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Nem said:

No, the breaking of the country as you put it is irrelevant. This isn't about the rest of spain (yet) it's about catalunia. It's illegal because imperialists made it so. If every independence movement went through the proper channel, most would have not suceeded.

You are ridiculous in  your logic. Yeah, freedom of expression is equal to murder. Of course it is. /rolleyes

I understand history better than you do. What you are saying is what every country said to prevent their people from making their own decisions about their future. Simply put, you are in an empirialist mindset, because it's all you've ever known. And you dare to talk to me about history. Very funny.

Of course, i have no power, i'm not spanish. But when my people did, just like the dutch and the beligans, we showed you who gets to decide issues of freedom. I don't expect the core of an imperialist nation to know anything about it.

First it's not beligans (unless you mean some country I've never heard of) it's Belgians and I should know cause I am Belgian.

Second, by your standards pretty much every nation in the world is imperialistic because pretty much every nation has a history of invading other countries in one way or another, even the formation of countries stem from invading small kingdoms and uniting them under one nation. If you knew anything about history you'd know this, but you obviously don't, /roll eyes

And third, another thing you obviously don't understand is that pretty much EVERY country would not accept to be broken up just because a group of ignorant nationalists decide that their neck of the woods should be independent. Even YOUR country would not accept part of it just leaving. You don't believe me? Stand up and rise against the rest of your country, demand independence of your city or province and see if you're just going to get it. If you do then you can defend your point at least on principle if not on common sense but if you don't as I know is the case, "you just know nothing Jon Snow".