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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I want Sony exclusives on PC!

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What do you think?

Please Sony, do it! 47 20.17%
Please Sony, don't do it! 62 26.61%
Please Anfebious go to hell! <3 124 53.22%

Doubt Sony would allow that. It would be their biggest screw-up since they're not giving anyone a reason to buy a PS4.

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I doubt this will ever happen as long as sony still makes PlayStation consoles...not counting SOE.

Roma said:
yeah TLG would look amazing on PC!

Sony would be making a lot of money that they desperately need to stay afloat

It would, here's a 4K screenshot:









Only Microsoft does what Sony don't. Lets keep it that way.

Exclusives are only really made by first party these days and releasing them on PC only devalues the console i think

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

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LemonSlice said:
Roma said:
yeah TLG would look amazing on PC!

Sony would be making a lot of money that they desperately need to stay afloat

It would, here's a 4K screenshot:









Meh... Looks kinda disappointing to be honest! It looks the same as the 1080p screenshot! :-/

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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Mystro-Sama said:
It's not about you getting to play the games. It's about them trying to sell their consoles. One less exclusive is one less reason to buy the system.

Sorry but it's never going to happen.

this is the reason why i sold my X1 this week, the game i played most there was Titanfall, bought it for the pc not only does it look better, run better, but i dont have to pay for Xbox live to play it.  oh btw sold the X1 to get a upgrade to my pc, needed a new video card mine was about 5 years old.

blessedswine said:
Mystro-Sama said:
It's not about you getting to play the games. It's about them trying to sell their consoles. One less exclusive is one less reason to buy the system.

Sorry but it's never going to happen.

this is the reason why i sold my X1 this week, the game i played most there was Titanfall, bought it for the pc not only does it look better, run better, but i dont have to pay for Xbox live to play it.  oh btw sold the X1 to get a upgrade to my pc, needed a new video card mine was about 5 years old.

Smart move.

AZWification said:

Meh... Looks kinda disappointing to be honest! It looks the same as the 1080p screenshot! :-/

But you can clearly see that the vapor is more detailed.

The industry needs to be more cost effective, ie more effect budgets to lower retail prices, before PC and mobile can support it without consoles, Till then, any move like this that devalues console is insane. It'll crash the market and all we'll have is mobile games

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

You can play Crash on PC :P