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DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

Not really, nobody (including EA) don't expect that Fifa or any 3rd party game will have some popularity (similar attach rate) on Switch compared to XB1/PS4.

Like I wrote, it's definitely too early to make any conclusions.

Yes it's early for conclusion (as is for excuses on preliminar number) I guess that EA didn't expect much success, which we can see that with the amount they shipped (something between 8-10k from what we can tell) sold out in some retailers and not in others, I would guess they hit about what they expected.

But 1% is still low, let's expect that EA find acceptable to sell let's say 250k copies of Fifa WW on Switch and that can keep support coming for next games.

1% is definatly low when dont take things like point that combined user base of PS4/XB1 in UK around 30x bigger than Switch curently, or point that Fifa 18 had some stock problems.

250k for LT WW sales!? I think Fifa 18 will pass 1m on Switch without problems.