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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Do Gamers Hate On Everything That's In?

Cause games aren't the same as the actual sport. Fifa has been the same for a long time, as has NHL and NFL games. The players don't actually have the personalities of said players.
As for COD... That's a good question. I actually do really like Black Ops, it's probably my favorite COD game, that and WAW (I know I'm weird). But those are mostly because of the single player campaigns. I haven't played the most recent, just didn't have interest in it, probably because I didn't dig Ghosts.
Over all, I don't have much of an issue with what's "in" unless it gets overhyped for next to no reason, but of course that's personal opinion.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

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Ka-pi96 said:
From the responses in this thread I doubt many, if any, here have actually played a FIFA game.

As someone who has bought FIFA every year since 2003 I can assure you there are a lot of changes every year, a lot of additions, the game has got significantly better over the years and it really is worth buying every time.

Do the yearly changes deserve a $60 price tag tho? Thats the problem.

I doubt people would actually have a problem if Fifa would just release yearly patches to change up the teams etc. Or you know ROOSTER UPDATE $5! stuff.

You could argue that EA needs to buy licences for the stadiums and players YES but thats only in case when they make a new product. But they DONT NEED to do that at all.

They could just patch or update the thing and then they would just need to buy new licences for RANDOM SOCCER PLAYER because he transfered from Bayern Munich to Juventus Turin or whatever.

Everyone that is still in the same club/team as last year does not need to be "bought" again by EA.

Release a HUGE new Fifa game every 3, 4 or 5 years and everyone would be happy (minus EA because they cant  charge you $60 for $10 content obviously. Everyone knows that they love money because they sold the same game with rooster updates ONLY nothing else on Wii and Vita for years for full price!)

Another thing is I mean WHY do I need a rooster update? Give me a character editor like Internatiol SuperStar soccer did. I can get my Christiano Ronaldo or whatever that way if I want to. I dont need the official one. At least let me chose to get the rooster or just the game improvements xD

Depends what's getting hated on and who's doing the hating.

Games which get the most justifiable hate are undoubtable the annual shooter releases and sports games. I cant stand them.

I personally hate these these moronic and barely innate indie games like Five Fredddy's.

Because the shocking secret is those who often complain are the gaming iteration of hipsters.

It's because people jump on the bandwagon if everyone else is hating on something.

It's the same thing with people that like to post comments about Justin Bieber and make jokes, i'm more than positive none of them even care, they're just doing it because hating on him was the thing currently and they wanted to be a part of it.

It all has to do with bandwagon because people want to do the thing that is currently popular so they can try to fit in. It's sad really.

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If people played the last PES they'd know it's light years ahead of FIfa.

Because internet.
Doesn't help that we live in an industry that constantly pushed its luck and abuses its customers' trust, so that probably puts many of us on the defensive, and we'll direct that anger at just about anything we think threatens our happy gaming time.

Ka-pi96 said:
From the responses in this thread I doubt many, if any, here have actually played a FIFA game.

As someone who has bought FIFA every year since 2003 I can assure you there are a lot of changes every year, a lot of additions, the game has got significantly better over the years and it really is worth buying every time.

Regular player of FIFA since 95 here. The game had a renaissance at the start of last gen but the changes since then have not warranted yearly releases. Yearly roster releases for 15-20 bucks, with a major release every 2-3 years would be more than enough.

But that's just like my opinion man ;)

Mr.Playstation said:

Why is it that most gamers, hate  on everything that seems to be in at the moment. Such as people constantly say that Fifa ( One of the most popular sports games in the world ) is just updated teams and nothing else and then go on to brag about the fact that their last Fifa game was Fifa 11.


My last Fifa was Fifa 98 RTWC

As for the hate, I do think it's a mix of percieved stagnation on those series an the "It's Popular, So It Sucks" Trope

Edit: In the case of CoD (and most military shooters tbh) there's also the percieved gung-ho miltarism and the general depiction of different countries in these games tend to be either somewhat insulting or overly idealised, depending on the side.

I have a few theories. This has to do with hating things that are popular; not necessarily yearly releases:
-Don't want to associate with casual gamers.
-Popular things are seen more. People may get tired of seeing them around. Oversaturation.
-They could be jealous
-They may feel forced to like the popular things

#1 Amb-ass-ador