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Forums - Movies & TV - The Force Awakens sucks! *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Lol. This thread is just a huge circle jerk. Overall, this movie is getting very positive reviews from both critics and audience. Don't let this thread fool anyone into thinking it was a shit movie. It wasn't as bad as any of these people are saying. Definition of vocal minority on display.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

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Wanna here a story?

I saw the noon showing yesterday. It was "Mugs and Movies" where you sit at a table or a bar. The movie shows and you can order food or even a drink while the movie plays. It's like a huge restaurant with a movie screen in the middle. Pretty cool.

Anyway, it was a school day but somehow an elementary class AND a crying baby made it into the theater. A kid was sitting by me and explaining the movie to another kid.

First kid "Why does he have a robot hand?"
Second kid "In the old movies, his dad cut it off"

I was feeling really proud until the second kid said "The old movies were TERRIBLE. Do not watch those." I don't condone child abuse but for a brief moment....

Anyway, thinking about that, I kinda realize that Star Wars isn't mine anymore. It's Episode 7 but for a newcomer kid, it doesn't matter. Just like Episode IV, a kid can just start in the middle of things, fill in their own blanks, and have a great time. And they're starting off where we start off:

-A person dreaming of more and discovering they are great (Luke/Rey)
-A bad guy trying to do good (Han/Fin)
-A wise old person offering guidance (Obi Wan/Tiny Eye Orange Yoda)
-An imposing menace with a weak spot (Death Star/Star Killer)
-An apprentice gone bad (Vader/Ren)
-A sassy beeping sex bot (BB8/R2-D2)

So what if I've seen it before? Maybe they haven't. Maybe they never will (how many 1977 movies would you watch it you were 10 years old? I still haven't seen Blade Runner and that came out when i was the target audience!) but if they decide to, they're there.

So, after a lot of thought, I'm going to say it. Episode VII is like the first JJ Abrams Star Trek. It's a formula update for a new generation. Complete with burned bodies. It could have had more creative alien designs or more iconic music but hey, it's a new beginning. We'll give it time to grow.

The force is strong with you. You had it all almost right.

kylo is a sissy

d21lewis said:

-An apprentice gone bad (Vader/Rey)

I think you mean Kylo.

tiffac said:
d21lewis said:

-An apprentice gone bad (Vader/Rey)

I think you mean Kylo.


Yeah, meant to type Ren. My bad. Cell phone fills in a lot of blanks for me.

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d21lewis said:

So, after a lot of thought, I'm going to say it. Episode VII is like the first JJ Abrams Star Trek. It's a formula update for a new generation. Complete with burned bodies. It could have had more creative alien designs or more iconic music but hey, it's a new beginning. We'll give it time to grow.

Exactly. Abrams played with a familiar plot and setting from the New Hope and adapted it, introducing new and different characters and villains to a new generation, while, at the same time, he managed to play with the nostalgia factor revisiting familiar places and familiar faces. It's more like an OT reboot or something like that. 

Another problem with the film is that it's obviously ripping off Spaceballs. Kylo Ren has way too much in common with Dark Helmet and Finn is obviously inspired by the black Stormtroopers combing the desert with a hair pick.

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

All I know is some guy spoiled the death on fb Thursday before the movie came out. He was deleted. He's a coworker of mine and I'll tell that ass to his face if he confronts me.


Movie was good but stop starting the heroes in the desert place already. Use some. imagination

Kylo ren sucks as a Sith character, that killed the movie for me.

It is about anger, arrogance, hunger for absolute power!! not about being a pussy with tantrums and idiotic ideas, or being depressed WTF!.

Heavenly_King said:
Kylo ren sucks as a Sith character, that killed the movie for me.

It is about anger, arrogance, hunger for absolute power!! not about being a pussy with tantrums and idiotic ideas, or being depressed WTF!.

Well, he's not a Sith so here you go.