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I am not very familiar with Star Wars, but I did just watch the original 6, and sorry, but I don't see what all the fuss about the old ones was, they're slow and boring with over the top wooden characters; the acting is horrid. Let's be real, the original 3 are terribly overrated. In all of the first 6 there is just way too much useless filler exposition and filler scenes that didn't contribute to the plot.

If you were a fan of those movies as a kid, good for you,, but don't bash this one because you feel the need to compete with it, especially while ignoring the gigantic flaws of the older movies as well as how poorly they've aged. I can guarantee you that anyone who isn't attached to the older movies will like Force Awakens FAR better than any of the others.

The characters in the Force Awakens are much more interesting, and the villain isn't a cardboard characiture like Darth Vader, the Emperor, and Darth Maul. Kylo Ren actually had character. The cast doesn't act like robots who occasionally have emotional outbursts, they actually seem alive. Sure Han Solo is still a bit of a knob, but he was actually much less of one in this film than the previous ones; I agree that he wasn't really required for this movie, but it was for older fans, and I am sure it worked fine. On top of that, the pacing was MUCH better than the old movies, with action scenes being appropriately lengthen,

The plot of Force Awakens was a lot better than the earlier movies, despite its flaws. Not just because of the pacing, but also because the entire movie supported the plot, there wasn't nearly as much filler or really unnecessary sequences. Also each individual scene was interesting, whereas none of the earlier movies had more than 50% interesting scenes. The original trilogy is also about the most formulaic action movie series ever, and if anything, the biggest flaw with Force Awaken's plot is that it copied too many elements from the original trilogy, thus, subscribing in part to that formula, but at least it felt like an updated version of it rather than an outdated one.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.