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Forums - General Discussion - What does your mod history look like?

None, I have no mod history. Of course I'm not the most frequent poster so it isn't necessarily saying a whole lot.


1. If the Wii U sells closer to 10 million LTD by 1/3/2015 I win. If it sells closer to 9.5 million LTD by 1/3/2015 OfficerRaichu15 wins (winner gets 2 weeks of avatar control)--Lost.

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hershel_layton said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Easily you are one of the best returns from a permaban on this site mate. I recall many times seeing your old account at the centre of bad activity but you definitely turned over a new Legendary Leaf with that profile :)

I find it disappointing how you're based off of Ganondorf, and yet you have a clear record.


Try doing something evil. Insult someone, unleash dictatorship unto the website, etc etc.

But but.... Ganon is a lovely fellow! Link just has a Better PR man, seriously he cuts chunks out of the deku tree to print flyers about how I'm evil and he is great!

I even showed that little guy how to fire his arrows!

Just all bad PR man....

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Sixteenvolt420 said:
So, where exactly do i find my mod history under my profile?

Go to your profile, and in the top right corner you'll see a link to it. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I used the f-word and got a warning. :/

MoHasanie said:
Sixteenvolt420 said:
So, where exactly do i find my mod history under my profile?

Go to your profile, and in the top right corner you'll see a link to it. 

Ah, i see it now. Didn't even see that up there until now. Thanks!!



Mod History for Sixteenvolt420

07/21/15 21:19 Shinobi-san Warning Trolling (This post breaks multiple rules: trolling, spamming and severely lacking substance. You've been here long enough to know that this type of post is not allowed on our forums. Please don't do it again.)   7438484
12/01/14 16:27 Mr Khan Ban Trolling (Trolling Wii U.) Banned 1 days 6878817
08/10/14 19:06 Carl2291 Warning Flaming (Baiting here. Don't imply someone is a shill, even if they do hold a bias towards a specific platform.)   6569267



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Well, 2 warnings and a ban. I was still young here and stupid and got warned and banned on the same night (for 2 different posts made before the warning though IIRC), I managed to call other users fanboy and troll in 2 different discussions ^^. I've been clean for almost a year now! 


08/12/15 19:34 PwerlvlAmy Warning Other (Hello Faelco. You're receiving this warning for the following post( This post in itself with the first line was just fine,however the second line you wrote and its wording was a bit of a bait. Please refrain from bait posts in the future. Thank you)

06/03/15 01:42 starcraft Ban Flaming (Forum 101 - don't call people trolls please!) Banned 1 days

06/02/15 22:25 Shinobi-san Warning Flaming (I know **** was being difficult here by not giving you a straight answer to your question, but that doesn't mean you should in turn flame him. "Happy to see at least some people are intelligent enough..etc." implying that **** is not intelligent enough and also "a certain fanboy can rest now" calling ****  a fanboy. Try and keep your cool in situations like this and refrain from any sort of personal insults, attacks or name calling. This is just a warning, something to keep in mind next time you get into a frustrating situation like this.)

spurgeonryan said:

03/30/10 09:40 MaxwellGT2000 Ban Trolling ("I think the wii si basically dead guys. Yeah tye casuals and some hardcore fans my stay on, but look at it. The PS3 and the 360 put out or have been putting out 2-5 good games a week, while the wii has 0-2 a month. Week after week we see the same games for the wii sell good, and that is it. what companies want to make games for a company that cannot even sell its own games anymore? Wasnt endless ocean made by nintendo? plus we just had three or four big released in the past month for once, and they all sold horribly. It is very sad, but I have actually considered buying a ps3 finally. Nintendo is more interested in making a buck by putting out threre millionth iteration of the ds than putting out games. maybe we should have a one day strike on nintendo to show them that we are tired of this! I dont know it is frustrating. I think by chirstmas the ps3, wii and xbox will be neck and neck if not worse. this article has nothing to do with whatever this game is, my window is minimized so I cannot see or remember the name. bye" A really long off topic rant on fragile's game DB wall that's basically trolling the Wii) Banned 3 days


LivingMetal said:
I've been warned and banned for racy avatars.

I can see they've had the desired effects!! 


My mod history over 2 accounts is eventful to say the least! 

In my defence: I had several tabs opened that day and ended up posting in Conegamer's thread by accident. (Wanted to make a remark in another thread.) Thus ruining the "project in progress". Lol

                                                                    Lyrics: He He He He Ha Ha Ha!                                                                  


spurgeonryan said:
I barely even remember that game^

You nearly have as many moderations as me. 34 v 35. You need to up your game son! :o

@mods does anyone else have more than 35?