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Forums - Sony Discussion - Star Ocean 5 announced for PS4, PS3

ReimTime said:
Great news that it is in fact Star Ocean! I'm a little disappointed it's exclusive, even though it will not affect me directly.

Why would you be dissapointed, this means the game will be the best it can be without comprimises. All the developer effort will be going to the actual game with no redundant efforts to get it running on different setups.

Now the problem here is that this game isn't exclusive, it's cross-gen which is actually much worse than just cross-platform. On the other hand I guess that for games it doesn't really matter, which then actually makes it a dissapointment that is not on XBOX, because what's the point of making a game like this release only on PlayStation.

Sony should really stop with the pointless exclusives, this and Street Figther are useless as exclusives, and invest in exclusives that would actually benefit the game and not only stop the game from going to other Platforms. Games like a Next-Gen Dragon's Dogma or like Bloodborne are games that are actually great as exclusives.

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Imnus said:
ReimTime said:
Great news that it is in fact Star Ocean! I'm a little disappointed it's exclusive, even though it will not affect me directly.

Why would you be dissapointed, this means the game will be the best it can be without comprimises. All the developer effort will be going to the actual game with no redundant efforts to get it running on different setups.


Now the problem here is that this game isn't exclusive, it's cross-gen which is actually much worse than just cross-platform. On the other hand I guess that for games it doesn't really matter, which then actually makes it a dissapointment that is not on XBOX, because what's the point of making a game like this release only on PlayStation.


Sony should really stop with the pointless exclusives, this and Street Figther are useless as exclusives, and invest in exclusives that would actually benefit the game and not only stop the game from going to other Platforms. Games like a Next-Gen Dragon's Dogma or like Bloodborne are games that are actually great as exclusives.

I'm disappointed because I know people who wanted this game who will be unable to play it that's all. I also dislike cross gen titles; especially since this one will be released 2 1/2 (?) years after PS4's launch. But then again I'm a hypocrite because I own a PS3 and love that it still gets support haha

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Zekkyou said:
Materia-Blade said:

Again, the issue is him saying that the PS exclusivity is good when it isn't. It brings nothing extra to PS owners and stops other consoles owners from playing it.

For a PlayStation fan that wants to see the brand continue to thrive, it being exclusive is a 'good' thing. That added incentive for others to need to buy a PlayStation console is the cherry in that context.

As i said in my last post, the term can be used contextually (or i suppose more accurately in this instance, subjectively). Other people's stance on the issue has absolutely no bearing on what should or shouldn't be considered a 'cherry on the top' to daredevil.shark. If he feels it is one, then to him it is.

exclusivity won't make a brand thrive. if anything, it's limiting it's potential by not letting others access it.

This generation is feeling very familiar...

Materia-Blade said:
Zekkyou said:

For a PlayStation fan that wants to see the brand continue to thrive, it being exclusive is a 'good' thing. That added incentive for others to need to buy a PlayStation console is the cherry in that context.

As i said in my last post, the term can be used contextually (or i suppose more accurately in this instance, subjectively). Other people's stance on the issue has absolutely no bearing on what should or shouldn't be considered a 'cherry on the top' to daredevil.shark. If he feels it is one, then to him it is.

exclusivity won't make a brand thrive. if anything, it's limiting it's potential by not letting others access it.

JRPG's and other genres with limited popularity, always perform better when theyre exclusive and linked to Console manufacturer. 

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Ka-pi96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Mad55 said:

Lol no one forced you. 

OVerall this game shuld be on the xbox oe as well. People complain that jrpgs don't sell as well on microsoft cosoles but alot of japanese devs aren't taking the time to invest in making an audience on other platforms besides the safe bet. Star ocean sold nice on the 360 because there is an audience for those types of games on Microsoft systems. I mean tre relasing the big budget ones on xbox one and not the smallr ones that would require less work porting, wtf lol. 

Which at the time, came from the PS2. (Imo)

You're not wrong. I was one of those PS2 to Xbox 360 guys that bought all the JRPGs on 360 last gen

:P makes sense.

gooch_destroyer said:
Mad55 said:

Lol no one forced you. 

OVerall this game shuld be on the xbox oe as well. People complain that jrpgs don't sell as well on microsoft cosoles but alot of japanese devs aren't taking the time to invest in making an audience on other platforms besides the safe bet. Star ocean sold nice on the 360 because there is an audience for those types of games on Microsoft systems. I mean tre relasing the big budget ones on xbox one and not the smallr ones that would require less work porting, wtf lol. 

Which at the time, came from the PS2. (Imo)

To an extent, but still there were oiginal xbox owners who wanted some jrpgs on that system. Theres xbox one owners who want jrpgs. Theres xbox one owners who want more jrpgs. 

Xxain said:
Materia-Blade said:

exclusivity won't make a brand thrive. if anything, it's limiting it's potential by not letting others access it.

JRPG's and other genres with limited popularity, always perform better when theyre exclusive and linked to Console manufacturer. 

I don't think so. any examples?

Materia-Blade said:

exclusivity won't make a brand thrive. if anything, it's limiting it's potential by not letting others access it.

I'm talking about the console brand :p SO5 being a PlayStation exclusive benefits PlayStation, since anyone that wants the game will have to buy one. If someone is a fan of a brand and wants to see it thrive/thrive more (thus potentially providing more benefits to them as a fan of that brand), exclusives are a good thing.

Another potential 'cherry' is that having less versions to worry about means they can focus more on what's left (an argument you made in regards to BLOPS3 a few days ago). Without the standard negative of losing potential sales (since that would have been covered in the exclusivity deal), that can become another benefit.

Materia-Blade said:
Xxain said:

JRPG's and other genres with limited popularity, always perform better when theyre exclusive and linked to Console manufacturer. 

I don't think so. any examples?

Tales of is a great example! Series has done better where it matters to Namco. That's why there's been 6 Playstation console exclusive Tales games.

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Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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