Like it ALWAYS was. We expect that from castellians. It's what they ALWAYS did.

Around the Network
Goodnightmoon said:

Barcelona today

Because all catalonia wants to leave.... right?

I don't know. A referendum wasn't allowed.

Apparantly a very "democratic" constitution doesn't allow them to have one.

Nem said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Barcelona today

Because all catalonia wants to leave.... right?

I don't know. A referendum wasn't allowed.

Apparantly a very "democratic" constitution doesn't allow them to have one.

And apparently declaring independence because a 38% of Catalans voted yes on an ilegal referendum where is impossible to know if the numbers are real and some people voted even 4 times is very democratic.

Oh and that Constitution you talk about was approved by 90% of Catalans, in fact there wasn't any other place of Spain where the approval was as high as there

Last edited by Goodnightmoon - on 30 October 2017

Nem said:

Then let them have a referendum. You can't put the blame of them on them. They weren't allowed to have one. How do you have a referendum when it's illegal to make one? Nice logic bud. Great democracy there.

I know far more about history than you ever will. And no they wouldn't. You can't get past your ridicule exemple because you don't respect what is the will of the people and think everyone wants to be separated from everyone else. You don't get to decide what is best for other people. There are cultural and linguist reasons.

You don't know better. You are just a trying to bully the states on spain that want to be free. Like it ALWAYS was. We expect that from castellians. It's what they ALWAYS did.

Because and I already said that and therefore won't get into the details of it again, the referendum is illegal because breaking up a country nowadays makes NO SENSE and is not a right. What you say is as rash as saying people are not free to have a referendum on making murder legal so the country is not a democracy cause only the people can decide blah blah blah...

If you understand history, politics and have some common sense you wouldn't say what you are saying so until you demonstrate some common sense I'll continue thinking you don't know much about history.

You don't get to decide, thanks goodness and you don't respect the will of the Spanish people so thanks goodness you have no power in these matters other than complaining in ignorance.

Goodnightmoon said:
Nem said:

I don't know. A referendum wasn't allowed.

Apparantly a very "democratic" constitution doesn't allow them to have one.

And apparently declaring independence because a 38% of Catalans voted yes on an ilegal referendum where is impossible to know if the numbers are real and some people voted even 4 times is very democratic.

Oh and that Constitution you talk about was approved by 90% of Catalans, in fact there wasn't any other place of Spain where the approval was as high as there

They were pushed into it by the central governmant and you know it. They were gonna remove their powers (and imprison and or kill the movement leaders).

Last edited by Nem - on 30 October 2017

Around the Network
CrazyGamer2017 said:
Nem said:

Then let them have a referendum. You can't put the blame of them on them. They weren't allowed to have one. How do you have a referendum when it's illegal to make one? Nice logic bud. Great democracy there.

I know far more about history than you ever will. And no they wouldn't. You can't get past your ridicule exemple because you don't respect what is the will of the people and think everyone wants to be separated from everyone else. You don't get to decide what is best for other people. There are cultural and linguist reasons.

You don't know better. You are just a trying to bully the states on spain that want to be free. Like it ALWAYS was. We expect that from castellians. It's what they ALWAYS did.

Because and I already said that and therefore won't get into the details of it again, the referendum is illegal because breaking up a country nowadays makes NO SENSE and is not a right. What you say is as rash as saying people are not free to have a referendum on making murder legal so the country is not a democracy cause only the people can decide blah blah blah...

If you understand history, politics and have some common sense you wouldn't say what you are saying so until you demonstrate some common sense I'll continue thinking you don't know much about history.

You don't get to decide, thanks goodness and you don't respect the will of the Spanish people so thanks goodness you have no power in these matters other than complaining in ignorance.

No, the breaking of the country as you put it is irrelevant. This isn't about the rest of spain (yet) it's about catalunia. It's illegal because imperialists made it so. If every independence movement went through the proper channel, most would have not suceeded.

You are ridiculous in  your logic. Yeah, freedom of expression is equal to murder. Of course it is. /rolleyes

I understand history better than you do. What you are saying is what every country said to prevent their people from making their own decisions about their future. Simply put, you are in an empirialist mindset, because it's all you've ever known. And you dare to talk to me about history. Very funny.

Of course, i have no power, i'm not spanish. But when my people did, just like the dutch and the beligans, we showed you who gets to decide issues of freedom. I don't expect the core of an imperialist nation to know anything about it.

Come at us buddy. Portugal, NL and Belgium all secceeded illegally. Come get us.

You're talking BS.

Last edited by Nem - on 30 October 2017

Nem said:

No, the breaking of the country as you put it is irrelevant. This isn't about the rest of spain (yet) it's about catalunia. It's illegal because imperialists made it so. If every independence movement went through the proper channel, most would have not suceeded.

You are ridiculous in  your logic. Yeah, freedom of expression is equal to murder. Of course it is. /rolleyes

I understand history better than you do. What you are saying is what every country said to prevent their people from making their own decisions about their future. Simply put, you are in an empirialist mindset, because it's all you've ever known. And you dare to talk to me about history. Very funny.

Of course, i have no power, i'm not spanish. But when my people did, just like the dutch and the beligans, we showed you who gets to decide issues of freedom. I don't expect the core of an imperialist nation to know anything about it.

