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veritaz said:
Chazore said:


1.Stop taking the offended approach on the over and over again thing. I saw you doing it and I see you doing it all the time (multiple times just today) so you can drop the offended routine when it's true . I'm more surprised you have the gall to try and defend it by reversing it on me like I do it all the time like you do or something.

Same to you.

2. The whole thread is about those comments being hilarious because he is whinning and making fun of consoles not the deal itself. If you're trying to defend what he said in those twitter comments it's just to fit your own agenda because he is clearly whinning and bashing in all the comments. You are completely one sided and biased and I would bet money on you being very much so than me. I atleast have a gaming PC and have 18000 hours alone on World of Warcraft and am currently actively playing Guild wars 2 with over 100 games on Steam. The garbage you spew like if it isn't on your platform you won't play it obviously shows your true colors.

Except I've gaed on multiple platforms, hell I just gamed more the past 2 years slightly more on PC and yet I game on handhelds and even a tablet with a Wii U to be bought in jan, whatever you are trying to "prove" it's not what you think it is. Again you are just as one side on this and you refuse to see both ends. (but thanks for trying to call me garbage though, real class like).

3. I never said console folks don't do it commonly to one another, I was talking about PC making fun of consoles and reverse. It's almost unfair how much PC fanboys bash consoles and the people who play them with that PCmasterrace crap and peasants stuff or making fun of any game if it isn't 60 fps because it's on a console but the opposite is very rare unless they were provoked first.  This notion is true no matter what you want to say. I was a PC fanboy first before I even got a PS3 or PS4 and as someone who cares about both sides I am very displeased with how the PC fanbase has acted and still acts.

One sided as usual, nothing new there.

4.Because they do, console gamers didn't start PCMASTERRACE/peasants or any of the other things I mentioned to make fun of PC. Where have you even seen me bash PC or complain about a game not coming to consoles/not announced for it like you do all the time? The fanbase is the worst part about the PC crowd like it or not. You're agreeing with him in the least offensive part but completely ignoring everything else he said that the whole thread was made for. 

PCMR was started by a single man Yahtzee croshaw over on the Escapist years ago when he reviewed the first witcher game, the very concept of PCMR was made to take the piss out of PC players at the time, the very joke itslef is used to poke fun, hell I see console players donning themselves "console master race, Xbox MR, PS MS" around parts of the net, the joke has gone from being a joke to being twisted to suit peoples views (hell one PS user on ehre has "physical master race and he doesn't use it in jest, want to take up on that ebef while you're at it or are you going to excuse or make up some bs so you don't have to?).

Again you cite the PC crowd as the worst and yet that's entirely subjective and not remotely objective. Again you calling me one sided and yet you're doing the same, we are going round and round in complete circles just like I knew we would, all because you wanted to jump in and lay the smackdown, well sunny jim you'll likely never get it until you admit your own flaws, when you decide to disarm and refrain (like calling me garbage for one, no ened to insult to get your pointacross) I will do the same, if not then prepare for a never ending cycle with no end in sight.

It's very late for me so I'm going to bed real soon so we can continue this later if you still want to.

is that even a question?, it's unlikely to be a legit one since you're clearly going to reply to this quote and continue till the cows come home. Like I said before, you refrain and I refrain, it's a two way street.


Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"