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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Edition Metascore Prediction - 92 Meta and 92,32% GR

celador said:
Barkley said:

94 with 25 reviews.

Considering it's a remaster such a large increase in score over the original is likely due to current perception. I.E WiiU = Crap, Switch = Yay

Hating nintendo isn't "trendy" right now for reviewers.

Oh please, can we stop this nonsense about reviewers hating on Nintendo, it's ridiculous. It's getting higher reviews because the gameplay hasn't aged at all and it comes with far more content than the original.

Nintendo first party games have scored highly on every single console and reviewers aren't out to get them or influenced by the game being on a shit console

It's not about hating on Nintendo specifically. It's about being influenced by the opinions of others, whether conciously or not. The more you see someone say "X is shit" the less possitive you will be about "X". To the extent that you could know nothing about something and believe it to be awful.

Whether you like it or not, everyone is affected by the opinions of others. People are unable to view something from a standpoint that isn't affected by outside influence.

How you can suggest that the reviews of a title can't be influenced by the console it's played on is beyond me though.

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Johnw1104 said:

I know people get angry when Nintendo games review well, but I never expected to see such salt about a much improved MK8 getting a few more points than its predecessor. It's just weird O_o

Are you talking about Celador? If you're referring to me I don't know how you came to that conclusion, I guess my post gives off the wrong impression.

Barkley said:
celador said:

Oh please, can we stop this nonsense about reviewers hating on Nintendo, it's ridiculous. It's getting higher reviews because the gameplay hasn't aged at all and it comes with far more content than the original.

Nintendo first party games have scored highly on every single console and reviewers aren't out to get them or influenced by the game being on a shit console

It's not about hating on Nintendo specifically. It's about being influenced by the opinions of others, whether conciously or not. The more you see someone say "X is shit" the less possitive you will be about "X". To the extent that you could know nothing about something and believe it to be awful.

Whether you like it or not, everyone is affected by the opinions of others. People are unable to view something from a standpoint that isn't affected by outside influence.

How you can suggest that the reviews of a title can't be influenced by the console it's played on is beyond me though.

The question is why you think it's absurd that this game couldn't be earning this score simply because it's a large improvement over a game that had already earned an 88. This isn't a 75 going to a 92, an 88 to a 93, and it may drop from there as more reviews come in.

Improvements from original

-Resolution bumped to 1080p
-Can be played portably
-Both docked and portable have rock solid 60fps
-48 courses as opposed to 32 (includes ~$40 in DLCs)
-Actual battle mode developed, which the previous lacked almost entirely
-8 Battle arenas and 5 battle modes

Much like when the original was reviewed at a point where Nintendo's reputation was at its lowest, this doesn't require some misplaced affection to explain. It's just a demonstrably excellent game.

Barkley said:
Johnw1104 said:

I know people get angry when Nintendo games review well, but I never expected to see such salt about a much improved MK8 getting a few more points than its predecessor. It's just weird O_o

Are you talking about Celador? If you're referring to me I don't know how you came to that conclusion, I guess my post gives off the wrong impression.

I wasn't referring to anyone specifically lol, just seen a lot of posts here and on youtube/metacritic/elsewhere from people who are bizarrely angry about this game scoring as well as it is.

RolStoppable said:
Johnw1104 said:

-48 courses as opposed to 32 (includes ~$100 in DLCs)

What? How?

Just looked, I read a review wrong.

Apparently the Wii U game was included in the total price the guy mentioned, so it'd be closer to ~$40 in DLC

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Johnw1104 said:


I think you're taking my post me saying that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is getting better reviews then it deserves, which is not what I'm saying at all. My post is saying Mario Kart 8 (WiiU) got worse reviews  due to influence from negative public opinion at the time.

Barkley said:
Johnw1104 said:


I think you're taking my post me saying that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is getting better reviews then it deserves, which is not what I'm saying at all. My post is saying Mario Kart 8 (WiiU) got worse reviews  due to influence from negative public opinion at the time.

Hmm, I actually thought that review was fair... it seemed to me the completely phoned in battle mode would almost always warrant a full point docked from the total.

Johnw1104 said:
RolStoppable said:

What? How?

Just looked, I read a review wrong.

Apparently the Wii U game was included in the total price the guy mentioned, so it'd be closer to ~$40 in DLC

The total price that the guy mentioned is still completely wrong, since the entirety of the DLC only costs $12. It's not even close to $100, it's $72.

StarDoor said:
Johnw1104 said:

Just looked, I read a review wrong.

Apparently the Wii U game was included in the total price the guy mentioned, so it'd be closer to ~$40 in DLC

The total price that the guy mentioned is still completely wrong, since the entirety of the DLC only costs $12. It's not even close to $100, it's $72.


RolStoppable said:
Johnw1104 said:

Just looked, I read a review wrong.

Apparently the Wii U game was included in the total price the guy mentioned, so it'd be closer to ~$40 in DLC

But there were only two DLC packs for Mario Kart 8. Individually they could be purchased for $/€8 each, a purchase of both of them together was only $/€12.


Ah, well it was this review:

All DLC costs only $12? I thought I remembered a few DLC releases that cost money.

etking said:
Switch reviews seem to be biased / influenced by free consoles and bribery.
BotW already did get inflated scores which in no way reflected the game's major flaws or player opinions.

And increasing the score of a 3 year old 88 Wii-U game to 93 for no reason points towards unfair and biased reviews. The new Battle mode alone, despite being the heart and soul of every Mario Kart game, cannot be the explanation.

What makes you think Nintendo of all companies would bribe reviewers? They have no need to go that low, especially since they've made excellent games for years. It's like asking Michael Jordan why he's the greatest basketball player of all time, he'll let his career speak for itself.

Plus, didn't reviewers get free PS4 and Xbones for review when they were set to launch?

And as others have said, the individual scores that have improved from the original MK8 can add up to what the score is now. Changing from a 7.5 to an 8.5 or a 9 from a reviewer like Gamespot, as an example, can be significant.