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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
metroidking said:
I wasnt hyped at all for this movie and I am so glad I didnt, it is so meh.

I always said from the get go that Disney would milk the series, the star wars series was complete with 6 movies it told one complete arc. This is just the ultimate fanboy movie.

People just wait give it a year and it will be in the same league as the prequels. Just go on reddit and you will see that audiences are already divided on this. 2nd worst in the series, nothing will ever be worse than Attack Of The Clones my god that movie was bad.

except it's 95% on RT with almost as high a user score

Also, it has a 8.9 in imdb based on 100000 votes. It's obvious that the audience are not closed to divided, but, when something is popular and widely liked, there's always some negativity from people who don't get why it's praised. It's not a bad thing per se, but it happens on the internet on a general basis with almost everything. 

I'd rate the film with a 9/10. My enjoyment of the film would be like 11/10 if I'm honest, because I was always with a smile on my face the entire movie. But it has its flaws. Mainly it's like ANH 2.0. Big station who can blow planets, important light-saber on a box passed on the next generation, setting (desert+space+cantine+Starkiller a.k.a. 3rd Death Star), droids carrying important information to The Rebellion/The Resistance... Though its very interesting and fun main characters, very different to the original movie and a new and interesting villain make the film an awesome and fresh ride. JJ Abrams managed to create great characters, and as the first part of a trilogy it worked wonders. I can't wait to see what will happen with Rey, Finn and BB-8 next.