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Soundwave said:

Hahahahaha ... not even close. Attack of the Clones isn't a bad Star Wars movie. It's a bad movie period.

Face it ... Lucas got old and soft and was terrible with the prequels. JJ isn't perfect by any means by he's going to take Lucas to school, and TFA is better reviewed than any of the prequels and is going to make more money than any of the prequels.

Deal with it.

Star Wars was never about PLOT anyway ... it's about PEOPLE ... JJ nailed that, has great, likable characters, the prequels may as well have had cardboard cutouts for all the personality they had. I didn't like everything about the TFA, but it brings back the true feel of Star Wars with characters who actually care about each other and the general fun of the saga. 

You can nitpick the plot of any of the OT, like hey did anyone on the Millenium Falcon think to check their rear view mirror and see that a freaking bounty hunter was right behind them to tip off the Imperials? How did they manage to fly into a freaking space slug in an asteroid and not notice until several hours afterwards?

Good characters + the heroes journey is what makes Star Wars go ... not plot. The villians were a bit weak but I think with Kylo Ren it's intentionally done, because if he's completely bad by the beginning of the movie it makes any chance of him turning back unrealistic to the audience which then saps all tension from one of the film's key moments. He will be an evil monster in VIII. 

Thank you. 

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