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Forums - Sports Discussion - ESPN Loses 621,000 Subscribers; Worst Month in Company History


Do you still watch ESPN, or have you moved on?

Yes 13 18.57%
No 39 55.71%
FSN 3 4.29%
online 5 7.14%
see results 8 11.43%
other 2 2.86%

They don't play any sports i like xD

Around the Network

Everyone switching to PS Vue confirmed.

Seriously, this may explain the free 3 months of all the sports channels I just got on PS VUE.

vivster said:
Not enough Esports.


Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

We cut cable last time we moved. Internet only is the way to go.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Augen said:
I don't get why anyone would pay $100/month for cable television and sit through ads when you can pay $22/month for Netflix and Hulu+ and never watch ads. Can even ad league pass for most sport leagues for $5-10/month. HBO is $15/month so even with all that still half of cable bill one friend I know pays.

Sure, have to wait on some shows, but I really don't care and saving $600-800/year makes it worth it and I avoid ads (especially political ones lately).

If I really want to watch live sport event I just go to local pub and get a meal and enjoy the match.

It's all about adverts for me, killed my interest in watching traditional TV years ago, if I have an hour free in my day to watch TV I do not want to spend upwards of 20 mins of that hour watching someone telling me to buy car insurance, it's just a huge fucking waste of the small amount of time I have to enjoy media. Watching a 2 hour movie here on Irelands TV network now in some time slots includes extra shows in the middle to try to up their ratings so we get "first hour of movie" (with about 20-30 mins of adverts) "A News broadcast or Irish Lotto show" Adverts "the second hour of the film" complete with another 20-30 mins of adverts, I mean it actually turns watching a film into requiring closer to 3-4 hours to view and it's just so broken up and disjointed it's insane.

Also TV which is aired in Ireland requires paying a licence fee of €160 per year, for those channels laced with adverts.

By comparison we have netflix, ends up being cheaper than RTE(our TV broadcaster) here at just €120 per year, has some amazing original content and best of all... no fucking adverts wasting away the little time I get to sit and watch "TV"

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Around the Network

I think NFL Network, MLB Network, and WWE Network are killing off ESPN more than anything. I think most sports fans want things right from the source, and those networks offer the best insiders, and the most loved past stars.

Add in the massive push for sports by NBC and Fox, and there is just a massive amount of competition for watching sports.

I think that the best thing ESPN can do is offer their content as a stand alone package on stuff like Sling and Vue. That would at least give them a chance to offer it to those that don't want a full cable package, and are happy with just Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


KBG29 said:
I think NFL Network, MLB Network, and WWE Network are killing off ESPN more than anything. I think most sports fans want things right from the source, and those networks offer the best insiders, and the most loved past stars.

Add in the massive push for sports by NBC and Fox, and there is just a massive amount of competition for watching sports.

I think that the best thing ESPN can do is offer their content as a stand alone package on stuff like Sling and Vue. That would at least give them a chance to offer it to those that don't want a full cable package, and are happy with just Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.

I think this plus Huge amount of advertisements are turning people off to traditional TV. People are clearly willing to pay for it hence why Hulu and Netflix and HBO Go are so popular but 30% of the content you are paying for is advertisements not to mention the cost of cable. I dont think millenials are any less interested in sports but most millenials are poor and cant afford monthly bills. Thats what it comes down to. Price and time.


Personally I rarely watch ESPN even being a diehard sports fan. i pay my DirecTV monthly fees and my NFL sunday ticket. But i sure wish there was a cheaper way to get my sports

Long Live SHIO!

They also changed their Sunday NFL Countdown team. I preferred the other team with Cris Carter. The new people even use the segment he created. I think that is not right.

Damn, they are more dooemd than Nintendo.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Nope, I just look for websites that are streaming MNF games. No other reason for me to watch that channel outside of MNF