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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Edition Metascore Prediction - 92 Meta and 92,32% GR

etking said:
Switch reviews seem to be biased / influenced by free consoles and bribery.
BotW already did get inflated scores which in no way reflected the game's major flaws or player opinions.

And increasing the score of a 3 year old 88 Wii-U game to 93 for no reason points towards unfair and biased reviews. The new Battle mode alone, despite being the heart and soul of every Mario Kart game, cannot be the explanation.

So now it's review copies that are the "problem"?  That dastardly Nintendo, doing with the Switch and its games what every other company does with every other console and games.

Or maybe you, sir, are in the minority and shouldn't have the profound arrogance to declare your opinion to be law and accuse the huge numbers who disagree of conspiracy and impropriety. And if you are trying to use the user score aggregate on Metacritic to represent all gamer impressions, I say you should take some time to reflect on what you are doing.

And then you say there is no reason and then proceed to give a reason and even explain how it is a good reason.  I mean...what?  And then on top of that, forget that different individuals may be reviewing the game this time around.  

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Metallox said:
Man, I should really be more optimistic with Nintendo games' Metascores from now on. I thought Deluxe was going to get something between 85 and 88.

I mean, let's see, what does the game have that the Wii U version doesn't? A few more characters and tracks, and improved Battle Mode, a pink turbo... But the gameplay and the overall structure are pretty much the same.

I don't get it, but good for the game and the console.

You should consider that the 88 was obtained by the game without the DLC content (and without the 200cc mode). If MK8 WiiU had have those extras tracks and characters it could have scored better.

Metallox said:
Man, I should really be more optimistic with Nintendo games' Metascores from now on. I thought Deluxe was going to get something between 85 and 88.

I mean, let's see, what does the game have that the Wii U version doesn't? A few more characters and tracks, and improved Battle Mode, a pink turbo... But the gameplay and the overall structure are pretty much the same.

I don't get it, but good for the game and the console.

It also comes with the DLC, which obviously didnt have when the game launched.Then there is also the new dual items system, which can change the gameplay and strategies considerably.There is also the slight improvement in graphical quality, and there is the portability.I would say all this warrant the jump in score.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

etking said:
Switch reviews seem to be biased / influenced by free consoles and bribery.
BotW already did get inflated scores which in no way reflected the game's major flaws or player opinions.

And increasing the score of a 3 year old 88 Wii-U game to 93 for no reason points towards unfair and biased reviews. The new Battle mode alone, despite being the heart and soul of every Mario Kart game, cannot be the explanation.

I'm guessing this a joke least I hope it is.

BraLoD said:
Anfebious said:

Indeed, unpredictable is the word I would use.

But I doubt the higher scores are because of more "simplified" games.

No, it's the contrary.
It's due to lower expectations, handheld games are always sitting on scores based on lesser technology than consoles counterparts, it's acceptable to something to be missing, concepts to be changed, graphics to be of lower quality and less details.

Now with a handheld receiving console like games, it feels better, it raises the perceived value of such games.

For example, when I saw what they could do with the PSP I was amazed, but tthat was something they were doing since 2000 with the PS2, I was amazed because it was for a handheld, while it was common expectations on the PS2.
So Mario Kart on Wii U was based on what was expected for a console, Wii U games felt lesser by default because of what was available on PS4/XBO, now the very same game on Switch feels way better because you can play it on a handheld, its perceived value increases a lot and reviews seems like will be increasing as well, as the game is not reviewing the same like TLOU or GTA V, which were ridiculously high acclaimed games, it's 5 points above the original release and being the exact same game in the core, which prompt most ports to drop points, exactly because of the perceived value boost.

Nintendo might have got a very good track critic with their Switch games.

It could be, but it's not something that critics are explicitally pointing out, from what I reading.

If the original release didn't get a 90+ Metascore it's because of those 75 and 80s it got. Checking out Nintendo World Report's reviews for both the Wii U (7.5) and Switch (8.5) versions we can see that the "miserable" Battle Mode was an important factor for 7.5. Now that the Switch version has an improved mode, it obviously should have faired better.

Other example is Gamespot, which also complained about the Battle Mode and gave originally the game an 8 score, now it awarded a 9.

EDIT: GamesRadar, this one is huge. Originally 8 and now 10, but for some reason I can't see their 2014 review anymore, seems to me they just updated it.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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BraLoD said:

No, it's the contrary.
It's due to lower expectations, handheld games are always sitting on scores based on lesser technology than consoles counterparts, it's acceptable to something to be missing, concepts to be changed, graphics to be of lower quality and less details.

