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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo MCC, AC Unity or DriveClub. Which was the biggest mess?


Biggest mess?

Halo Master Chief Collection 199 48.30%
Assassin's Creed Unity 134 32.52%
DriveClub 77 18.69%

Is Halo still not working?

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I'm gonna go with MCC. Not necessarily because it's mess was worse, but because it's the franchise with the strongest and most venerable legacy, and Halo IS Xbox. As a celebration of the whole history of Halo all stops should have been pulled out to make sure the collection launched without a hitch.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix


Is Halo still not working?

It is sadly not working.  343 planned on putting out a beta test to select XB1 owners for their latest patch on the game, but they realized that this would only delay the availability of the patch to the public.  So 343 decided to test the patch internally and have yet to disclose when this patch will be released.

Halo MCC

Still has online issues, and single player had issues as well. Unity and Driveclub didn't have both online and offline problems as far as I know. And Halo MCC was all ported content, so should have been easier to get right than a new game.

FloatingWaffles said:
I haven't played either three games, but it wasn't Unity.

People exaggerate about how Unity was. Most people would want you to believe that the game was completely broken and unplayable but in all honestly it just didn't have too good of a framerate. I read many posts online from people when Unity launched that BEAT the game and enjoyed it, despite the framerate issues.

I don't understand how Halo: MCC was so glitchy either. It's not like it was a completely new game, it was 4 of the previously released games put onto one disk. I'm not a technical expert by any means and i'm sure there's more to it than that considering the amount of content on the disc but still, I never would have expected it to have that much glitches or issues. Especially considering this is apparently going months still after launch?

About Driveclub as well once again I haven't played it but I heard it was similar to Halo where it just had a lot of issues and glitches.

I would probably say Halo though considering Halo is a hugely known franchise and that the collection was the Xbox One's big game for the holiday. Driveclub at least is a new IP so it has no existing fanbase prior to its release.

Thank you!

Unity is not a broken game. It's a buggy game with a poor framerate. IT IS A VERY VERY LONG WAY FROM BROKEN. It's not the best AC game ever and it's not the most smooth game ever, but the broken bandwagon is complete nonsese

UNLESS we're talking about PC, because then we have a lot more game to discuss

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NobleTeam360 said:
stpaulmagic said:
Halo no question, i have given up even trying to find games anymore, its just way to frustrating. If halo 5 has even one fucking hiccup im selling my xbone and switching to playstation. Seriously halo is the only reason i got a xbox, now its just a really expensive dust collector.

Well I agree Halo is the main reason I bought my Xbox too, and I'd probably sell my Xbox One if Halo 5 ended up being trash ass most of MS's 1st party is rather lack luster or I can just play it on a PC. 

I doubt Halo 5 will have the same problems the beta work fine after all.


Proud to be a Californian.

Not quite sure what this threads getting at. Two of those games are crap, while the other, might be a bit broken, but its by far the most accomplished of the lot. Yeah, I'm talking about the one with over 100 maps. Great game, been finding games regularly for the past month.

How are the PS+ users finding Driveclub....oh wait....

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foodfather said:
Not quite sure what this threads getting at. Two of those games are crap, while the other, might be a bit broken, but its by far the most accomplished of the lot. Yeah, I'm talking about the one with over 100 maps. Great game, been finding games regularly for the past month.

How are the PS+ users finding Driveclub....oh wait....



-Mr Khan

Proud to be a Californian.