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Forums - Movies & TV - The Force Awakens sucks! *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Virlando said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Her life as a scavenger does explain a good portion of her talents. In the beginning you see that looking for scrap parts requires her scalling huge abandonned ships. We also see that she always carries her staff with her and it's easy to understand that fights must occur quite often over scraps which means that in order to survive she had to learn to fight. Her skill with the staff translate to fighting with other weapons like the lightsaber. Also, she has to be able to tell the valuable, good quality scraps from the worthless crap so that explains why she knows apart ships parts and engineering.

I'll give you that I don't know where she gets her pilotting skills from though as someone living from ration to ration wouldn't be able to afford a ship.

I really liked her. Ray was the best new character if you ask me. And I see things as you see on this matter. She was raised in a place where she could count only on herself. She knew how to fight with common enemy. She was really good at fighting. (I still believ that fighting a Jedi/Sith would be a little more tricky). 

She knew how to rapair stuff, and that made sense. But piloting Millenium Falcon for the first time like she did... was somewhat ... impressive. I could bend the rules for her because she was force sensitive, she was natural, but this kind of ship was especially dificult to pilot. It was big and disproportionate. even Lando could do the tricks with it, but he had experience flying it and he knew how the ships respond. Anyway, she is a great character.

Yeah, that's kind of odd. But she knew the ship very well, and she knew about the modifications that that X guy (I don't remember his name) has done to the ship. So she could have some knowledge about how to pilot it. 

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amp316 said:

Honestly, it's the worst Star Wars movie ever made.  It makes Attack Of the Clones look like The Empire Strikes Back.  It makes the Phantom Menace look like A New Hope.  Sadly, this is the movie that "Star Wars fans" have asked for since the Phantom Menace.  They all wanted a movie that wasn't made by George Lucas since they now viewed him as a has been no talent hack.  You got your wish, guys.  You got a fan film made on the biggest budget of all time.  

The story reads like a bad EU novel.  Who wrote this thing?  Kevin J. Anderson?  The plot is bare bones and is basically A New Hope, but a thousand times worse.  Things are brought up briefly but never expanded upon.  Who is exactly is the First Order?  The Resistance? The Knights of Ren?  There's a New Republic?  Tell me something about them.  Anything .  Please?  

Oh, and Kylo Ren is by far the weakest main villain in the entire series.  At first I really thought that they were on to something with a sinister and powerful force wielder that was prone to temper tantrums.  Turns out that he isn't a bad ass at all.  In fact, he can be defeated in a lightsaber duel by someone that has zero training.  And I also wasn't too impressed with Supreme Leader Snoke or whatever his name was...

The whole movie goes like this.  Fan service.  Fan service. Fan service.  Cameo. Fan service.  Fan service.  Cameo.  Fan service.  Cameo.  Oh wait... A few planets were just blown up?  Who's planets were they?  Who lived there?  Why should I care?  It's things like this that make make the most fundamentally basic plot points an unmitigated disaster.

And what about Rey's backstory?  Oh yeah.  It's gone into with about as much depth as Mr. Pink's from Reservoir Dogs.  And speaking about Rey, by the end of the movie she's basically both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker put together.  Ugh.  

Say what you want about the prequels.  As a whole I agree that they weren't up to par with the original trilogy, but The Force Awakens makes me appreciate them much, much more.  It doesn't tell a new story or much of a story at all.  It's just a vehicle to sell a bunch of merchandise.  

Okay.  Now I will say some nice things.  Overall, the acting is pretty good, BB8 was cool, and it looks great but besides for that, The Force Awakens sucks! 


0 out of 5 stars for a Star Wars movie - It's like the Die Another Day of Star Wars movies.  Put in a bunch of stuff  that people enjoyed previously in the series and they will enjoy this one.  Don't worry about the script.  Blow up stuff, bring out Han, Leia, Chewie, etc. and people will think that it's great.


My ranking of the films, if you care:

1)  The Empire Strikes Back

2)  A New Hope

3)  Revenge of the Sith

4)  Return of the Jedi

5)  The Phantom Menace

6)  Attack of the Clones

7)  The Force Awakens 


*stands up and claps*

It's about time someone said it. Although, I'd have ROTJ much higher. 

