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Wanna here a story?

I saw the noon showing yesterday. It was "Mugs and Movies" where you sit at a table or a bar. The movie shows and you can order food or even a drink while the movie plays. It's like a huge restaurant with a movie screen in the middle. Pretty cool.

Anyway, it was a school day but somehow an elementary class AND a crying baby made it into the theater. A kid was sitting by me and explaining the movie to another kid.

First kid "Why does he have a robot hand?"
Second kid "In the old movies, his dad cut it off"

I was feeling really proud until the second kid said "The old movies were TERRIBLE. Do not watch those." I don't condone child abuse but for a brief moment....

Anyway, thinking about that, I kinda realize that Star Wars isn't mine anymore. It's Episode 7 but for a newcomer kid, it doesn't matter. Just like Episode IV, a kid can just start in the middle of things, fill in their own blanks, and have a great time. And they're starting off where we start off:

-A person dreaming of more and discovering they are great (Luke/Rey)
-A bad guy trying to do good (Han/Fin)
-A wise old person offering guidance (Obi Wan/Tiny Eye Orange Yoda)
-An imposing menace with a weak spot (Death Star/Star Killer)
-An apprentice gone bad (Vader/Ren)
-A sassy beeping sex bot (BB8/R2-D2)

So what if I've seen it before? Maybe they haven't. Maybe they never will (how many 1977 movies would you watch it you were 10 years old? I still haven't seen Blade Runner and that came out when i was the target audience!) but if they decide to, they're there.

So, after a lot of thought, I'm going to say it. Episode VII is like the first JJ Abrams Star Trek. It's a formula update for a new generation. Complete with burned bodies. It could have had more creative alien designs or more iconic music but hey, it's a new beginning. We'll give it time to grow.