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amp316 said:

Honestly, it's the worst Star Wars movie ever made.  It makes Attack Of the Clones look like The Empire Strikes Back.  It makes the Phantom Menace look like A New Hope.  Sadly, this is the movie that "Star Wars fans" have asked for since the Phantom Menace.  They all wanted a movie that wasn't made by George Lucas since they now viewed him as a has been no talent hack.  You got your wish, guys.  You got a fan film made on the biggest budget of all time.  

The story reads like a bad EU novel.  Who wrote this thing?  Kevin J. Anderson?  The plot is bare bones and is basically A New Hope, but a thousand times worse.  Things are brought up briefly but never expanded upon.  Who is exactly is the First Order?  The Resistance? The Knights of Ren?  There's a New Republic?  Tell me something about them.  Anything .  Please?  

Oh, and Kylo Ren is by far the weakest main villain in the entire series.  At first I really thought that they were on to something with a sinister and powerful force wielder that was prone to temper tantrums.  Turns out that he isn't a bad ass at all.  In fact, he can be defeated in a lightsaber duel by someone that has zero training.  And I also wasn't too impressed with Supreme Leader Snoke or whatever his name was...

The whole movie goes like this.  Fan service.  Fan service. Fan service.  Cameo. Fan service.  Fan service.  Cameo.  Fan service.  Cameo.  Oh wait... A few planets were just blown up?  Who's planets were they?  Who lived there?  Why should I care?  It's things like this that make make the most fundamentally basic plot points an unmitigated disaster.

And what about Rey's backstory?  Oh yeah.  It's gone into with about as much depth as Mr. Pink's from Reservoir Dogs.  And speaking about Rey, by the end of the movie she's basically both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker put together.  Ugh.  

Say what you want about the prequels.  As a whole I agree that they weren't up to par with the original trilogy, but The Force Awakens makes me appreciate them much, much more.  It doesn't tell a new story or much of a story at all.  It's just a vehicle to sell a bunch of merchandise.  

Okay.  Now I will say some nice things.  Overall, the acting is pretty good, BB8 was cool, and it looks great but besides for that, The Force Awakens sucks! 


0 out of 5 stars for a Star Wars movie - It's like the Die Another Day of Star Wars movies.  Put in a bunch of stuff  that people enjoyed previously in the series and they will enjoy this one.  Don't worry about the script.  Blow up stuff, bring out Han, Leia, Chewie, etc. and people will think that it's great.


My ranking of the films, if you care:

1)  The Empire Strikes Back

2)  A New Hope

3)  Revenge of the Sith

4)  Return of the Jedi

5)  The Phantom Menace

6)  Attack of the Clones

7)  The Force Awakens 


*stands up and claps*

It's about time someone said it. Although, I'd have ROTJ much higher.