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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 150+ Things Wrong with Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow (Work in Progress)

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You can only get one eevee in the game. But he has three possible evolutions and you can't breed in Gen 1.

You can only get porygon by winning/buying 9999 fucking coins at the game corner.

You can't catch mew without exploiting a glith.

Your reward for completing the pokedex is a stupid diploma.

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theRepublic said:
Mythmaker1 said:

As someone who actually was dumb enough to get stuck there on their first time through, that stupid enclosed area on Route 25 with the TM inside. Idiotic, granted, but the fact it's even possible is ridiculous.

I never heard of this.  How does that happen?

There's an item on Route 25 that you can get one of two ways: use "Cut" to open a path (which you can't get until later), or battle the trainer guarding it so he moves out of the way. However, if you battle the trainer, and then reset your game, he moves back to his original spot, trapping you inside. Unless you have an Abra to Teleport, there's no way out. Game Over.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

Mythmaker1 said:
theRepublic said:

I never heard of this.  How does that happen?

There's an item on Route 25 that you can get one of two ways: use "Cut" to open a path (which you can't get until later), or battle the trainer guarding it so he moves out of the way. However, if you battle the trainer, and then reset your game, he moves back to his original spot, trapping you inside. Unless you have an Abra to Teleport, there's no way out. Game Over.

I see.  You saved in there and turned off the game.  Then when you came back to it, you were stuck.  That sucks.  I was just lucky that I only really ever saved after healing at a Poke Center.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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The glaring fact Venonat should be Butterfree's pre-evo

Materia-Blade said:

You can only get one eevee in the game. But he has three possible evolutions and you can't breed in Gen 1.

You can only get porygon by winning/buying 9999 fucking coins at the game corner.

You can't catch mew without exploiting a glith.

Your reward for completing the pokedex is a stupid diploma.

Maybe I'm wrong but isnt Porygon super expensive in Blue but for some unknown reason a lot cheaper in Red? 

Around the Network
StarOcean said:
Materia-Blade said:

You can only get one eevee in the game. But he has three possible evolutions and you can't breed in Gen 1.

You can only get porygon by winning/buying 9999 fucking coins at the game corner.

You can't catch mew without exploiting a glith.

Your reward for completing the pokedex is a stupid diploma.

Maybe I'm wrong but isnt Porygon super expensive in Blue but for some unknown reason a lot cheaper in Red? 

I only played yellow, so it's 9999 coins for me.

Ka-pi96 said:
JWeinCom said:

Mom takes all of her parenting advice from the TV.

Hypno lures children away during the night. What does he do with them? That's better left unanswered. Seriously, every trainer should stop the gym BS right now, and put a stop to this Hypno epidemic once and for all.

Isn't that what all good parents do?

As for Hypno... I recently saw a pic of what he could be doing with those children... I won't share it though since I don't want to be permabanned

StarOcean said:
Materia-Blade said:

You can only get one eevee in the game. But he has three possible evolutions and you can't breed in Gen 1.

You can only get porygon by winning/buying 9999 fucking coins at the game corner.

You can't catch mew without exploiting a glith.

Your reward for completing the pokedex is a stupid diploma.

Maybe I'm wrong but isnt Porygon super expensive in Blue but for some unknown reason a lot cheaper in Red? 

I believe it was the other way around...

Have a nice day...

Tagged. Want to read the full list.

Seemingly Gamefreak needed some time to get most things right. Which is understandable.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

I agree with most of this list.. Gen 2 and Gen 3 are much better than Gen 1!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---