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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Zelda BOTW is the best-selling console game of the year despite a price of > $300

You don't need to do mental gymnastics and say Zelda costs $300 to make it impressive.

That's like Mercedes saying they sold $20,000 custom windshield wipers cause you need to spend $19,960 on the car first.


It's sold amazingly, sure Horizon has sold more on PS4 than Zelda has on Switch but it can be overtaken, and Horizon doesn't even matter, Zelda's done great. 

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ArchangelMadzz said:

You don't need to do mental gymnastics and say Zelda costs $300 to make it impressive.

That's like Mercedes saying they sold $20,000 custom windshield wipers cause you need to spend $19,960 on the car first.

That's just not true? Do you buy a car for the windshield wipers? Or asked differently: would you buy the car without the wipers? Would you buy Switch without Zelda?

Or: what would you intend to use the Switch for, if you didn't do it  for Zelda?

Your comparison is lacking.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

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This is some really, really flawed logic. Almost no one is probably buying a Switch just for Zelda. For that people to buy a Switch just for Zelda, they would have to buy the console even if they knew it'd never get any other interesting games. Right now, Zelda is probably the biggest single reason people are buying the console, but there's probably very few people who buy it just for Zelda. And considering Switch's success, it seems like its price isn't going to drop any time soon, so by the time it has many more interesting games as well, it'll still cost the same. Thus the people that bought a Switch so soon mainly because of Zelda wouldn't even have saved much, if any, money by waiting, unless they waited a really long time.

Also, by stating people paid over $300 for a single game, you're essentially devaluating the console itself. You're essentially saying it's worth nothing. After all, it'd be pretty interesting if the combined value of the console and one of its games could exceed the sum of their official prices (i.e. if the game is worth $300 and the console is worth $300, their combined value is $600, which seems really wrong).

How can you say that mostly everyone is buying the Switch for Zelda when the game is also available on Wii-U?

Not everyone who bought a switch this year, bought it for zelda otherwise the sales for both this year would match. Also, adding in the cost of the console doesn't mean that zelda sold the most copies this year compared to games with higher sales this year. I get that you like zelda but you can't change facts to fluff up the sales of your favored game. I'm sure zelda will sell very well so just let it's own sales numbers speak for itself.

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TL;DR ... OP describes so called "system seller" like it was some kind of phenomenon that never happened before

I think its fair to a degree to accept that Zelda was the main catalyst for many people to buy a Switch. Many who didn't want to pay Switch prices actually bought or rebought a wii u so they could play Zelda BOTW cheaper than buying a Switch. If I didn't have a wii u already I would have been more motivated to buy a Switch. As it is I currently have no reason to buy a Switch until Mario Odyssey as none of the other games have anywhere near the same appeal as Zelda or Mario Odyssey to me. Even when Mario Odyssey comes out I'm not sure there will be much else I want which will make buy a Switch very expensive for one game and I'll probably buy something else knowing me. I really need 3-4 must have exclusive Switch titles to justify buying the console. Which is a shame because I love getting new tech and just enjoy that in itself but I don't want to buy one just for it to sit doing nothing most of the time.

Well not in japan apparently.
Those guys are buying a switch for splatoon 2.

Mnementh said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

You don't need to do mental gymnastics and say Zelda costs $300 to make it impressive.

That's like Mercedes saying they sold $20,000 custom windshield wipers cause you need to spend $19,960 on the car first.

That's just not true? Do you buy a car for the windshield wipers? Or asked differently: would you buy the car without the wipers? Would you buy Switch without Zelda?

Or: what would you intend to use the Switch for, if you didn't do it  for Zelda?

Your comparison is lacking.

No, Did everyone buy a Switch just for Zelda? Is Zelda the only game these people will ever buy for switch forever? 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Mnementh said:
Vor said:
So basically you said atm every Switch system is 'bundled' in every Zelda copy? I'm sorry I don't get it.

Well, I'm saying that to play Zelda you need Switch. And you only buy a Switch, if you want to play Zelda (some exceptions aside). So basically yeah, you have to buy a Switch to play Zelda. Except you ot for the WiiU-version, which obviously not so many people do.

Or you know... play it on the WiiU.