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Forums - Movies & TV - The Force Awakens sucks! *MAJOR SPOILERS*

metroidking said:
I wasnt hyped at all for this movie and I am so glad I didnt, it is so meh.

I always said from the get go that Disney would milk the series, the star wars series was complete with 6 movies it told one complete arc. This is just the ultimate fanboy movie.

People just wait give it a year and it will be in the same league as the prequels. Just go on reddit and you will see that audiences are already divided on this. 2nd worst in the series, nothing will ever be worse than Attack Of The Clones my god that movie was bad.

except it's 95% on RT with almost as high a user score

I am Iron Man

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I wish there was less fan service in the movie but overall I thought it was great. I agree the backstory was a little lacking but it's the first movie in a new arch. I can't imagine how the backstory seemed in A New Hope when it first came out.

My favorite part was probably the air fights. I think this is the first time in the entire franchise we've seen these air battles with these specific units taking place on a planet. Until now it's been nothing but space.

I was shaking my head at Kylo being handled by Rey but he was hurt and badly bleeding. We also don't know the extent of Rey's powers or training. This is where the lack of backstory can hurt the film again.. has she always been on Jakku or whatever the planet is? Could she have been one of Luke's Jedi students and maybe he dropped her off there and clouded her mind?

Kylo is also not yet fully devoted to the dark side, and has only when he does you know what does he cut his last tie holding him down. His powers are already pretty amazing being able to freeze blaster shots in midair and read minds. He should only become more and more powerful. I also like his voice more than Vader's.

Even the humor never really felt forced. The only problem I had with the movie was the fan service and Han Solo/Leia. They're too damn old. Harrison Ford can barely move and Fisher can barely talk.

Ford could move. He was running up some steps at one point. Not a lot though but the way Leia was talking was weird. Seemed like she had botox done right before her scenes

amp316 said:

Honestly, it's the worst Star Wars movie ever made.  It makes Attack Of the Clones look like The Empire Strikes Back.  It makes the Phantom Menace look like A New Hope.  Sadly, this is the movie that "Star Wars fans" have asked for since the Phantom Menace.  They all wanted a movie that wasn't made by George Lucas since they now viewed him as a has been no talent hack.  You got your wish, guys.  You got a fan film made on the biggest budget of all time.  

The story reads like a bad EU novel.  Who wrote this thing?  Kevin J. Anderson?  The plot is bare bones and is basically A New Hope, but a thousand times worse.  Things are brought up briefly but never expanded upon.  Who is exactly is the First Order?  The Resistance? The Knights of Ren?  There's a New Republic?  Tell me something about them.  Anything .  Please?  

Oh, and Kylo Ren is by far the weakest main villain in the entire series.  At first I really thought that they were on to something with a sinister and powerful force wielder that was prone to temper tantrums.  Turns out that he isn't a bad ass at all.  In fact, he can be defeated in a lightsaber duel by someone that has zero training.  And I also wasn't too impressed with Supreme Leader Snoke or whatever his name was...

The whole movie goes like this.  Fan service.  Fan service. Fan service.  Cameo. Fan service.  Fan service.  Cameo.  Fan service.  Cameo.  Oh wait... A few planets were just blown up?  Who's planets were they?  Who lived there?  Why should I care?  It's things like this that make make the most fundamentally basic plot points an unmitigated disaster.

And what about Rey's backstory?  Oh yeah.  It's gone into with about as much depth as Mr. Pink's from Reservoir Dogs.  And speaking about Rey, by the end of the movie she's basically both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker put together.  Ugh.  

Say what you want about the prequels.  As a whole I agree that they weren't up to par with the original trilogy, but The Force Awakens makes me appreciate them much, much more.  It doesn't tell a new story or much of a story at all.  It's just a vehicle to sell a bunch of merchandise.  

Okay.  Now I will say some nice things.  Overall, the acting is pretty good, BB8 was cool, and it looks great but besides for that, The Force Awakens sucks!

just seen it.. and im the biggest star wars fan ever.. (bigger than most here i bet) And I agree 100% in evrything you said..

