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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Total Biscuits twitter trainwreck is hillarious

Chazore said:
drdante said:


But that one particular museum is the only one who appreciate his works and artstyles and also having the most visitors. So he pretty much belongs there.

Compared to the other museums where they prefer different themes and genres, his works may get abandoned and can pretty much destroying his passionate career besides getting less visitors who can appreciate his paintings.

You see, multiplatform is always good but not always better.

And yet what say you to the visitors of other museums?, are they worth nothing, not even an ounce of a single care?, is their money also worth nothing?.

Please confirm this to me, please tell me that PC, Xbox and Nintendo owners currency is completely and utterly worthless because one man is fabled to belong to a corp brand, please tell me this is true because if it isn't you are going to have to reword the "it belongs" because if you want to go firmly with that route then no one here has no room to ask for anything else in the future because "X franchise belongs on Y platform" and you know everyone here wants to play games they like or love on their plat of pref if they had the chance.

Being exclusive is also a double edged sword if you want to try making one uneven than the other.


To a few, no. They still worth something but they aren't represent the majorities. So even if the few of them are willing to care and buy the product it still suffered major loss. See Rise of Tomb Raider for example. The majority Xbox gamers prefer shooting and western-centric games more than anything else. Even MS (in this case, the museum itself) didn't take any action by changing the release date and let it compete with the most anticipating game of the year, Fallout 4.

Also note that I said "pretty much belong there", not "definitely belong there". Means that Kojima still has the right to partner with other companies but instead he choose Playstation because he pretty much wants this brand as his medium for development.  

If being exclusive is double edged sword for you, then tell that to whoever that making Star Citizen, why choosing PC only? Why not go multiplatform?


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Chazore said:

And yet what say you to the visitors of other museums?, are they worth nothing, not even an ounce of a single care?, is their money also worth nothing?.

Please confirm this to me, please tell me that PC, Xbox and Nintendo owners currency is completely and utterly worthless because one man is fabled to belong to a corp brand, please tell me this is true because if it isn't you are going to have to reword the "it belongs" because if you want to go firmly with that route then no one here has no room to ask for anything else in the future because "X franchise belongs on Y platform" and you know everyone here wants to play games they like or love on their plat of pref if they had the chance.

Being exclusive is also a double edged sword if you want to try making one uneven than the other.


Your making it way personal. Its how the world works. If you have a way to lower the risks involved and still reach 70-80% of the gaming population out there, would you not do the same. Have you seen all the studios that have closed down in the past 10 years? Chuck in its a brand new studio with no ips to speak of its going to be really difficult to get things going and keep them going. He has his own money and all of his staff to think about. 


Does exclusivity benifit everyone no. Absolutely not. Do i think it sucks when games go exclusive sure. But i understand they have to do whats best for them to keep the lights on and keep making games. Its a cutthroat world out there.



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I'm sure he's not biased at all and we'll see a future rant about XCOM 2 being pc exclusive among many other games.

Some people on here are seriously backing him up without pointing out the counter situation.

I know about his illness, but by bashing console platform loyalty when we all know where his loyalty lies is pretty hypocritical. Also, even if his tweets do seem to have a point, he's not acting rationally. If the steak is made at a Longhorn, he should go to Le Cirque, order some chicken and let the people who go at Longhorn enjoy their steak in peace. Besides, I don't know what's his issue. By what I'm reading, Koji Pro was going to make PC games too.

In the end, games will be made, smiles will be drawn on faces. Not every game has to be released on PC, even if it's not the case now.

I agree its a perfectly good objective to want the best performance. But i dont agree with PCmasterrace. Consoles run your games without problems for many years a PC is a much more complicated machine that requires mantenance and upgrading. Its more time consuming and costly to mantain.
A console you turn on and you're playing. Theres no fuss. And time is money. Its a perfectly good objective to want the best entertainment value per available free time. PCmasterrace is delusional. Either one is an acceptable choice.

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It's not even an exclusive lol

zero129 said:
Roronaa_chan said:
Everything from TB is hilarious(ly bad)

Kinda like this joke and the whole thread right?.

I mean pointing fingers and laughing at a guy whos dying. I bet ye guys all feel so good.

Fact is platform exclusives does no good for anyone other then the fans of that system.


