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1. No, he was obviously troubled the whole movie between dark and light. It's obvious that he's not sure on what to do when he first encountered Solo, as it was stated in the film that he has his doubts about the dark side. And plenty of Jedis were shot on the saga. Look at the Order 66 on Revenge of the sith. Or that colisseum scene on Attack of the Clones. 

2. About Rey, she was awakening (you see, the movie is called The Force Awakens from some reason), and we see her improving her powers in that scene with the Stormtrooper when she was captured. So, no, she didn't know how to use The Force before, that's very, very obvious. She's learning. Force is awakening in her. More, you are complaining because Ren is not powerful. Well, you saw all the movie how powerful that Chewbacca's crossbow is. So it's impressive that he could take the shot and not being killed. Which proves he was actually severely wounded in that battle. And how do you not see that he is severely wounded? Jesus, he was just hitting himself the whole fight because of the pain. I don't want to be rude, but I think you missed some parts of the movie, or just don't pay attention and think it's inconsistent, and it's not. It has its flaws, true. Like taking an awful lot of references from A New Hope. But it's fairly consistent. 

1. I didn't see how troubled he was. He was slaying everyone left and right as he wanted. He was dark side all the way. If there was a chance to make me think he was troubled, then I will see the movie again and tell you if I changed my mind, or, as I said before, it's again the fault of poorly written script. 

Do you remember what he said to Han Solo when he called him on the ramp? He said 'I was waiting for this moment'. Saying thing like that made me think that he already know what he is going to do. We can argue on this but I think it would be wise to let it go.

If you want to see this from different perspectieve, then please: I think the whole lightsabre fighting was nonsense. He was badly wounded but he fought. He force pushed Ray to fight the Finn. Why just not push one then take down with the force the other and slay them in the first place. Why risking fighting while being wounded. It's just the story... bad written story... 

2. The force was awakening in Ray. I love the character but.... the force was awakening... it was awakening in her... lets awake the force!... anybody?... no... sorry. Someone made a good point on this: It's like matrix, you have the hardware (force sensitive) so you just download the software (become a jedi in one moment) and let's start with the kung fu. It was disappointing how they degraded the force. It doesn't matter how strong and who was, but rather how uniqe was the feeling and knowledge of the force. It never was something what you could achieve by just 'letting it in' (download and install and let the magic happen). It makes me said. It actually changes all the universe if that is what they are trying to pull out of it. Let's be super powerful heroes from now on and kawabanga!

My friend, I don't think you understand what I am trying to tell you. If you are saying that I didn't pay attention, then I am afraid that you didn't pay attention throughout the entire saga so far. Or I can put this in simple words. Maybe STAR WARS are different for everybody. And I don't think that is something wrong to be honest. I love the way you are explaining those things for me, but, like I said, you are missing my point. Meditate on this I will to put it into more approachable way. 

I couldn't remember nothing worth notice when the movie ended. I just can't think of nothing except of what I already knew. There is resistance, the first order and the blaster fire is in place too. Nothing fascinating, really. I know what they wnted to achieve, but for me it doesn't worked out. If you enjoyed the movie more than me, then I am happy for you. I wish I was the same. As a Guardians of the Galaxy it would be a great movie. But it's not the case.

Maybe we should speak now about the positive aspects of the movie. ?