This is some really, really flawed logic. Almost no one is probably buying a Switch just for Zelda. For that people to buy a Switch just for Zelda, they would have to buy the console even if they knew it'd never get any other interesting games. Right now, Zelda is probably the biggest single reason people are buying the console, but there's probably very few people who buy it just for Zelda. And considering Switch's success, it seems like its price isn't going to drop any time soon, so by the time it has many more interesting games as well, it'll still cost the same. Thus the people that bought a Switch so soon mainly because of Zelda wouldn't even have saved much, if any, money by waiting, unless they waited a really long time.
Also, by stating people paid over $300 for a single game, you're essentially devaluating the console itself. You're essentially saying it's worth nothing. After all, it'd be pretty interesting if the combined value of the console and one of its games could exceed the sum of their official prices (i.e. if the game is worth $300 and the console is worth $300, their combined value is $600, which seems really wrong).