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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - XB1 S is a Better Value than a $400 PC

method114 said:
Barkley said:

You can't use Piracy to argue PC gaming is cheaper xD. While you're right that it would make PC gaming substantially cheaper and it is an option used by many It's not really a point you should should use for this debate.

Ok ok that's a cheap way to win the argument but even with just sales it still works out great for PC gamers. In the end I think the amount of money you save or spend is about the same with PC and consoles. Except with PC you get much better graphics. I'm just waiting for the ability to use my PC with a controller only on every single game. Not sure how they will do that with multiplayer games but they need to make like extra servers with controll only PC players or something.

Hopefully Xbox Play Anywhere titles will have a crossplatform multiplayer mode that means you have to use gamepad and a PC only mode so the mouse+keyboard players don't have an advantage and the PC players can use gamepad if they want against other players that are also using gamepad.

Consoles are cheaper for me because I rent games which isn't an option on PC, I can play games as soon as they launch for next to nothing. But I just don't like gaming on my PC. It's where I work, I play the odd game of Civilization, Crusader Kings, Hearthstone or League of Legends but I find it much more relaxing and enjoyable to play games on a console.

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I say: The more you get for less, the better. Consoles might have a few straws but it fails in comparison to how much you get for less on Pc. PC also offer you tons more games plus Xb games on top of it. It's okay to say: I prefer this over that, but most people lack dignity and start coming up with tons damage-controlling when it's not even needed.. I can see how people can provoke someone into it, don't bite the bait. Buy what you want but keep it real.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

Barkley said:
method114 said:

Ok ok that's a cheap way to win the argument but even with just sales it still works out great for PC gamers. In the end I think the amount of money you save or spend is about the same with PC and consoles. Except with PC you get much better graphics. I'm just waiting for the ability to use my PC with a controller only on every single game. Not sure how they will do that with multiplayer games but they need to make like extra servers with controll only PC players or something.

Hopefully Xbox Play Anywhere titles will have a crossplatform multiplayer mode that means you have to use gamepad and a PC only mode so the mouse+keyboard players don't have an advantage and the PC players can use gamepad if they want against other players that are also using gamepad.

Consoles are cheaper for me because I rent games which isn't an option on PC, I can play games as soon as they launch for next to nothing. But I just don't like gaming on my PC. It's where I work, I play the odd game of Civilization, Crusader Kings, Hearthstone or League of Legends but I find it much more relaxing and enjoyable to play games on a console.

Yep to me PC is so close to being the perfect playform but it just needs to do a few things different. Mainly eliminating the use of keyboard and mouse IMO. Overall though I agree I enjoy console gaming more.

Ruler said:

Look for example at Bishock you can buy the remaster for 50€ on Xbox One and PS4, ro for 22€ for all the last gen versions on Amazon which includes shipping cost. Meanwhile on Steam you have to buy every single one of them which will cost you 70€, there is no Sale for these games

You are kidding, aren't you? There was a BioShock Trilogy deal the whole frakking Summer Steam Sale!

Or look here:!/download-bioshock-triple-pack/5009235

As always when it comes to PCs, you don't know what you are talking about (or you tend to ignore everything positive to keep your agenda intact).

S.T.A.G.E. said:
jason1637 said:

Microsoft is getting rid of this with their upgradable model of generations. 

Sony was the one who started the upgradable model initiative. Microsoft wanted to beat them to market just like they did with the 360. Let's hope they don't rush the R&D like they did there and cause another colossal failure rate just to prove they can one up Sony. Sony wants to give options to the gamer on consoles so they do not join the rising arm of people who are jumping ship from consoles to PC. Microsoft is following but has not stated any legitimate reason for doing it outside of the fact that they want to have the most powerful upgraded console. As I've always said.... They will always be on sonys rear.

How did Sony start the upgradeable model? Is it because there launching first because we really don't know when MS started work on the Scorpio and when Sony started work on the NEO.  Sony has even said the NEO will be the PS4s last upgrade while it seems MS is going the other way and will keep this upgradable model of generations. 

Barkley said:
Mummelmann said:

PC games are on average about 15-20% cheaper, they're usually even around 15% cheaper at launch. I paid about 15£ for most of my PS3 games which were Platinum collection, and most PC titles in the same category go for about 1/3 of that.

While this is a big advantage PC has it's getting a lot closer this generation, PSN now has weekly sales. It was only the other week Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline were £3.99 each on ps4.

Another big advantage is renting, I can pay £9.99 a month and have unlimited rentals on ps4 games, tis great!

Rented Ratchet & Clank at launch, platinumed it in 6 days,  that works out at £1.99 booyah.


Those are really good deals.


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Dulfite said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Actually, you may be wrong.

Looking at Steam statistics the average users have dated specs. I mean the most common CPU is dual core.

It doesn't take much to run the most popular Steam games. Frankly, many popular PC games are designed for relatively low end specs. $400 is low spec. 

$400 is low spec

Brand new, yeah.

But I think many Steam users just grab an old PC and upgrade a few things to play games better. That would explain why dual core is so popular on Steam.

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TheBlackNaruto said:
AnthonyW86 said:
Well atleast on PC you don't have to rebuy your games every generation in the form of a ''remaster''.

This is an EVERY generation thing?

On topic:

It just might be a better value...but as someone who is not a PC gamer I can't say for sure.

Pretty much yes, there are exceptions like PS2 i guess but sooner or later backwards compatibility always ended. Especially if we are talking about digital games wich is probably the future, but i refuse to buy console games digitally. I did that once with Twisted Metal:Black, bought the digital version on PS3(and also bought the original for PS2). So that was the second time i payed for it, now it's on PS4 and they expect met to pay for it AGAIN.

I'd never get a $400 pc, those things getting outdated is probably measured in months.

I have a ~$1000 pc which should last me some years in "very high" quality settings. Soon as I can't get that anymore, it's time to upgrade.

AnthonyW86 said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

This is an EVERY generation thing?

On topic:

It just might be a better value...but as someone who is not a PC gamer I can't say for sure.

Pretty much yes, there are exceptions like PS2 i guess but sooner or later backwards compatibility always ended. Especially if we are talking about digital games wich is probably the future, but i refuse to buy console games digitally. I did that once with Twisted Metal:Black, bought the digital version on PS3(and also bought the original for PS2). So that was the second time i payed for it, now it's on PS4 and they expect met to pay for it AGAIN.

Well the PS2 gen wouldn't really be an exception if you ask me....wouldn't the consoles from the PS3 gen up be the exception since that is pretty much when it all started as heavily as it is now? But I agree buying the same games 4 and 5 times is silly for those of use who have been around for all these gens...but it is a great bonus/benefit for those who havenot. For instance my son missedout on the PS2 era BUT the only reason he got to play soem great games from that era was because I like keeping all my stuff lol. But his brother didn't have that luxury so he gets to play those games thanks to them being available for download. So it kind of balances out.

I will say this though these companies needs some type of work around where those of us who have bought these games before would not have to buy them again when we upgrade to teh next gen systems(like youw ith twisted Metal) you should just be able ot bring them all over and download them no thave to purchase them again....that part is crazy.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

errorpwns said:

Anything close? Except a 400 dollar PC now can easily be done and top a Xbox or PS4. Just saying.

U mean 2.5 years after PS4/X1 launched ?