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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony 'Pleasantly Surprised' by Strong PS4 Pro Pre-Orders

thats cool, i suppose

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LurkerJ said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Oh? When did the PS3 sale more than the Wii? Or are people still going along with that argument that Wii doesn't count? 

Are we even sure the PS3 outsold the x360? That claim was only supported by VGC numbers which are now widly, instead of partially back then, believed to be a joke.

We're pretty sure that the PS3 has outsold the 360.  Here's a thread where I did the math, only possible because Sony started giving us shipment numbers, again, whereas MS stopped.  There's a reason for that.  Not only was the 360 dying, but the XBO isn't doing so hot against the PS4.  It's also good to note that MS was still updating us on 360 shipments when it hit 80M, and then Sony revealed the PS3 was only a couple weeks behind the 360 when it announced it hit 80M, as well.  After that, MS went silent.  My guess is they knew the next time they announced a milestone, Sony would announce they had passed them by 500K-1M.

LurkerJ said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Oh? When did the PS3 sale more than the Wii? Or are people still going along with that argument that Wii doesn't count? 

Are we even sure the PS3 outsold the x360? That claim was only supported by VGC numbers which are now widly, instead of partially back then, believed to be a joke.

Neither really gave final numbers but given that the PS3 outsold the 360 every year from 2009, I'd say it's pretty much a guarantee.

RolStoppable said:
LurkerJ said:

Has any of the released VR headsets found success? I won't be surprised if stays 4ever a niche, and it won't be the first time for a certain product to get a push from most tech just for it to flop.

The last VR-related news I've read was about the headsets that are already out, which have seriously flatlined after the enthusiast market picked them up. Basically, all remaining hopes rest on significant price drops to make them affordable to a broader audience.

But by the time such prices are going to be achieved, developer support is probably going to be slim to non-existent, so prices might not even matter at that stage. PS VR is a cheaper option, but if the PS4 Pro is pitched as something you should own for the optimal VR experience, then Sony essentially pits their headset against an upgraded console because most consumers aren't going to buy both at the same time. The console is going to win that battle with ease because it's much more useful. But even when that is put aside, PS VR is $400 peripheral in and of itself. That's not going to fly off the shelves.

I do not doubt that PS VR will be the best-selling one of the various headsets, but that bar is very low, so it's not going to be an achievement.

Yes, "Get a Pro for better VR, then get a PSVR to try out these cool tech demos" isn't exactly a marketable concept. For all the work SONY has put into avoiding missteps this generation, they seem to be completely off the mark with VR. They probably should've worked with Oculus to make their headsets compatible with PS, just like they are compatible with weak Android phones. Or they should've made PSVR PC friendly to expand base of potential customers so they'll get their R&D back. Or just wait for the technology to mature. Where is the software? Why don't I remember one VR game from the many they showed during conferences? Is this another case of developers not developing software for VR until the user base grows enough but the user base won't grow because there is no software? Poor planning everywhere you look.

Yep, it looks like it's going to be a huge Christmas for Sony.


The PS5 Exists. 

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With the mobile phone app I think PSVR will end up selling more than it would have. A lot of kids will buy it and have their friends want it.

Also, VR adoption will increase dramatically as well as tissue sales.

LurkerJ said:

Yes, "Get a Pro for better VR, then get a PSVR to try out these cool tech demos" isn't exactly a marketable concept.

PSVR also works fine with the normal PS4. Every PSVR demo show yet was running with the standard PS4 model.

For all the work SONY has put into avoiding missteps this generation, they seem to be completely off the mark with VR.

Is that your gut feeling talking or your FUD feeling? PSVR hasn't even launched yet, so we don't know if it will be a success or not.

They probably should've worked with Oculus to make their headsets compatible with PS, just like they are compatible with weak Android phones.

You know that Oculus Rift for PC and Oculus Gear VR aren't compatible with each other, do you? Oculus Rift ain't compatible with weak Android phones.

Or they should've made PSVR PC friendly to expand base of potential customers so they'll get their R&D back.

Of course they are trying to keep PSVR exclusive to the PS ecosystem at first. IF that doesn't work out, they can still add PC support later.

Or just wait for the technology to mature.

Sure, if everyone waits for the technology to mature, there IS no technology which can mature. If every tech company waits for the others to make their move, it will be a Mexican stand-off.

Where is the software?

The hardware ain't available yet. Where was the PS4 software before the PS4 launch? Where was the PS3 software before the PS3 launch? Where was the PS2 software before the PS2 launch? Where was the Wii software before the Wii launch? ...

Why don't I remember one VR game from the many they showed during conferences?

Probably because you aren't even mildly interested in VR. Or because you chose to ignore all PSVR related announcements. Do Resident Evil 7 VR, DriveClub VR, Batman Arkham VR, Farpoint, Robinson: The Journey, Rigs, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, The London Heist, Eve: Valkyrie, Battlezone, Gran Turismo Sports, Star Wars Battlefront X-Wing VR or Star Trek: Bridge Crew ring any bell?

Is this another case of developers not developing software for VR until the user base grows enough but the user base won't grow because there is no software? Poor planning everywhere you look.

There are already more PSVR games announced than there were PS4 or PS3 games announced before these console launches.

thismeintiel said:
Azuren said:

I think just calling it a PS5 with full backwards compatibility to PS4 would be easier to understand and also give justification to exclusives. 

Yea, he's kinda contradicting himself there.  He says a Pro 2 because Sony won't want to reset the next gen, though that has never hurt them before, and then says they can call it PS5 if they want.  Calling it PS5 is what resets the gen.  Even if it's B/C with PS4, that still counts as a reset, and has been done plenty of times before.

Well, what really resets the generation is a new line of games exclusive to a new platform.


This isn't the case with a New 3DS, though, since there are only a couple of actually new games for it and releasing N3DS exclusive games en masse was never the intention.

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Azzanation said:

But if they want to watch there 4k phyiscal disks they will save hundreds on the X1S.

Do you mean like how they could've saved hundreds by buying a PS3 instead of a 360 to watch blurays?Instead they bought the 360s anyway because they wanted to play games?




   Well it's obviously doing better they expected.

Alot of people did buy a PS3 for the Blu-Ray player, I have a friend who brought 3 of them, one for each TV in his house just for movies, no joke. They will both sell well regardless of the power advantages. Also remember one is cheaper than the other. and they both have unique features the other doesnt.

aLkaLiNE said:
Cloudman said:

I'm kinda surprised they said anything at all. I wouldn't expect a comment unless the numbers were excellent.

I don't think businesses look at prospective products with "high" or "low" expectations. They simply have a number that they come up with through market analysis and then make a forecast. Sounds like pre orders are exceeding their forecast, there's nothing in the statement that suggests low expectations so I don't know how you could've perceived that.

Well, that's just the impressions I got from a few comments mentioned with the article, is all.



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