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Virlando said:

My friend, I am not speaking about the vision itself, I am saying that she didn't need to touch anything to have a vision. That's my point. Visions are something very common in the Universe. I understand the visions, but they're coming from the force not from any objects used as triggers.

The object didnt cause the vision, the Force did, The Force called her to that room so she could retrive the lightsaber and when she reached it and retrieved the iten, she was shown a vision. The lightsaber itself, ahving belonged ot who it belonged to, is entwined with The Force so it makes sense that rey was drawn to it when she started to awaken to her Force powers.

Jumpin said:

I am not very familiar with Star Wars, but I did just watch the original 6, and sorry, but I don't see what all the fuss about the old ones was, they're slow and boring with over the top wooden characters; the acting is horrid. Let's be real, the original 3 are terribly overrated. In all of the first 6 there is just way too much useless filler exposition and filler scenes that didn't contribute to the plot.

They were very well made for the time, they still dont look that outdated (in terms of the visuals) but you gota watch them with the right mindset cause it is a movie from the pre-Matrix era, every action movie after The Matrix is a complete different beast from the ones before it.