Everyone is dying. What a crying shame

Isn't this the guy who wished someone to "get cancer and die"?



Exclusives are just a part of capitalism, if you like X game but it's exclusive you have 2 choices.

You either get the console and the game, or you don't. It's not that difficult, some people really believed the master race thing lol, sad.

Roronaa_chan said:
zero129 said:

Kinda like this joke and the whole thread right?.

I mean pointing fingers and laughing at a guy whos dying. I bet ye guys all feel so good.

Fact is platform exclusives does no good for anyone other then the fans of that system.


Everyone is dying. What a crying shame

Also the guy does comedy work... are we meant to not laugh if he does something funny because he is dying?

This whole thread is weird tho, for one thing it takes about 5 pages before anyone even mentions Kojima and there is no mention of what actual game that TB is talking about in his tweets, I'm guessing from the next 5 pages of PC VS console talk that It was to do with Kojima leaving Konami finally and there was a mention in an article about possibly making a deal to work with Sony with his newly formed studio?

Just like... if you're making a thread, please maybe try to consider at least including what the subject matter is that is being talked about.

Regarding the tweets tho, I like TB, but those tweets are stupid, to suggest everything on consoles ever runs like garbage... I don't really know how anyone is meant to reply to that, it's just a blanket "millions of gamers are wrong" statement which I think is a bollocks opinion, on top of that the analogy makes little sense to begin with.

Actually seriously regarding TB's situation, it might be worth considering (but not in a way of mockery towards him) robbing from wiki here "In October 2015, Bain announced via Twitter that he has terminal liver cancer, with an average life expectancy of 2–3 years." So yeah, given that the company Kojima is putting together doesn't have a name yet... and the game they'll make hasn't probably gone into the earliest stages of pre pre pre pre pre production, if this is going to be a AAA+ Metal Gear beating game from Kojima and Sony combined, it is reasonable to say that Bain would never get to play it anyway, realistically if he is talking about the level of HD game which would run "like garbage" on the PS4 system, he is talking about a project that will be in developement still, long after he has returned to the lifestream. That could also of course be a reason for him being bitter towards the project because he might well realize this fact and even if he thinks it could be great... is simply attacking it as it reminds him he wont be here to enjoy it.



Also side note, someone being closer to death doesn't make what they say correct, nor does it make someone evil for pointing out that what they are saying is not correct, stop that rubbish arguement please, anyone on here could walk out in front of a car tomorrow and die, it doesn't mean that their last post on vgchartz of "da wii-u shuddent has teh gamepad" becomes a better statement.

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Chazore said:
Fei-Hung said:
What the frakkin hell is going on here people?!

I like TB and his analogy is comical and funny, but I wouldn't take it seriously. It's nothing more than an opinion, and not even a great one at that.

1) this deal wasn't made over night. This has probably been in the works for a long time.

2) Kojima has stated in the past his preference for Sony consoles.

3) exclusives are a good thing as they are what helps define and differ one platform from another, including the PC.

4) No, PC versions are not the best version as it entirely depends on what PC set up you have. Unlike consoles PC's aren't constant, they are varied from PC to PC. Some can be absolutely shite compared to even the WiiU, which is the least powerful console.

5) like Bayonetta 2, this game may not have existed had it not been for Sony supporting Kojima. We have no idea the extent to which Sony has provided support. Unless Kojima had serious money stashed away to form a new studio overnight, by all the necessary equipment and hire a decent sized team of proven talent, he needed the money and probably turned to what he would consider his "friends " that he can trust / rely on in the industry. Just like laughing, disrespecting and undermining someone who has an illness, terminal or not, it is no less disrespectful and inmature to laugh and complain about someone who has clearly been through and hell and back working for Konami (he basically created an entire game around it, and having a hint of people rescuing him), and mocking the informed decision he has made.

That last part, how is that remotely equel when one is going to continue living and the other is destined to die within a years time?, why did you try comparing the two even though they clearly are not equel, one worked hard, the other also worked hard to get where he is (he's not just some random youtuber, please reconize this) but is also going to die early on in his life, one will get to see their work through to the end, the other won't.


I'm not saying they are equal, I'm saying that both deserve respect for what they have been through. It's not a competition on pain and suffering, it's acknowledging different things people go through and allowing them to express themselves. Just because one person is worse off, it doesn't qualify that person to Mock another.