First it's not beligans (unless you mean some country I've never heard of) it's Belgians and I should know cause I am Belgian.

Second, by your standards pretty much every nation in the world is imperialistic because pretty much every nation has a history of invading other countries in one way or another, even the formation of countries stem from invading small kingdoms and uniting them under one nation. If you knew anything about history you'd know this, but you obviously don't, /roll eyes

And third, another thing you obviously don't understand is that pretty much EVERY country would not accept to be broken up just because a group of ignorant nationalists decide that their neck of the woods should be independent. Even YOUR country would not accept part of it just leaving. You don't believe me? Stand up and rise against the rest of your country, demand independence of your city or province and see if you're just going to get it. If you do then you can defend your point at least on principle if not on common sense but if you don't as I know is the case, "you just know nothing Jon Snow".

CrazyGamer2017 said:
Nem said:

No, the breaking of the country as you put it is irrelevant. This isn't about the rest of spain (yet) it's about catalunia. It's illegal because imperialists made it so. If every independence movement went through the proper channel, most would have not suceeded.

You are ridiculous in  your logic. Yeah, freedom of expression is equal to murder. Of course it is. /rolleyes

I understand history better than you do. What you are saying is what every country said to prevent their people from making their own decisions about their future. Simply put, you are in an empirialist mindset, because it's all you've ever known. And you dare to talk to me about history. Very funny.

Of course, i have no power, i'm not spanish. But when my people did, just like the dutch and the beligans, we showed you who gets to decide issues of freedom. I don't expect the core of an imperialist nation to know anything about it.

First it's not beligans (unless you mean some country I've never heard of) it's Belgians and I should know cause I am Belgian.

Second, by your standards pretty much every nation in the world is imperialistic because pretty much every nation has a history of invading other countries in one way or another, even the formation of countries stem from invading small kingdoms and uniting them under one nation. If you knew anything about history you'd know this, but you obviously don't, /roll eyes

And third, another thing you obviously don't understand is that pretty much EVERY country would not accept to be broken up just because a group of ignorant nationalists decide that their neck of the woods should be independent. Even YOUR country would not accept part of it just leaving. You don't believe me? Stand up and rise against the rest of your country, demand independence of your city or province and see if you're just going to get it. If you do then you can defend your point at least on principle if not on common sense but if you don't as I know is the case, "you just know nothing Jon Snow".

Thanks grammar police.

You are so simplistic is hurts. My standards say: People have a right to decide their future. That is what the old kingdoms didn't have. We are now in democracy, not in monarchy nor in the middle ages (except for some token that keep their kings and queens to look lame in the pink magazines).

Ignorant nationalists? Country be broken up? This is you still in the wrong mindset. You DON'T GET TO DECIDE FOR THEM! It is not one of your rights!

See, you talk about me, but you actually don't know much do you? There is an island that keeps toying with the idea of independance in Portugal. You know what we say? Go ahead! Good riddance!

Forcing people to do what you want is NEVER a good idea. It will NEVER work. And wether it's a majority or minority remains to be seen. As the central power refuses to give a voice to the people. And that's that.

Like, who the eff cares about your stupid country losing some areas when their people hate each other? What is the point of forcing others to live with you? It's like this never happened is Spain before. Guess what? It is gonna happen again and again and again. Because Spain is not a union. The more you force people to do what they don't want, the more they will resent you.

Nem said:
Goodnightmoon said:

And apparently declaring independence because a 38% of Catalans voted yes on an ilegal referendum where is impossible to know if the numbers are real and some people voted even 4 times is very democratic.

Oh and that Constitution you talk about was approved by 90% of Catalans, in fact there wasn't any other place of Spain where the approval was as high as there

They were pushed into it by the central governmant and you know it. They were gonna remove their powers (and imprison and or kill the movement leaders).

They were going to remove their powers because they were going to declare independence, pretty simple.

Kill their leaders? What? You are very out of reality here, I guess you are also one of those paranoic Portuguese that believes Spain is still waiting for the right moment to conquer your country despite the fact that Spain hasn't give a fuck about it for centuries. Get the hate out of your eyes because is blinding you, PP is a horrible politic party but Spain is mostly an open, democratic and free country (rated 94/100 in civil and political rights by Freedom House), nobody is gonna get killed by the government just for that.

Last edited by Goodnightmoon - on 30 October 2017

Goodnightmoon said:
Nem said:

They were pushed into it by the central governmant and you know it. They were gonna remove their powers (and imprison and or kill the movement leaders).

They were gonna remove their powers because they were going to declare independence, pretty simple.

Kill their leaders? What? lol You are very out of reality here, I guess you are also one of those paranoic portuguese that believes Spain is still waiting for the right moment to conquer your country despite the fact that Spain hasn't give a fuck about it for centuries. Get the hate out of your eyes because is blinding you, PP is a horrible politic party but Spain is mostly an open, democratic and free country (rated 94/100 in civil rights byt Freedom House), nobody is gonna get killed by the government just for that.

Good luck trying to reason with that guy. I tried in vain...

So just sit back and be entertained by his contradictions. Like when he says that no one can decide what people should do but he keeps deciding in every one of his posts about how Spain should be broken up just cause he wants to.

In the end the important thing is that Spain is a democratic land where people are free to come and go as they please and have their opinions and it's a EU country and those ignorant separatists will not succeed in destroying the country. That's what matters