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OT: I actually put it right up with IV and V. I have to let the hype die down before I solidify it but it's clearly at least the third best in the series. The acting was on point, the cameos were a plenty but not too overwhelming, the parallels were just as ham-fisted as always, and the plot had me hooked. I love how violent Kylo is in comparison to the light-footed prequel villains and the slow, methodical Vader. The plot works and makes everybody interesting minus maybe Poe for now, while paying clear homage to the OT. I've not been as invested since Empire. Poe needs work to be less forced into sequences in order to have a third new cast member, but everything else was beyond solid.

History will put this right up there with IV, even if nostalgia goggles want to hold it back. I can't see it passing V as the greatest in the series, because V is just so good in every way, but it has enough moments to come close. I can only hope VIII holds up to this standard - and that they don't Disney the series too hard so that they leave IX as the finale for another 15 years. I can't see them doing a post-sequel trilogy well if this goes the way I see it playing out.

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