Virlando said:

I really liked her. Ray was the best new character if you ask me. And I see things as you see on this matter. She was raised in a place where she could count only on herself. She knew how to fight with common enemy. She was really good at fighting. (I still believ that fighting a Jedi/Sith would be a little more tricky). 

She knew how to rapair stuff, and that made sense. But piloting Millenium Falcon for the first time like she did... was somewhat ... impressive. I could bend the rules for her because she was force sensitive, she was natural, but this kind of ship was especially dificult to pilot. It was big and disproportionate. even Lando could do the tricks with it, but he had experience flying it and he knew how the ships respond. Anyway, she is a great character.

I have a feeling she's a Skywalker which would explain her natural talent for flying ships

I am not very familiar with Star Wars, but I did just watch the original 6, and sorry, but I don't see what all the fuss about the old ones was, they're slow and boring with over the top wooden characters; the acting is horrid. Let's be real, the original 3 are terribly overrated. In all of the first 6 there is just way too much useless filler exposition and filler scenes that didn't contribute to the plot.

If you were a fan of those movies as a kid, good for you,, but don't bash this one because you feel the need to compete with it, especially while ignoring the gigantic flaws of the older movies as well as how poorly they've aged. I can guarantee you that anyone who isn't attached to the older movies will like Force Awakens FAR better than any of the others.

The characters in the Force Awakens are much more interesting, and the villain isn't a cardboard characiture like Darth Vader, the Emperor, and Darth Maul. Kylo Ren actually had character. The cast doesn't act like robots who occasionally have emotional outbursts, they actually seem alive. Sure Han Solo is still a bit of a knob, but he was actually much less of one in this film than the previous ones; I agree that he wasn't really required for this movie, but it was for older fans, and I am sure it worked fine. On top of that, the pacing was MUCH better than the old movies, with action scenes being appropriately lengthen,

The plot of Force Awakens was a lot better than the earlier movies, despite its flaws. Not just because of the pacing, but also because the entire movie supported the plot, there wasn't nearly as much filler or really unnecessary sequences. Also each individual scene was interesting, whereas none of the earlier movies had more than 50% interesting scenes. The original trilogy is also about the most formulaic action movie series ever, and if anything, the biggest flaw with Force Awaken's plot is that it copied too many elements from the original trilogy, thus, subscribing in part to that formula, but at least it felt like an updated version of it rather than an outdated one.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

1. No, he was obviously troubled the whole movie between dark and light. It's obvious that he's not sure on what to do when he first encountered Solo, as it was stated in the film that he has his doubts about the dark side. And plenty of Jedis were shot on the saga. Look at the Order 66 on Revenge of the sith. Or that colisseum scene on Attack of the Clones. 

2. About Rey, she was awakening (you see, the movie is called The Force Awakens from some reason), and we see her improving her powers in that scene with the Stormtrooper when she was captured. So, no, she didn't know how to use The Force before, that's very, very obvious. She's learning. Force is awakening in her. More, you are complaining because Ren is not powerful. Well, you saw all the movie how powerful that Chewbacca's crossbow is. So it's impressive that he could take the shot and not being killed. Which proves he was actually severely wounded in that battle. And how do you not see that he is severely wounded? Jesus, he was just hitting himself the whole fight because of the pain. I don't want to be rude, but I think you missed some parts of the movie, or just don't pay attention and think it's inconsistent, and it's not. It has its flaws, true. Like taking an awful lot of references from A New Hope. But it's fairly consistent. 

1. I didn't see how troubled he was. He was slaying everyone left and right as he wanted. He was dark side all the way. If there was a chance to make me think he was troubled, then I will see the movie again and tell you if I changed my mind, or, as I said before, it's again the fault of poorly written script. 

Do you remember what he said to Han Solo when he called him on the ramp? He said 'I was waiting for this moment'. Saying thing like that made me think that he already know what he is going to do. We can argue on this but I think it would be wise to let it go.

If you want to see this from different perspectieve, then please: I think the whole lightsabre fighting was nonsense. He was badly wounded but he fought. He force pushed Ray to fight the Finn. Why just not push one then take down with the force the other and slay them in the first place. Why risking fighting while being wounded. It's just the story... bad written story... 

