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I wish there was less fan service in the movie but overall I thought it was great. I agree the backstory was a little lacking but it's the first movie in a new arch. I can't imagine how the backstory seemed in A New Hope when it first came out.

My favorite part was probably the air fights. I think this is the first time in the entire franchise we've seen these air battles with these specific units taking place on a planet. Until now it's been nothing but space.

I was shaking my head at Kylo being handled by Rey but he was hurt and badly bleeding. We also don't know the extent of Rey's powers or training. This is where the lack of backstory can hurt the film again.. has she always been on Jakku or whatever the planet is? Could she have been one of Luke's Jedi students and maybe he dropped her off there and clouded her mind?

Kylo is also not yet fully devoted to the dark side, and has only when he does you know what does he cut his last tie holding him down. His powers are already pretty amazing being able to freeze blaster shots in midair and read minds. He should only become more and more powerful. I also like his voice more than Vader's.

Even the humor never really felt forced. The only problem I had with the movie was the fan service and Han Solo/Leia. They're too damn old. Harrison Ford can barely move and Fisher can barely talk.