The new look.. and some part of the story and scenes is what i hoped for.. but mostly its to much "disney" and to litle "jedi"

I can see how the next one can build on this.. but like you said.. we need more infomation.. we dont really know anything about last 30 years and why things are like they are.. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
metroidking said:
I wasnt hyped at all for this movie and I am so glad I didnt, it is so meh.

I always said from the get go that Disney would milk the series, the star wars series was complete with 6 movies it told one complete arc. This is just the ultimate fanboy movie.

People just wait give it a year and it will be in the same league as the prequels. Just go on reddit and you will see that audiences are already divided on this. 2nd worst in the series, nothing will ever be worse than Attack Of The Clones my god that movie was bad.

except it's 95% on RT with almost as high a user score

Also, it has a 8.9 in imdb based on 100000 votes. It's obvious that the audience are not closed to divided, but, when something is popular and widely liked, there's always some negativity from people who don't get why it's praised. It's not a bad thing per se, but it happens on the internet on a general basis with almost everything. 

I'd rate the film with a 9/10. My enjoyment of the film would be like 11/10 if I'm honest, because I was always with a smile on my face the entire movie. But it has its flaws. Mainly it's like ANH 2.0. Big station who can blow planets, important light-saber on a box passed on the next generation, setting (desert+space+cantine+Starkiller a.k.a. 3rd Death Star), droids carrying important information to The Rebellion/The Resistance... Though its very interesting and fun main characters, very different to the original movie and a new and interesting villain make the film an awesome and fresh ride. JJ Abrams managed to create great characters, and as the first part of a trilogy it worked wonders. I can't wait to see what will happen with Rey, Finn and BB-8 next. 

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OT: I actually put it right up with IV and V. I have to let the hype die down before I solidify it but it's clearly at least the third best in the series. The acting was on point, the cameos were a plenty but not too overwhelming, the parallels were just as ham-fisted as always, and the plot had me hooked. I love how violent Kylo is in comparison to the light-footed prequel villains and the slow, methodical Vader. The plot works and makes everybody interesting minus maybe Poe for now, while paying clear homage to the OT. I've not been as invested since Empire. Poe needs work to be less forced into sequences in order to have a third new cast member, but everything else was beyond solid.

History will put this right up there with IV, even if nostalgia goggles want to hold it back. I can't see it passing V as the greatest in the series, because V is just so good in every way, but it has enough moments to come close. I can only hope VIII holds up to this standard - and that they don't Disney the series too hard so that they leave IX as the finale for another 15 years. I can't see them doing a post-sequel trilogy well if this goes the way I see it playing out.

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I actually liked the start of the movie, it kinda went not so good at the end. It was mirroring A New Hope too much in my view,

I saw it a second time XD I loved it even more. Something about it is really special

I feel like it's missing a soul and a sense of wonder. It's decent and actually has a lot of good. I have to watch it again.

Soundwave said:

Hahahahaha ... not even close. Attack of the Clones isn't a bad Star Wars movie. It's a bad movie period.

Face it ... Lucas got old and soft and was terrible with the prequels. JJ isn't perfect by any means by he's going to take Lucas to school, and TFA is better reviewed than any of the prequels and is going to make more money than any of the prequels.

Deal with it.

Star Wars was never about PLOT anyway ... it's about PEOPLE ... JJ nailed that, has great, likable characters, the prequels may as well have had cardboard cutouts for all the personality they had. I didn't like everything about the TFA, but it brings back the true feel of Star Wars with characters who actually care about each other and the general fun of the saga. 

You can nitpick the plot of any of the OT, like hey did anyone on the Millenium Falcon think to check their rear view mirror and see that a freaking bounty hunter was right behind them to tip off the Imperials? How did they manage to fly into a freaking space slug in an asteroid and not notice until several hours afterwards?

Good characters + the heroes journey is what makes Star Wars go ... not plot. The villians were a bit weak but I think with Kylo Ren it's intentionally done, because if he's completely bad by the beginning of the movie it makes any chance of him turning back unrealistic to the audience which then saps all tension from one of the film's key moments. He will be an evil monster in VIII. 

Thank you. 

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