2. The force was awakening in Ray. I love the character but.... the force was awakening... it was awakening in her... lets awake the force!... anybody?... no... sorry. Someone made a good point on this: It's like matrix, you have the hardware (force sensitive) so you just download the software (become a jedi in one moment) and let's start with the kung fu. It was disappointing how they degraded the force. It doesn't matter how strong and who was, but rather how uniqe was the feeling and knowledge of the force. It never was something what you could achieve by just 'letting it in' (download and install and let the magic happen). It makes me said. It actually changes all the universe if that is what they are trying to pull out of it. Let's be super powerful heroes from now on and kawabanga!

My friend, I don't think you understand what I am trying to tell you. If you are saying that I didn't pay attention, then I am afraid that you didn't pay attention throughout the entire saga so far. Or I can put this in simple words. Maybe STAR WARS are different for everybody. And I don't think that is something wrong to be honest. I love the way you are explaining those things for me, but, like I said, you are missing my point. Meditate on this I will to put it into more approachable way. 

I couldn't remember nothing worth notice when the movie ended. I just can't think of nothing except of what I already knew. There is resistance, the first order and the blaster fire is in place too. Nothing fascinating, really. I know what they wnted to achieve, but for me it doesn't worked out. If you enjoyed the movie more than me, then I am happy for you. I wish I was the same. As a Guardians of the Galaxy it would be a great movie. But it's not the case.

Maybe we should speak now about the positive aspects of the movie. ?

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StarOcean said:
Virlando said:

I really liked her. Ray was the best new character if you ask me. And I see things as you see on this matter. She was raised in a place where she could count only on herself. She knew how to fight with common enemy. She was really good at fighting. (I still believ that fighting a Jedi/Sith would be a little more tricky). 

She knew how to rapair stuff, and that made sense. But piloting Millenium Falcon for the first time like she did... was somewhat ... impressive. I could bend the rules for her because she was force sensitive, she was natural, but this kind of ship was especially dificult to pilot. It was big and disproportionate. even Lando could do the tricks with it, but he had experience flying it and he knew how the ships respond. Anyway, she is a great character.

I have a feeling she's a Skywalker which would explain her natural talent for flying ships

I think that would be amazing if he was Luke's daughter. I really enjoyed her as a new hero but knowing that she might be Luke's offspring would make me even happier. I am excited to know how she and Luke will come along. In the VIII episode, there will be more than one Jedi me thinks.

Volterra_90 said:

Yeah, that's kind of odd. But she knew the ship very well, and she knew about the modifications that that X guy (I don't remember his name) has done to the ship. So she could have some knowledge about how to pilot it. 

I don't mind her piloting the ship like that, but a little of background regarding her being a pilot would be nice... She said she was a pilot but... you know... how long, where did she fly, etc. etc. It's a shame they didn't develope the character more. But what happened, happened, I will wait for another part and see what they are trying to do next.

Virlando said:

1. No, he was obviously troubled the whole movie between dark and light. It's obvious that he's not sure on what to do when he first encountered Solo, as it was stated in the film that he has his doubts about the dark side. And plenty of Jedis were shot on the saga. Look at the Order 66 on Revenge of the sith. Or that colisseum scene on Attack of the Clones. 

2. About Rey, she was awakening (you see, the movie is called The Force Awakens from some reason), and we see her improving her powers in that scene with the Stormtrooper when she was captured. So, no, she didn't know how to use The Force before, that's very, very obvious. She's learning. Force is awakening in her. More, you are complaining because Ren is not powerful. Well, you saw all the movie how powerful that Chewbacca's crossbow is. So it's impressive that he could take the shot and not being killed. Which proves he was actually severely wounded in that battle. And how do you not see that he is severely wounded? Jesus, he was just hitting himself the whole fight because of the pain. I don't want to be rude, but I think you missed some parts of the movie, or just don't pay attention and think it's inconsistent, and it's not. It has its flaws, true. Like taking an awful lot of references from A New Hope. But it's fairly consistent. 

1. I didn't see how troubled he was. He was slaying everyone left and right as he wanted. He was dark side all the way. If there was a chance to make me think he was troubled, then I will see the movie again and tell you if I changed my mind, or, as I said before, it's again the fault of poorly written script. 

Do you remember what he said to Han Solo when he called him on the ramp? He said 'I was waiting for this moment'. Saying thing like that made me think that he already know what he is going to do. We can argue on this but I think it would be wise to let it go.

