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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSN Generates More Revenue than Nintendo

Green098 said:

Good thing Nintendo's doing a paid online subscription service this generation!

You're joking, right? I don't want to pay for online services! Dx



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ZhugeEX's comments are kinda similar to how I felt when I heard these news. There's a lot of potential to make more profit from their digital services if they focus more on it. Nintendo's sitting on so many games new and old they can add to their shop, but continue to slug behind, the Wii U's eshop being worse than the Wii's, lacking certain games and just overall being kinda sparse. Hopefully they change that with the Switch. They could do so much more with their VC for starters.



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Cloudman said:
Green098 said:

Good thing Nintendo's doing a paid online subscription service this generation!

You're joking, right? I don't want to pay for online services! Dx

Nope! Why should Nintendo let Sony and Microsoft rake in the cash via paid online subscriptions, it provides a huge source of income each month that most people pay for because it provides access to one of the most important features of games. Besides it costs money to run and support an online infraststructure, having free online costs the company money to have. Besides Nintendo's online service is like more than half the price of Sony's and Microsoft's, sure it doesn't give you free games each month of which are 90% of the time games I don't care about and I wouldn't waste storage space downloading even if they are free. You still get access to the online (the only thing a really care about of the subscription), discounts, phone app and a free virtual console game to play during that month which has added online features. Besides people always complained about Nintendo's online and they're only giving people what they wished for, the revenue generated can go towards a better and more quality service.

Anyways Nintendo would of been stupid to keep not charging for online, and only shooting themselves in the foot. It would be a consistent expensive that they'd have to pay for and people would just keep complaining about the quality you get when something like this is free.

I'll gladly pay a small sum a year for such a feature and monthly access to a virtual console title that has added online to it.

Of course everyone would obviously prefer something to just be free, but it would just be hypocritical of me to start to slander Nintendo for charging for online, when I've been paying for xbox live like it's just second nature and a standard thing to just expect on consoles these days.

Green098 said:
Cloudman said:

You're joking, right? I don't want to pay for online services! Dx

Nope! Why should Nintendo let Sony and Microsoft rake in the cash via paid online subscriptions, it provides a huge source of income each month that most people pay for because it provides access to one of the most important features of games. Besides it costs money to run and support an online infraststructure, having free online costs the company money to have. Besides Nintendo's online service is like more than half the price of Sony's and Microsoft's, sure it doesn't give you free games each month of which are 90% of the time games I don't care about and I wouldn't waste storage space downloading even if they are free. You still get access to the online (the only thing a really care about of the subscription), discounts, phone app and a free virtual console game to play during that month which has added online features. Besides people always complained about Nintendo's online and they're only giving people what they wished for, the revenue generated can go towards a better and more quality service.

Anyways Nintendo would of been stupid to keep not charging for online, and only shooting themselves in the foot. It would be a consistent expensive that they'd have to pay for and people would just keep complaining about the quality you get when something like this is free.

I'll gladly pay a small sum a year for such a feature and monthly access to a virtual console title that has added online to it.

Of course everyone would obviously prefer something to just be free, but it would just be hypocritical of me to start to slander Nintendo for charging for online, when I've been paying for xbox live like it's just second nature and a standard thing to just expect on consoles these days.

Well, I suppose that money could be used to have better servers and overall smoother online games, but to get it by making players pay for something that was once free, not like this...

And I wouldn't want to pay for online on the Xbox or PS4 either, though I guess most people are okay with it... Not me, that's for sure.



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Good for PSN making money. As for it making more money than Nintendo, well yea. The Wii U has struggled and while Pokemon Go and selling most of the share of the Mariners certainly helped with Nintendo's profits, they have room to improve. As we've known about the Wii/DS days, Nintendo has potential in making a lot more bank than they have now. Despite the Wii U and, initially, the 3DS's struggles, they haven't suffered a PS3-type loss over the course of the generation. So, with the Switch, there's potential to get back on track with earning more if they play their cards right.

According reports, the online paid service should be around $25-30 a year so we'll see how that goes.

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Lawlight said:
Mnementh said:

Well, as Pokemon Go is made by Niantic not Nintendo, it is easy to ascertain. Nintendo has over 5000 employees. Sure, not all working on Switch and Switch games, as they have other products, mainly 3DS. Let's say only 1000 of them working in the Switch and games for it column. That's a ridiculous low assumption, but let's go with it. Niantic has ... less than 200 employees. So sure, they each poured more than 5 times more attention into their product than the Nintendo-employees. But stop, Pokemon Go isn't Ninantics only product, they still have and maintain Ingress, their main product.

So you may think that Switch got less attention than PoGo, but it is basically impossible. You should rethink your thinking.

I meant attention from consumers..

No, you didn't. You answered this to: "Switch will get far more attention from Nintendo profits than cheap mobile games, that was a laughbly weak jab."

So you trying to change history about what you said, only to win an argument? Seems weak.

Besides, nobody probably ever doubted a free game on a widespread platform people already have available would get more downloaders than a new system at 300$ + game prices. I don't understand how you can even compare that. That's like: "Candy gets more attention than Ferrari."

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

CGI-Quality said:
ZhugeEX said:
This isn't a slight on Nintendo as some are taking it.

It's more to show how big PlayStation Network is for Sony's Game segment.

Digital is driving incremental growth this gen, not just through full game downloads , but through subscription services, DLC, Microtransactions and other post launch games content.

It also shows the huge opportunity available to Nintendo in growing its own digital business which didn't fare too well on 3DS and Wii U. If it can offer a good service worth paying for on Switch then we'll see plenty of growth from Nintendo's digital segment too.

Folks, pay attention....

Way too late, people already using it to take jabs at Nintendo.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Now we see the reason why Nintendo is going for payed online. It is what it is :(.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

I swear this news is a year old. Not downplaying I just remember reading this a year ago.

Kai_Mao said:

Despite the Wii U and, initially, the 3DS's struggles, they haven't suffered a PS3-type loss over the course of the generation.

I believe Sony eventually made money on the PS3 but they bled money the first couple years considering it cost 200 or 300 hundred more to make the PS3 than what they were selling them for.  Hell it was cheaper than the crappy first gen blu ray players which were mostly in the 1000+ range still at the time.