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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo MCC, AC Unity or DriveClub. Which was the biggest mess?


Biggest mess?

Halo Master Chief Collection 199 48.30%
Assassin's Creed Unity 134 32.52%
DriveClub 77 18.69%

Well, at least everyone's being transparent here lol. I'm gonna have to say the next Gears of War though. So broken that it hasn't even released yet.



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I'll go with MCC simply because it still has problems from what I hear.

MCC because it's still having issues. Seriously, it's unacceptable at this point.

i thought unity was the worst one, what are the problems with MCC? i mean i know its online but is it the net-code?¨servers? whats the problem that they haven't fixed yet?

estebxx said:
i thought unity was the worst one, what are the problems with MCC? i mean i know its online but is it the net-code?¨servers? whats the problem that they haven't fixed yet?

The problem is they released it to early to have something to fight the ps4 over the holidays, so its incoplete and no amount of patches will ever fix that.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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I vote for AC Unity ...

Edit: Just so anyone knows I'm not in the hate train like any angry gaming mob who has no rights to hate a game ... 

starcraft said:
How is this even a debate?

The Playstation plus edition of Driveclub still hasn't been released.

That car crash is still going.

Because the three aren't entirely comparable?

ACU was released as an unstable buggy mess, and while it has been patched several times, it has still yet to reach the standards people should expect from a AAA title. Let's not even get started on the micro transactions.

MCC was the biggest exclusive of the holiday season, and released without a functioning version of what was arguable its biggest selling point. It's now February and they've still yet to fully fix the issues. Other aspects of the game (such as the split screen) also released in an unstable state.

DC released with the same online issues as the MCC, but has since fixed these issues and is now fully playable. They haven't however yet upheld their pre-launch promise to release a free PS+ edition. It's been 4 months and we still have no word on a release date.

I'd say there's plenty of room for debate in which of these has been the biggest fuck up. I'm personally leaning towards either DC or MCC, but it's hard to ignore how big a development failure ACU was.

imo Unity was the worse cause MCC and DC at least had single player working(mostly).Unity was a broken mess.

to me:
1- Unity
2- MCC
3- DC

MCC is second for 2 reasons:
1- it's an old and most important ip MS have.This game was supposed to be a fanservice for the fans.
2- It is still broken.

Driveclub was horrible in the beginning (no meteo, online bugged, no sound, not enough content, etc...), but now it's a good game, and it work perfectly.
AC5 was a joke, but Ubi tried to change that, now it's not too bad.

Halo Mcc is a pure joke, 3 months after the release, the game still got lot of problems online...

Halo Mcc is the worst, easily.

Fusioncode said:
starcraft said:
How is this even a debate?

The Playstation plus edition of Driveclub still hasn't been released.

That car crash is still going.

Considering that MCC still hasn't been properly fixed I'd say that car crash is still going as well. 

Overall I would say Unity is the biggest mess. 

Not to any great extent. Single player is certainly sorted. As is multiplayer for the most part.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS