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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Total Biscuits twitter trainwreck is hillarious

Chazore said:
veritaz said:

1. I don't post on these situations usually or even enter the threads because they're usually the same thing over and over again and lead to no where but this situation was clearly a special occasion like I said with you trying to make people feel bad by saying they're laughing at a man who has cancer. It's because he is calling consoles shit and everything runs like arse/isunplayable.

1.And yet you're going at me with "over and over again" which is you conradicting yourself by going towards quoting me and claiming I;m always doing the same thing over and over again, seriously the gall here. I see plenty of others making people feel bad, where the hell are you when that happens?, let me guess because it;s the "same thing over and over and I like to avoid it". Again the gall on selectivity here and calling me biased and yety you're oozing it just as much and trying to actively excuse it, especially now putting focus on the "you're making people feel bad on purpose". This is no different than being in the House of Commons, seriously.

2. No, he is literally just whinning and bashing so you are the one clearly trying to turn it into something different to fit your agenda.

He's taking issue with the deal being the main part here, the deal is what was made and he points out the effects of said deal and talked about platform loyalty along with other examples, not just "bashing" a non sentient piece of plastic made by a corp. You right now are trying to fit and skew things towards your own agenda, you chose to jump at me and call me one sided and biased nad yet here you are being one sided and biased, you have serious gall to imply you are completely and utterly unbiased (because you aren't with how you are being selective in the first place, you made that obvious flaw).

3. I consider bashing making fun of someone playing on a system they prefer or making fun of the system itself. It if far more common for the PC crowd to do this and you damn well know it. 

It's just as common from console folk doing it to one another and PC as well as mobiles and you damn well know that just as much, stop trying to skew things towards PC gamers being the end and cause of everything, you know damn well where that will leave us, I highly suggest you stop right there with such a notion.

4. I dislike bashing on any person or platform but I only see that from PC gamers the vast majority of the time. If someone was bashing PC like he was (saying it's shit and all games are unplayable on it) I would say the same thing. You're defending something that is just wrong plain and simple. Get it now?

You claim you don't and yet I don't see you upholding to it, even now you're being slective in saying" PC gamers cause this, they do that all the time, console players do it less", you are being one sided right now within this quote. I am defending the point of him diagreeing with the overal deal, the platform loyalty issue which is still a thing in the gaming industry, to claim it isn't is a pointless folly.


1.Stop taking the offended approach on the over and over again thing. I saw you doing it and I see you doing it all the time (multiple times just today) so you can drop the offended routine when it's true . I'm more surprised you have the gall to try and defend it by reversing it on me like I do it all the time like you do or something.

2. The whole thread is about those comments being hilarious because he is whinning and making fun of consoles not the deal itself. If you're trying to defend what he said in those twitter comments it's just to fit your own agenda because he is clearly whinning and bashing in all the comments. You are completely one sided and biased and I would bet money on you being very much so than me. I atleast have a gaming PC and have 18000 hours alone on World of Warcraft and am currently actively playing Guild wars 2 with over 100 games on Steam. The garbage you spew like if it isn't on your platform you won't play it obviously shows your true colors.

3. I never said console folks don't do it commonly to one another, I was talking about PC making fun of consoles and reverse. It's almost unfair how much PC fanboys bash consoles and the people who play them with that PCmasterrace crap and peasants stuff or making fun of any game if it isn't 60 fps because it's on a console but the opposite is very rare unless they were provoked first.  This notion is true no matter what you want to say. I was a PC fanboy first before I even got a PS3 or PS4 and as someone who cares about both sides I am very displeased with how the PC fanbase has acted and still acts.

4.Because they do, console gamers didn't start PCMASTERRACE/peasants or any of the other things I mentioned to make fun of PC. Where have you even seen me bash PC or complain about a game not coming to consoles/not announced for it like you do all the time? The fanbase is the worst part about the PC crowd like it or not. You're agreeing with him in the least offensive part but completely ignoring everything else he said that the whole thread was made for. 

It's very late for me so I'm going to bed real soon so we can continue this later if you still want to.


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Chazore said:

I;m not saying he shouldn't partner up, what I'm saying is it would be unfortunate if his partnership meant his work not being allowed to touch multiple systems, like ana rtist who's given a canvas to paint on but is told he can only show it to one meseum for the rest of his career which in all honesty isn't a good thing for absolutely everyone. Even when a deal appears to be a good one there are still flaws to be found within them.


But that one particular museum is the only one who appreciate his works and artstyles and also having the most visitors. So he pretty much belongs there.

Compared to the other museums where they prefer different themes and genres, his works may get abandoned and can pretty much destroying his passionate career besides getting less visitors who can appreciate his paintings.

You see, multiplatform is always good but not always better.


What the frakkin hell is going on here people?!

I like TB and his analogy is comical and funny, but I wouldn't take it seriously. It's nothing more than an opinion, and not even a great one at that.

1) this deal wasn't made over night. This has probably been in the works for a long time.

2) Kojima has stated in the past his preference for Sony consoles.

3) exclusives are a good thing as they are what helps define and differ one platform from another, including the PC.

4) No, PC versions are not the best version as it entirely depends on what PC set up you have. Unlike consoles PC's aren't constant, they are varied from PC to PC. Some can be absolutely shite compared to even the WiiU, which is the least powerful console.

5) like Bayonetta 2, this game may not have existed had it not been for Sony supporting Kojima. We have no idea the extent to which Sony has provided support. Unless Kojima had serious money stashed away to form a new studio overnight, by all the necessary equipment and hire a decent sized team of proven talent, he needed the money and probably turned to what he would consider his "friends " that he can trust / rely on in the industry. Just like laughing, disrespecting and undermining someone who has an illness, terminal or not, it is no less disrespectful and inmature to laugh and complain about someone who has clearly been through and hell and back working for Konami (he basically created an entire game around it, and having a hint of people rescuing him), and mocking the informed decision he has made.

BasilZero said:

"Platform loyalty is for suckers"

Have to agree with that.

Cant say the same for the rest though....

someone ask him this: compared to sony, how many games are nvidia or valve currently investing in? and maybe tell him that it's not the console loyals problem that some of these pc hardliners are either to cheap to buy 60+$ games or to spoiled to enjoy something not 60fps. as for me, i will always stick with supporting the most game investment friendly hardware manufacturer out there because in the end, hardware is nothing without software.

veritaz said:
Chazore said:


1.Stop taking the offended approach on the over and over again thing. I saw you doing it and I see you doing it all the time (multiple times just today) so you can drop the offended routine when it's true . I'm more surprised you have the gall to try and defend it by reversing it on me like I do it all the time like you do or something.

Same to you.

2. The whole thread is about those comments being hilarious because he is whinning and making fun of consoles not the deal itself. If you're trying to defend what he said in those twitter comments it's just to fit your own agenda because he is clearly whinning and bashing in all the comments. You are completely one sided and biased and I would bet money on you being very much so than me. I atleast have a gaming PC and have 18000 hours alone on World of Warcraft and am currently actively playing Guild wars 2 with over 100 games on Steam. The garbage you spew like if it isn't on your platform you won't play it obviously shows your true colors.

Except I've gaed on multiple platforms, hell I just gamed more the past 2 years slightly more on PC and yet I game on handhelds and even a tablet with a Wii U to be bought in jan, whatever you are trying to "prove" it's not what you think it is. Again you are just as one side on this and you refuse to see both ends. (but thanks for trying to call me garbage though, real class like).

3. I never said console folks don't do it commonly to one another, I was talking about PC making fun of consoles and reverse. It's almost unfair how much PC fanboys bash consoles and the people who play them with that PCmasterrace crap and peasants stuff or making fun of any game if it isn't 60 fps because it's on a console but the opposite is very rare unless they were provoked first.  This notion is true no matter what you want to say. I was a PC fanboy first before I even got a PS3 or PS4 and as someone who cares about both sides I am very displeased with how the PC fanbase has acted and still acts.

One sided as usual, nothing new there.

4.Because they do, console gamers didn't start PCMASTERRACE/peasants or any of the other things I mentioned to make fun of PC. Where have you even seen me bash PC or complain about a game not coming to consoles/not announced for it like you do all the time? The fanbase is the worst part about the PC crowd like it or not. You're agreeing with him in the least offensive part but completely ignoring everything else he said that the whole thread was made for. 

PCMR was started by a single man Yahtzee croshaw over on the Escapist years ago when he reviewed the first witcher game, the very concept of PCMR was made to take the piss out of PC players at the time, the very joke itslef is used to poke fun, hell I see console players donning themselves "console master race, Xbox MR, PS MS" around parts of the net, the joke has gone from being a joke to being twisted to suit peoples views (hell one PS user on ehre has "physical master race and he doesn't use it in jest, want to take up on that ebef while you're at it or are you going to excuse or make up some bs so you don't have to?).

Again you cite the PC crowd as the worst and yet that's entirely subjective and not remotely objective. Again you calling me one sided and yet you're doing the same, we are going round and round in complete circles just like I knew we would, all because you wanted to jump in and lay the smackdown, well sunny jim you'll likely never get it until you admit your own flaws, when you decide to disarm and refrain (like calling me garbage for one, no ened to insult to get your pointacross) I will do the same, if not then prepare for a never ending cycle with no end in sight.

It's very late for me so I'm going to bed real soon so we can continue this later if you still want to.

is that even a question?, it's unlikely to be a legit one since you're clearly going to reply to this quote and continue till the cows come home. Like I said before, you refrain and I refrain, it's a two way street.


Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Fei-Hung said:
What the frakkin hell is going on here people?!

I like TB and his analogy is comical and funny, but I wouldn't take it seriously. It's nothing more than an opinion, and not even a great one at that.

1) this deal wasn't made over night. This has probably been in the works for a long time.

2) Kojima has stated in the past his preference for Sony consoles.

3) exclusives are a good thing as they are what helps define and differ one platform from another, including the PC.

4) No, PC versions are not the best version as it entirely depends on what PC set up you have. Unlike consoles PC's aren't constant, they are varied from PC to PC. Some can be absolutely shite compared to even the WiiU, which is the least powerful console.

5) like Bayonetta 2, this game may not have existed had it not been for Sony supporting Kojima. We have no idea the extent to which Sony has provided support. Unless Kojima had serious money stashed away to form a new studio overnight, by all the necessary equipment and hire a decent sized team of proven talent, he needed the money and probably turned to what he would consider his "friends " that he can trust / rely on in the industry. Just like laughing, disrespecting and undermining someone who has an illness, terminal or not, it is no less disrespectful and inmature to laugh and complain about someone who has clearly been through and hell and back working for Konami (he basically created an entire game around it, and having a hint of people rescuing him), and mocking the informed decision he has made.

That last part, how is that remotely equel when one is going to continue living and the other is destined to die within a years time?, why did you try comparing the two even though they clearly are not equel, one worked hard, the other also worked hard to get where he is (he's not just some random youtuber, please reconize this) but is also going to die early on in his life, one will get to see their work through to the end, the other won't.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

drdante said:


But that one particular museum is the only one who appreciate his works and artstyles and also having the most visitors. So he pretty much belongs there.

Compared to the other museums where they prefer different themes and genres, his works may get abandoned and can pretty much destroying his passionate career besides getting less visitors who can appreciate his paintings.

You see, multiplatform is always good but not always better.

And yet what say you to the visitors of other museums?, are they worth nothing, not even an ounce of a single care?, is their money also worth nothing?.

Please confirm this to me, please tell me that PC, Xbox and Nintendo owners currency is completely and utterly worthless because one man is fabled to belong to a corp brand, please tell me this is true because if it isn't you are going to have to reword the "it belongs" because if you want to go firmly with that route then no one here has no room to ask for anything else in the future because "X franchise belongs on Y platform" and you know everyone here wants to play games they like or love on their plat of pref if they had the chance.

Being exclusive is also a double edged sword if you want to try making one uneven than the other.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

I don't get why people have to bring up his cancer here. Discuss his opinion folks. You are allowed to criticize the opinions of people even though their time left on earth may be short.

I doubt Kojima had anywhere close to the resources needed to create a AAA game without help from Sony, and Kojima is the kinda guy that needs a high budget for his games... And really, I'd rather Kojima made a AAA exclusive than a 6 million $ budget multiplat which wouldn't have been anywhere close to the scope and size of Kojimas previous games. And the game may be coming to other platforms down the line. So I don't see the problem here. Do people expect Sony to provide funding for Kojima without expecting anything in return? Or do they expect Kojima to make a low-budget indie?

So this thread becoming a cancer topic  :V :V lol

What a mess this turned out to be.

The game is ps4 exclusive and will be coming to pc. Deal with it.



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