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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FIFA 18 on Switch accounted for 1% of all UK physical copies sold

DonFerrari said:
Mnementh said:

Yeah, LOL, thanks for reminding me to this argument. That's probably the reason why Lego worlds did best on Switch, because no other games. FIFA, well... look, a three-headed monkey!

People have already pointed out that the rank is for this week sales and in the case of Lego the game had released on X1 and PS4 several months ago so they are on the low weekly sales now against release week of Switch version so that can be the highest reason for the big percentage.

Yeah, I didn't knwo and realized it. Still, we have the success-stories of multiple games that sold well on Switch, which was explained with lack of competition. How does that match with FIFA?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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I don’t know what the general consensus among Switch owners is, but as far as I’m concerned I’m not planning on buying many games if any through retail. Unless there’s a huge price difference, which right now there isn’t.

Also, I just dropped $60 on NBA2K18. I’m not dropping $120 on sports games in one month

160rmf said:
Lawlight said:

You're not missing anything. I think they still are but this is a football game - will people who aren't into football go out and buy FIFA? I don't think so. A sports game would most likely sell to people who are fans of that sports genre already. And guess what FIFA fans own? PlayStations and Xboxes to play with their mates. This is not just a genre we're talking about - like platformer or fighting games. It's a specific section of the sports game genre. Honestly I can't really think of another genre like that.

So, they are being selective with the type of games that they will be desperate for? Gotcha!

So, you didn't read my post? Gotcha!

Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

By that logic they could he shipping 200k WW and be enough to break even or start a relationship with Switch and if it's sold out make a second batch of games. Makes much more sense than burn money just to say they tried.

As you saw in your own previous comment the Switch have 2.8% userbase on UK, have fewer selection of games and usually the smaller userbase have higher attach ratio to the games than the higher userbase... so Switch having 2.8% and instead of selling 3% of the copies end up at 1% is quite troublesome for future support if other regions don't do better than it.

Not really, nobody (including EA) don't expect that Fifa or any 3rd party game will have some popularity (similar attach rate) on Switch compared to XB1/PS4.

Like I wrote, it's definitely too early to make any conclusions.

Yes it's early for conclusion (as is for excuses on preliminar number) I guess that EA didn't expect much success, which we can see that with the amount they shipped (something between 8-10k from what we can tell) sold out in some retailers and not in others, I would guess they hit about what they expected.

But 1% is still low, let's expect that EA find acceptable to sell let's say 250k copies of Fifa WW on Switch and that can keep support coming for next games.

Mnementh said:
DonFerrari said:

People have already pointed out that the rank is for this week sales and in the case of Lego the game had released on X1 and PS4 several months ago so they are on the low weekly sales now against release week of Switch version so that can be the highest reason for the big percentage.

Yeah, I didn't knwo and realized it. Still, we have the success-stories of multiple games that sold well on Switch, which was explained with lack of competition. How does that match with FIFA?

I don't really know how the parallel would be draw, but considering that people posted here that user ranking of the game have the Switch as the highest regarded is curious.

From my perspective I would say this genre doesn't have much appeal on Switch and that EA will have to look at other type of games to make the ports to Switch and see better sales... or if they can get by keeping the same engine for 5 years and just update the roster name with a small team even couple hundred thousand can make a profit and keep an image of support to the platform.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

Not really, nobody (including EA) don't expect that Fifa or any 3rd party game will have some popularity (similar attach rate) on Switch compared to XB1/PS4.

Like I wrote, it's definitely too early to make any conclusions.

Yes it's early for conclusion (as is for excuses on preliminar number) I guess that EA didn't expect much success, which we can see that with the amount they shipped (something between 8-10k from what we can tell) sold out in some retailers and not in others, I would guess they hit about what they expected.

But 1% is still low, let's expect that EA find acceptable to sell let's say 250k copies of Fifa WW on Switch and that can keep support coming for next games.

1% is definatly low when dont take things like point that combined user base of PS4/XB1 in UK around 30x bigger than Switch curently, or point that Fifa 18 had some stock problems.

250k for LT WW sales!? I think Fifa 18 will pass 1m on Switch without problems.

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Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes it's early for conclusion (as is for excuses on preliminar number) I guess that EA didn't expect much success, which we can see that with the amount they shipped (something between 8-10k from what we can tell) sold out in some retailers and not in others, I would guess they hit about what they expected.

But 1% is still low, let's expect that EA find acceptable to sell let's say 250k copies of Fifa WW on Switch and that can keep support coming for next games.

1% is definatly low when dont take things like point that combined user base of PS4/XB1 in UK around 30x bigger than Switch curently, or point that Fifa 18 had some stock problems.

250k for LT WW sales!? I think Fifa 18 will pass 1m on Switch without problems.

If 'FIFA Soccer 13' could get 500k on the Wii U's first year install base of 4m then FIFA18 should be able to hit 1m on Switch's 10m+ 1st year install base.

....One can only see the digital sale levels on the E-Shop and hope that they can help keep things acceptable to E.A

two regions of lung: saccular and respiratory region

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes it's early for conclusion (as is for excuses on preliminar number) I guess that EA didn't expect much success, which we can see that with the amount they shipped (something between 8-10k from what we can tell) sold out in some retailers and not in others, I would guess they hit about what they expected.

But 1% is still low, let's expect that EA find acceptable to sell let's say 250k copies of Fifa WW on Switch and that can keep support coming for next games.

1% is definatly low when dont take things like point that combined user base of PS4/XB1 in UK around 30x bigger than Switch curently, or point that Fifa 18 had some stock problems.

250k for LT WW sales!? I think Fifa 18 will pass 1m on Switch without problems.

If Fifa 18 reach 1M on Switch I see no reason for they to not release the other sports games on it.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DialgaMarine said:
sethnintendo said:

Is the Journey mode really that crucial?  Seems like one can get just as much fun with career mode.

 The point is why would somebody pay for less on weaker hardware that is more expensive? The only argument you can make to defend that is the portability factor, but for most gamers, that's simply not enough. 

Yea, they probably should have it starting at $50 MSRP on Switch instead of 60.  This is EA however the ones that gained sole rights to NFL because NFL2K was undercutting Madden's launch prices thus cutting into their market share (also decent amount would argue that NFL2K were superior to Madden at the time).  The only hope would be PES undercuts FIFA but I highly doubt PES was ever announced for the Switch plus I believe they don't even have the players rights in soccer (football for everyone else).

sethnintendo said:
DialgaMarine said:

 The point is why would somebody pay for less on weaker hardware that is more expensive? The only argument you can make to defend that is the portability factor, but for most gamers, that's simply not enough. 

Yea, they probably should have it starting at $50 MSRP on Switch instead of 60.  This is EA however the ones that gained sole rights to NFL because NFL2K was undercutting Madden's launch prices thus cutting into their market share (also decent amount would argue that NFL2K were superior to Madden at the time).  The only hope would be PES undercuts FIFA but I highly doubt PES was ever announced for the Switch plus I believe they don't even have the players rights in soccer (football for everyone else).

I recall PES develops going 

"We don't have a Switch version but we are considering it for next year"

When you also recall how well Konami's title Bomberman has been doing on the Switch per their expectations....yeah PES is not out of the question

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?