If you want to see this from different perspectieve, then please: I think the whole lightsabre fighting was nonsense. He was badly wounded but he fought. He force pushed Ray to fight the Finn. Why just not push one then take down with the force the other and slay them in the first place. Why risking fighting while being wounded. It's just the story... bad written story... 

2. The force was awakening in Ray. I love the character but.... the force was awakening... it was awakening in her... lets awake the force!... anybody?... no... sorry. Someone made a good point on this: It's like matrix, you have the hardware (force sensitive) so you just download the software (become a jedi in one moment) and let's start with the kung fu. It was disappointing how they degraded the force. It doesn't matter how strong and who was, but rather how uniqe was the feeling and knowledge of the force. It never was something what you could achieve by just 'letting it in' (download and install and let the magic happen). It makes me said. It actually changes all the universe if that is what they are trying to pull out of it. Let's be super powerful heroes from now on and kawabanga!

My friend, I don't think you understand what I am trying to tell you. If you are saying that I didn't pay attention, then I am afraid that you didn't pay attention throughout the entire saga so far. Or I can put this in simple words. Maybe STAR WARS are different for everybody. And I don't think that is something wrong to be honest. I love the way you are explaining those things for me, but, like I said, you are missing my point. Meditate on this I will to put it into more approachable way. 

I couldn't remember nothing worth notice when the movie ended. I just can't think of nothing except of what I already knew. There is resistance, the first order and the blaster fire is in place too. Nothing fascinating, really. I know what they wnted to achieve, but for me it doesn't worked out. If you enjoyed the movie more than me, then I am happy for you. I wish I was the same. As a Guardians of the Galaxy it would be a great movie. But it's not the case.

Maybe we should speak now about the positive aspects of the movie. ?

Well, everybody has his own opinion, so that's fine for me. Sorry if I sounded too mean, I didn't mean it ;). The most important point, my opinion about the Force, is that is something that change depending on the person. There're some people who're a little force-sensitive, and these people take a lot of time on grasping all about it. While there are some people that just advance quick. Look at Anakin, for example. He was capable of pod-racing as a human younling, when it was stated that is something almost impossible to do. I guess Rey's Force and habilities were always there, but they started to awake as long as she started to have adventures and risk herself. But we have two movies to go to know about that and make a final opinion. 

Virlando said:

My friend, I am not speaking about the vision itself, I am saying that she didn't need to touch anything to have a vision. That's my point. Visions are something very common in the Universe. I understand the visions, but they're coming from the force not from any objects used as triggers.

The object didnt cause the vision, the Force did, The Force called her to that room so she could retrive the lightsaber and when she reached it and retrieved the iten, she was shown a vision. The lightsaber itself, ahving belonged ot who it belonged to, is entwined with The Force so it makes sense that rey was drawn to it when she started to awaken to her Force powers.

Jumpin said:

I am not very familiar with Star Wars, but I did just watch the original 6, and sorry, but I don't see what all the fuss about the old ones was, they're slow and boring with over the top wooden characters; the acting is horrid. Let's be real, the original 3 are terribly overrated. In all of the first 6 there is just way too much useless filler exposition and filler scenes that didn't contribute to the plot.

They were very well made for the time, they still dont look that outdated (in terms of the visuals) but you gota watch them with the right mindset cause it is a movie from the pre-Matrix era, every action movie after The Matrix is a complete different beast from the ones before it.

My questions/issues
They might be answered in the future but for now

-How did Poe survive the crash and reunite with the rebels?
-Why is he acting like he and Fin are long lost best friends when they knew each other for about five minutes during that escape?
-How did the Empire (aka First Order) build a goddam super Starkiller death star in such a small amount of time? Want the Empire crushed? This other organization formed and built this thing in less time than the Empire could in their prime!?!
-Hour did "Tiny Eye Yoda" get Luke's light saber?
-And Luke's saber in Jedi is not the one in Empire. He lost that one (and his hand) fighting Vader and had to build another one. So she is lying when she says "It belonged to Luke and his father"
-So Rey is super powerful in the Force. How does she know what she can do? Jedi mind trick? Who told her that was an option?
-Why is Luke so fat? What was he doing on that mountain? Eating bacon!?!
-Killing your dad is the way to the Darkside. Well Kylo killed Rey's dad. Spoiler: They're gonna be twins like Luke and Leia.
-Why did R2 wake up?
-Why the red arm, 3PO?

I have more but tired, I am. Rest, I must.