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Chazore said:
Fei-Hung said:
What the frakkin hell is going on here people?!

I like TB and his analogy is comical and funny, but I wouldn't take it seriously. It's nothing more than an opinion, and not even a great one at that.

1) this deal wasn't made over night. This has probably been in the works for a long time.

2) Kojima has stated in the past his preference for Sony consoles.

3) exclusives are a good thing as they are what helps define and differ one platform from another, including the PC.

4) No, PC versions are not the best version as it entirely depends on what PC set up you have. Unlike consoles PC's aren't constant, they are varied from PC to PC. Some can be absolutely shite compared to even the WiiU, which is the least powerful console.

5) like Bayonetta 2, this game may not have existed had it not been for Sony supporting Kojima. We have no idea the extent to which Sony has provided support. Unless Kojima had serious money stashed away to form a new studio overnight, by all the necessary equipment and hire a decent sized team of proven talent, he needed the money and probably turned to what he would consider his "friends " that he can trust / rely on in the industry. Just like laughing, disrespecting and undermining someone who has an illness, terminal or not, it is no less disrespectful and inmature to laugh and complain about someone who has clearly been through and hell and back working for Konami (he basically created an entire game around it, and having a hint of people rescuing him), and mocking the informed decision he has made.

That last part, how is that remotely equel when one is going to continue living and the other is destined to die within a years time?, why did you try comparing the two even though they clearly are not equel, one worked hard, the other also worked hard to get where he is (he's not just some random youtuber, please reconize this) but is also going to die early on in his life, one will get to see their work through to the end, the other won't.


I'm not saying they are equal, I'm saying that both deserve respect for what they have been through. It's not a competition on pain and suffering, it's acknowledging different things people go through and allowing them to express themselves. Just because one person is worse off, it doesn't qualify that person to Mock another.