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celador said:
Barkley said:

94 with 25 reviews.

Considering it's a remaster such a large increase in score over the original is likely due to current perception. I.E WiiU = Crap, Switch = Yay

Hating nintendo isn't "trendy" right now for reviewers.

Oh please, can we stop this nonsense about reviewers hating on Nintendo, it's ridiculous. It's getting higher reviews because the gameplay hasn't aged at all and it comes with far more content than the original.

Nintendo first party games have scored highly on every single console and reviewers aren't out to get them or influenced by the game being on a shit console

It's not about hating on Nintendo specifically. It's about being influenced by the opinions of others, whether conciously or not. The more you see someone say "X is shit" the less possitive you will be about "X". To the extent that you could know nothing about something and believe it to be awful.

Whether you like it or not, everyone is affected by the opinions of others. People are unable to view something from a standpoint that isn't affected by outside influence.

How you can suggest that the reviews of a title can't be influenced by the console it's played on is beyond me though.