Now with a handheld receiving console like games, it feels better, it raises the perceived value of such games.

For example, when I saw what they could do with the PSP I was amazed, but tthat was something they were doing since 2000 with the PS2, I was amazed because it was for a handheld, while it was common expectations on the PS2.
So Mario Kart on Wii U was based on what was expected for a console, Wii U games felt lesser by default because of what was available on PS4/XBO, now the very same game on Switch feels way better because you can play it on a handheld, its perceived value increases a lot and reviews seems like will be increasing as well, as the game is not reviewing the same like TLOU or GTA V, which were ridiculously high acclaimed games, it's 5 points above the original release and being the exact same game in the core, which prompt most ports to drop points, exactly because of the perceived value boost.

Nintendo might have got a very good track critic with their Switch games.

If what you say holds true then the highest scoring games of all time should have at least a couple of handheld games in there since they have a higher chance of scoring high scores because of their "simplicity". 

Let's check metacritic:  On the top 50 games of all time according to Metacritic we have one handheld game. A Link to the Past GBA on the 49th spot.

I just don't see handheld games "simplicity" as a reason for the higher score. Portability and a better battle mode are more logical conclusions.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Great score, better than I expected!

BraLoD said:
Anfebious said:

The key element was the addition of a proper battle mode. The one it had on the Wii U version sucked balls!

Even so, they aren't taking any points as its the usual.
I guess being a handheld with this kind of games will weight very well for Switch critics, they usually have lower patterns because handheld games are more simplified, so now they will be dropping quite a lot of really high scores for such games.

I'm sensing the Switch games will be completely out of touch with any console/handheld patterns, it's quite unpredictable.

Well first off, the whole portable thing will almost certainly affect scores in a variety of ways depending on the reviewer... where some marvel at what's been pulled off as a portable console, others dock it points for being less capable as a home console.

Second, I remember we discussed it a couple days ago and you suggested there would be a "remaster" effect, causing reviews to drop a few points as it's not entirely new software. I did see that has happened in a couple of reviews... for instance the current low "80" score said the game was excellent but docked it 20 points as people who owned it and spent ~$100 on DLC wouldn't get much out of this experience that they haven't already.

That "remaster" effect you speak of isn't a given, though; The Last of Us scored a 95 on the PS4 just as it did on the PS3, and the upgraded PS4/Xbox1 GTA V also maintained the 97 that it previously had. For the most part, then, games that were already scoring very high tend not to see much fall off in their scores when remastered, and given how crazy high the two I just mentioned had already scored, it's really saying something that they managed to reach those heights again.

Mario Kart 8, meanwhile, had more room for improvement at merely 88. Unlike those others, this really has offered more in terms of upgrades when you consider what it's bringing to the table; its resolution has been improved, it's playable while portable now, both modes hold consistent frame rates without stutter, the huge negative of the original has been fixed by including five new battle maps and multiple battle modes, and it includes some ~$100 in DLC with additional maps (basically meaning it comes with 48 courses rather than 32, excluding the 5 battle maps).

Chances are it'll still lose another point or two as more reviews come in, but given all of this it shouldn't come as a surprise that this might gain a few points in the current review.

Barkley said:

94 with 25 reviews.

Considering it's a remaster such a large increase in score over the original is likely due to current perception. I.E WiiU = Crap, Switch = Yay

Hating nintendo isn't "trendy" right now for reviewers.

Oh please, can we stop this nonsense about reviewers hating on Nintendo, it's ridiculous. It's getting higher reviews because the gameplay hasn't aged at all and it comes with far more content than the original.

Nintendo first party games have scored highly on every single console and reviewers aren't out to get them or influenced by the game being on a shit console

celador said:
Barkley said:

94 with 25 reviews.

Considering it's a remaster such a large increase in score over the original is likely due to current perception. I.E WiiU = Crap, Switch = Yay

Hating nintendo isn't "trendy" right now for reviewers.

Oh please, can we stop this nonsense about reviewers hating on Nintendo, it's ridiculous. It's getting higher reviews because the gameplay hasn't aged at all and it comes with far more content than the original.

Nintendo first party games have scored highly on every single console and reviewers aren't out to get them or influenced by the game being on a shit console

I know people get angry when Nintendo games review well, but I never expected to see such salt about a much improved MK8 getting a few more points than its predecessor. It's just weird O_o