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AnthonyW86 said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

This is an EVERY generation thing?

On topic:

It just might be a better value...but as someone who is not a PC gamer I can't say for sure.

Pretty much yes, there are exceptions like PS2 i guess but sooner or later backwards compatibility always ended. Especially if we are talking about digital games wich is probably the future, but i refuse to buy console games digitally. I did that once with Twisted Metal:Black, bought the digital version on PS3(and also bought the original for PS2). So that was the second time i payed for it, now it's on PS4 and they expect met to pay for it AGAIN.

Well the PS2 gen wouldn't really be an exception if you ask me....wouldn't the consoles from the PS3 gen up be the exception since that is pretty much when it all started as heavily as it is now? But I agree buying the same games 4 and 5 times is silly for those of use who have been around for all these gens...but it is a great bonus/benefit for those who havenot. For instance my son missedout on the PS2 era BUT the only reason he got to play soem great games from that era was because I like keeping all my stuff lol. But his brother didn't have that luxury so he gets to play those games thanks to them being available for download. So it kind of balances out.

I will say this though these companies needs some type of work around where those of us who have bought these games before would not have to buy them again when we upgrade to teh next gen systems(like youw ith twisted Metal) you should just be able ot bring them all over and download them no thave to purchase them again....that part is crazy.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23